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128 Cards in this Set

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cyclic bleeding (menstrual type), chocolate cysts
presents as severe menstrual related pain
often results in infertility
DM most imp monthly care?
foot inspection
calcium dep transmembrane protein participates in desmosome formation via interaction with other cadherins
tyrosine kinase receptor
euphoria, psychomotor agitation, impiared judgment, tachycardia, pupillary dilatation, hallucinations (including tactile), sudden cardiac death
cocaine abuse
temporal lobe encephalitis
PTSD vs acute stress disorder
length of time
PTSD >1mo
hypersensitivity vasculitis is
leukocytoclastic vasculitis
germinal matrix bleed
common seen in low birth weight premature infants
anchors receptor carboxyl tails to plasma membrane
bronze diabetes
rouleaux formation
multiple myeloma
thalassemia is what type of anemia?
sertoli cells produce
androgen binding protein
PAF signals
ischemic colitis associated with?
cardiovascular disease
bile salts can act as microbicidal emulsifying agent
disrupts outer membrane in G- enteric bacilli
lactulose treats
hepatic encephalopathy (acidifies GI)
peripheral artery disease in DM
thin skin, calf claudication
anemia induced cardiac compromise needs initial treatment with?
blood transfusion
then address underlying problem
unmyelinated nerve fibers
autonomic postganglionic
what part of MHC protein removed during Ag processing?
invariant chain
MC defect in beta oxidation (fasting hypoglycemia+hypoketosis)
medium chain acyl coA dehydrogenase deficiency
teardrop cell
myeloid metaplasia
high potency antipsychotics
"Hal Tried to Fly Flu"
(neurologic SE)
low potency antipsychotics
thioridazine, chlorpromazine
(non neuro SE)
ebstein's anomaly
tricuspid valve displaced toward apex of RV

increased risk for women taking lithium in first trimester
coronary steal
collateral microvessels dilated and steals O2 from coronaries, worsens ischemia
E. coli K-1 Ag
neonatal meningitis
MCC death for DM
strongest risk factor for osteoporosis
>3 mo consumption fenfluramine/phentermine?
increased risk pulm HTN, cor pulmonale
bupropion SE
stimulant effects (tachycardia, insomnia), headache, SEIZURES IN BULEMICS
no sexual SE
MC bacterial arthritis?
N. gonorrhoeae
enterotoxin A, cytotoxin B
sigmoidoscopy reveals yellow/white plaques
C. difficile
suspensory ligament contains
ovarian vessels

connects ovaries to lateral pelvic wall
transverse (cardinal) ligament contains
uterine vessels
connects cervix to side wall of pelvis
round ligament of uterus contains
connects uterus to labia majora through inguinal canal
broad ligament contains
ovaries, fallopian tubes, and round ligaments of uterus

connects uterus, fallopian tubes/ovaries to pelvic side wall
ligament of ovary
connects ovary to uterus
normal QRS, absent P waves, where is cardiac pacemaker?
AV node
ACE inh induced angioedema
acanthosis nigricans indicates
benign--insulin resistance
malignant--GI/GU neoplasia
bioavailability indicates
absorption NOT Vd
Vd can be decreased by
increase MW
increase charge
increase hydrophobiicity
increased binding to albumin

all trap drug in plasma compartment
FA oxidation inhibition
shifts E production to glucose oxidation resulting in O2 efficiency

decreased O2 demand, decreased FA metabolite production
HbS mutation
glutamic acid to valine (point mutation)
promotes hydrophobic interaction among Hb molecules, polymerizes HbS
strawberry juvenile hemangioma growth pattern?
first increases in size then decreases
anal fissure location
below dentate line, posterior midline
first line Tx HF + previous MI?
ACE inhibitor
blocks remodeling of heart
also beta blocker is useful
path of AAA
intimal fatty streaks (atherosclerosis)
mycoplasma pneumoniae protein
surface P1 protein similar to RBC Ag (cold agglutinins)
clearance via IgA, IgG
integrins interact with ECM via binding collagen, fibronectin, laminin
clara cell function
protect bronchiolar epithelium
secrete clara cell secretory protein
detox via P450
mt inheritance pattern diseases?
leber optic neuropathy
myoclonic epilepsy with red ragged fibers
MCAD def
hypoglycemia + hypoketonemia
skeletal muscle carnitine def
weakness following exercise, increased muscle TG, hypoketonemia
I-131 thearpy inhibited by?
anion inhibitors (perchlorate, pertechnetate) block iodide absorption by thyroid via competitive inhibition
increased CD4
increased CD4:8 in broncholavage
N. meningitides vaccine made of
capsular polysaccharide
INH half life depends on
where is area postrema (CTZ) located?
dorsal medulla near 4th ventricle
how to treat manic episode?
mood stabilizer:
lithium (monitor TSH)
valproic acid (liver transaminases)
how to differentiate from primary vs psychogenic DI?
DI does not have change in urine osm when deprived of water
marfan defect
fibrillin 1 component of microfibrils (forms sheath around elastin fiber)
lithium tox can occur when administered with
NSAID, thiazides
cause of aseptic meningitis
enteroviruses (coxsackie, ECHO)
normal changes in heart
sigmoid shape septum
chronic mesenteric ischemic result of
pyrazinamide requires what to be active drug
acidic environment
rhomboid crystals
calcium pyrophosphate
treatment for homocysteinuria?
N myc is what kind of protein
transcription factor
k-RAS is what kind of protein
G protein, cell signaling
pancreatic CA
young child with ARF (oliguria) + thrombocytopenia + microangiopathic hemolytic anemia
stab wound into chest at L 12th rib
L lung injury
transamination reactions require what
cross sectional study can measure
disease prevalence
no implications toward causality
slows diastolic depolarization
finasteride treats
BPH and baldness
orthopnea indication of
L sided HF
what kinds of proteins processed through RER vs free ribosomes?
RER--secretory proteins
free ribosomes--cytosolic proteins
DKA+black eschar+facial pain+headache
need histology/mucus sample to diagnose
decreases cholesterol synthesis in liver
increases cholesterol use to make more bile acids
stop codons recognized by
releasing factors
NOT empty tRNA
structural analog of pyrophosphate (part of hydroxyapatite)
nitrogen atoms in urea molecule from
NH3 + aspartate (urea cycle)
N acetyl glutamate promotes what enzyme in urea cycle?
carbamoyl phosphate synthetase I
DCC--final step of transformation toward CA
APC--emergence of small polyps, sporadic colon CA, found in all familial polyposis syndromes
what organ has highest O2 demand in body?
what location has lowest O2 requirement?
coronary sinus
eosinophils produce what type of protein to protect from helminths?
major basic protein--anti helminthic toxin damages epithelial and endothelial cells
C peptide
packaged in secretory granules with insulin
contact dermatitis
CF defect
protein folding and glycosylation
degraded before reaching cell surface
neonate with HBV from mother
increased risk chronic infection
increased HBV replication
mild hepatic injury
what sugar has highest rate metabolism in glycolysis?
actin filaments are anchored to
Z lines
flutamide MOA
nonsteroidal competitive inh of androgens at testosterone R

for prostate CA
rabies vaccine
killed vaccine
toxic megacolon
maternity blues
self limited, watchful waiting
dont immediately Rx antidepressants
lipid A
toxic component of LPS (not actively secreted)
FFA and TG
increases insulin resistance in overweight people
L kidney location
immediately deep to tip of 12th rib
envelope of this virus derived from nuclear membrane (vs plasma membrane)
loss of follow up for prospective studies causes what type bias
selection bias
vitamin B6 interaction with parkinson's drug
increases peripheral metabolism levodopa
tyrosine kinase activates
MAP-kinase, RAS phosphorylation, EGF/PDGF/FGF pathway
JAK-STAT pathway
GH, prolactin, IL-2
disease progression of mutations in developing colon CA
normal to small polyp (APC mut)
smal polyp to increased size (k-ras mut)
increased size to malig (p53, DCC mut)
how do osteocytes communicate in children?
gap junction
skin infection without pus formation
delayed umbilical detachment, poor wound healing
LAD-1 def
rate of binding of cardiac antiarrhythmics
acute necrotizing pancreatitis caused by
trypsin activation
causes of hepatic encephalopathy?
GI bleed
MC symptom after VZV reactivation
postherpetic neuralgia (pain)
long QT syndrome can be associated with
neurosensory deafness
don't use chlorpheniramine with
persistent, nonbizarre belief system lasting >1 mo
functioning otherwise not impaired, self limited
delusional disorder
absolute risk reduction?
prob even rate (control) - prob event rate (treatment)
RBC casts + proteinuria (<1 g/d)
nephritic syndrome
glomangioma (often found under fingernails)
thermoregulatory system affected
prevent tetanus in newborn?
vaccinate mother during pregnancy to passively administer Abs across placenta
Hep B "ground class" appearance
finely granular eosinophilic appearance
tamoxifen SE
increased risk endometrial CA
thromboembolic disease
(helps with osteoporosis)
what drug decreases formation of FAP?
COX-2 inhibitors approved by FDA for FAP