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20 Cards in this Set

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what did Freud believe?
that our personality is determined by events that happen in the first 6 years of life. irrational forces, unconscious motivation, and biological and instinctual drive determine behavior
What is central to Freud's approach?
what is libido?
the energy of all of life's instincts. Serves the purpose of the survival of the individual and the human race.
What does Freud see as the goal of much of life?
avoiding pain and gaining pleasure
what is a death instinct?
explanation for aggressive drive. managing this is a major challenge to the human race.
What is "id"?
Pleasure principle. at birth we are all id. illogical, amoral and instinctual. bratty-never matures. does not think but only wishes or acts.
what is "ego"
ruled by reality principle. connects the external world. governs and regulates personality. controls irrational impulses of the id. logical thinking and formulates plans of action.
what is "superego?"
person's moral code. right/wrong: good/bad. represents the ideal rather than the real. strives not for pleasure but for perfection.
how do unconscious desires surface?
slip of the tongue, forgetting an important name, symbols, projection techniques, posthypnotic suggestion
what is anxiety?
a feeling of dread. tenseness that motives us to act. warms of impending doom. conflict between id/ego/superego
What are the 3 kinds of anxiety?
reality-fear of external world
neurotic-fear of id getting out of control
morality-fear of doing something against your moral code
Name the 3 stages or early development
oral, anal, phallic
What did Erikson believe?
psychosocial and psychosexual development occur together through an individual's entire life span. at each stage we find an equilibrium. crisis is a turning point where we move forward or regress
What did Erikson emphasize?
the strength of social factors on psychoanalysis. he didn't think Freud factored in social influences enough and didn't develop the ego thoroughly
What is the therapist's role in psychoanalysis?
blank slate, allows projection, foster transferrence, deal w/anxiety, gain control over irrational and impulsive behavior
what is interpretation?
how the therapists puts pieces of the client's puzzle together.
what is countertransference?
objectivity is lost. therapists own conflicts and unresolved issues are triggered. Total emotional response to client.
What is the client's experience in psychoanalysis?
long term, free association, lays on couch and says whatever comes to mind. agree to talk-no change in lifestyle.
how is the psychodynamic therapy different from psychoanalysis?
therapist is more forthcoming
less use of the couch
fewer sessions each week
more practical concerns than fantasy
what are the 6 basic techniques of psychoanalysis?
Analytic framework-consistency with therapy
free association-key-say whatever comes to mind
dream analysis
analysis of resistance
analysis of transference