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36 Cards in this Set

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What is level 1 research?
descriptions of characteristics
What is level II research?
Relationships among or between variables.
What is level III research?
cause and effect
What is level IV research?
randomized clinical trials
What are the 4 levels of research?
1. description of characteristics
2. relationships among or between variables.
3. cause and effect
4. randomized clinical trials.
How does a clinician use level I research, description of characteristics?
Level 1 research expands the usual assessment parameters but does not guide interventions or treatments.
What type of research is conducted in level i research?
Either qualitative phenomenology or quantitative surveys with nonparametric statistics.
How does a clinician use level II research?
The clinician may suggest a change of behavior, but level II research does not guide methods of behavior change nor do they explain how a change of behavior will be effective.
What are the two experimental designs used to guide level III research?
1. True experimental design.
2. Quasi-experimental design.
What is the purpose of level III research?
to discover the mechanistic/causal relationship between variables. uses a hypothesis.
Define True Experimental Design.
Provides the maximum amount of control. Is characterized by random selection and manipulation of independent or causal variable.
Define quasi-experimental design.
It is the same as true experimental design except that participants are not randomly selected. This is due to the fact that one cannot, for example, recruit people to contract a particular disease for research purposes.
How is level III research of importance to clinicians?
Level III research provides confidence in the prediction of outcomes.
What does level IV research test/demonstrate?
The effectiveness of an intervention.
How is a level IV research study designed? What are its defining features?
Randomized selection, randomized assignment, placebo, double-blind, clinical trial.
How does a clinician use Level IV research?
to predict the effectiveness of a particular treatment.
What is the purpose of primary care?
Encourage wellness, prevent illness, treat chronic disease, and provide palliative care.
What is holistic care?
Holistic care recognizes and incorporates, biologic, psychologic, sociologic, and spiritual dimensions to care.
What strategies can enhance the patient-provider interactions?
Focus on patient, quiet room, complete history, physical, address client concerns.
What must be considered when using an interpreter?
Best to use medical interpreter.
Telephone interpreters.
Depending on state laws, bilingual staff may or may not be able to interpret.
Face the patient, not the interpreter.
Tell interpreter to translate everything that is said.
Review general topic with interpreter.
An individual's right to make health care decisions unless deemed incompetent.
Treat all persons with respect and address their health care needs.
Mandates that health care providers honor their commitments.
Tell the truth and not be deceptive.
Do no harm
Provision of benefits and a balancing of harms and benefits; requires choice of positive action
Respect for privileged information
What is the first principle of the Nuremberg code?
Voluntary consent
What is the role of an institutional review board (IRV) in research?
Review and oversight of proposed research. Review research protocols and protect human subjects.
Principles of the Nuremberg Code.
1. benefits of research to society.
2. study design and basis in natural history of the a disease.
3. avoidance of physical harm.
4. patient may choose to end research at any time.
5. research is conducted by scientifically qualified persons.
6. degree of experimental risk should not exceed humanitarian importance of problem.
7. researcher must stop research if untoward effects related to experiment occur.
The ability of individuals to obtain, process, and understand basic information and services needed to make appropriate health decisions.
Health Literacy
What are the three AskMe3 questions?
1. What is my main problem?
2. What do I need to do?
3. Why is it important for me to do this?
What is AskMe3?
A resource which helps patients communicate more effectively with providers.
What resources are offered on the ASkMe3 website?
bilingual training materials in English and Spanish. Ideas for making practices more user friendly in for patients with inadequate health literacy.
What are some measures to reduce barriers in health literacy?
1. Screen for health literacy.
2. Provide education at appropriate reading levels.
3. Use pictographs and symbols.
4. Use the talk-back method.
5. Address the patient's main problem, what they need to do, and why (the importance) they need to do it.