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154 Cards in this Set

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Difference between introduced species and invasive species
Invasive species cause harm
Difference in extinction rate between freshwater and terrestrial fauna in North America
Extinction rate of freshwater fauna is five times faster than terrestrial fauna
Term for the ecosystem of a lake
Lentic ecosystem
3 geological types of lakes (depression in bedrock)
Glacial scour

Volcanic - Crater lakes

Tectonic - Rift lakes
Characteristics of geologically formed lakes
Often large and deep
2 types of lakes formed by depressions in sediment
Glacial sediments (e.g. Lake district tams)

Fluvial sediments (e.g. Oxbow lakes)
Characteristics of lakes formed by depressions in sediment
Short lived and shallow
Formation of barrier lakes
Lakes formed by land slides, lava flows, ice barriers and glacial moraine
3 Lake thermal stratifications

Metalimnion (thermocline)

Determinants of thermocline depth
Wave size (transfer of heat)

Water clarity (depth of penetration)

Duration of calm conditions (heating time)
Monomictic lake
Single period of stratification and mixing (warm temperate)
Polymictic lake
Stratified by day, mixed at night (shallow tropical)
Oligomictic lake
Stable statification, rare mixing by storms (Deep tropical)
Oscillation of water in a lake
Littoral zone
Part of a sea, lake or river that is close to the shore
Dimictic lake
A lake that mixes from top to bottom during two mixing periods each year
Characteristics of rivers which decrease as you move downstream
Gradient: Steep > Level

Turbulence: Turbulent > Smooth

Substrate size: Rock > gravel > sand > Silt

Less erosion of new material
3 River zones
Erosion zone

Sediment transport zone

Sediment deposition zone
Characteristics of a river erosive zone
Steep slope

Large substrate

Turbulent flow
Characteristics of a river sediment transport zone
Reduced gradient

Deposition balanced by erosion

Gravel and sand substrate

Smoother flow
Characteristics of a river sediment deposition zone
Sediment deposited

Little erosion of new material

Silty substrate
Characteristics of a river riffle

(riffle-pool sequence)
Fast flow,


large substrate,

steep gradient
Characteristics of a river pool

(riffle-pool sequence)
Slow flow


finer substrate

Lower gradient
Characteristic taxa of a riffle

(riffle-pool sequence)
Ephemeroptera (Mayflies)

Plecoptera (stoneflies)

Simulidae (black fly)
Characteristic taxa of a pool

(riffle-pool sequence)
Odonata (dragonflies/damselflies)

Diptera (Flies)

Coleoptera (Beetles)
River flood refugia
Flood plain (out)

Hyporheic zone (down)

Within channel (stay and hide)
Nitrate Ion
Nitrite Ion
Biological nitrogen fixation formula
Organisms capable of nitrogen fixation
Free living bacteria

Symbiotic bacteria in legumes/clover

Enzyme involved in nitrogen fixation
Important nitrogenase cofactors

Environment where Nitrogen fixation takes place and why
Nitrogen fixation occurs in specialised cells or anaerobic microzones

- Nitrogen fixation is inhibited by Oxygen
Why N fixation is limited in a marine compared to a freshwater environment
Competition between sulphate and molybdate inhibits Mo uptake
Ideal Nitrogen/Phosphorus ratio
Nutrient conditions of a freshwater system where cyanobacteria are favoured over green algae
Nitrogen/Phosphorus ratio <16

(Nitrogen limited)
Nitrification formula
Conditions which inhibit nitrification
Low O2

Low pH (nitrification creates H+)
Examples of Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen (DIN)
NO3- (Nitrate)

NO2- (Nitrite)

NH4+ (Ammonium)
Example of Dissolved Organic Nitrogen (DON)
Amino Acids
Denitrification formula
Inhibitor of denitrification
Ammonification formula
Organic matter (urine, faeces, dead organisms) --> NH3
Over-fertilization of lakes with nutrients and the changes that occur as a result
Primary producers in lotic (flowing) systems
Attached algae and macrophytes (aquatic plants)
Primary producers in lentic (standing) systems
Phytoplankton (unless very shallow or very eutrophic)
Inorganic forms of Phosphorus
Biological uses for Phosphorus
Nucleic acids



Bones and teeth
Sources of Phosphorus
Apatite (primary mineral rock)

Phosphorite (sedimentary rock)

Organic Matter
Carbon dioxide + Water ->
Carbonic acid
Weathering caused by carbonic acid
Carbonation weathering
How weathered Orthophosphate may be lost
Lost in runoff
How weathered Orthophosphate may be occluded
Locked in Fe and Al oxides
How weathered Orthophosphate may be nonoccluded
Held on soil particles
How weathered Orthophosphate may be used biologically
Taken up by plant roots/phytoplankton

Assimilated by soil microbes
How microbes and plant roots may increase weathering to liberate phosphates
Secretion of organic acids
pH at which phosphorus is most biologically available
Fate of phosphorus in a low pH environment
Bound to Fe and Al oxides
Fate of phosphorus in a high pH environment
Bound to Ca minerals
Affect of oxygen on Phosphorus availability
Affect of salinity on Phosphorus availability
pH of rivers and why
Slightly acidic due to high concentrations of CO2 and humic material
pH of the ocean
Circular disk used to measure water transparency in oceans and lakes
Secchi disk
inertia and viscosity
Anatomical adaptations to resist flow
Production of silk or sticky secretions

Suckers or hooks

Body streamlined or flattened
Influence of depth on velocity of flowing water
3 classifications of drift


Time of day when behavioural drift by macro-invertebrates increases in freshwater
Higher at night - less visual predation
Aquatic marginal wetlands
Wetland fed from a parent water body

(Fringe or flood)
Fringe wetland
Aquatic marginal wetland with a continuous or very frequent connection with a parent water body
Flood wetland
Aquatic marginal wetland only connected with a parent water body during high water
Mire wetland
Wetland which persists independently of a parent water body

(Fen or Bog)
Fen wetland
Valley mire wetland which receive water from groundwater and runoff

Generally nutrient rich
Bog wetland
Mire wetland fed solely by rainwater and aerial deposition

Generally nutrient poor
Diffusion of Oxygen in water compared to air
Oxygen diffuses 10,000 times slower in water compared to air
Why waterlogged soil tends to be deficient in nitrate
Anaerobic conditions promotes bacterial denitrification

NO3- --> N2
Why wetlands tend to contain increased toxic chemical species
Absence of oxygen creates reduced forms of metal ions which are more chemically reactive
Examples of reduced toxic chemical species found in wetlands
Air channel in the roots of some plants, which allows exchange of gases between the shoot and the root
Paraphyletic group and a genus of bacteria which fix nitrogen
paraphyletic group: Rhizobia

Genus: Frankia
plants characterized by their ability to form a symbiosis with the nitrogen fixing actinobacteria Frankia
Actinorhizal plant
Example of an actinorhizal plant
Alder (Alnus glutinosa)
Delay in development in response to regularly and recurring periods of adverse environmental conditions
Non-living particulate organic material; typically including the bodies or fragments of dead organisms and fecal material
A genus of between 151 and 350 species of mosses commonly called peat moss
Sphagnum moss
Why biomonitoring is preferable to chemical monitoring
Organisms respond to intermittent pollution,

Organisms are sensitive to low levels of pollution,

Organisms may be sensitive to new or unexpected pollutants

Organisms reflect the impacts of multiple pollutants.
Disadvantages to detecting pollution by monitoring a single species
Abundance of species may be affected by variables other than pollution

e.g. Seasonal variation

habitat availability


Low levels of pollutants magnified within organism

Useful for biomonitoring
Examples of species which exhibit bioaccumulation useful for biomonitoring
High trophic level species

Bryophytes, Molluscs, Fish
Why communities are generally used for biomonitoring
Wide range of tolerances

Sensitive to different pollutants

Loss of particularly sensitive species registers subtle effects
Species extremely sensitive to sewerage pollution but immune to acidification
Characteristics of a species suitable for biomonitoring
Presence/absence related to water quality, not other factors

Integration of conditions over time, not just current situation

Not too mobile - Reflection of sampling site, not elsewhere

Easy to identify
Advantages of using bacteria for biomonitoring
Huge populations

Widely distributed
Disadvantage of using bacteria for biomonitoring
Not easily identified
Advantage of using algae for biomonitoring
Sensitive to nutrient enrichment
Disadvantages of using algae for biomonitoring
Seasonal changes in abundance

Lots of samples required
Advantages of using macrophytes for biomonitoring
Easy to identify

Good indicator of nutrient levels
Disadvantages of using macrophytes for biomonitoring
Seasonal changes in abundance

Obtain nutrients from both water and sediment
Advantages of using fish for biomonitoring
Easy to identify

Reflect changes lower in food chain
Disadvantages of using fish for biomonitoring
Highly mobile

Difficult and expensive to sample
Advantages of using macro-invertebrates for biomonitoring
Widely distributed

Broad spectrum of tolerances

Relatively sedentary

Relatively long lifespan - present most of year

Easy to sample and ID
Disadvantages of using macro-invertebrates for biomonitoring
Seasonal variation in community

Vary with other factors (habitat)

Aggregated – lots of samples needed
Scale used to categorise the particle size of a substrate
Wentworth scale

- Negative log2 of smallest diameter (mm)
Examples of living organic substrates in freshwaters

Algal mats

Examples of dead organic substrates in freshwaters
– Coarse woody debris (CWD) >8cm
– CPOM (>1mm) (leaves etc.)
– FPOM (<1mm, > 0.5μm)
– DOM (> 0.5 μm)
Examples of freshwater rock taxa (lithophilous)
Water penny (Psephenidae) – underside of rocks

Freshwater sponges (Spongillidae) – large stable rocks
Adaptations of freshwater sand taxa (Psammophilous)
Lestinogomphus africanus Dragonfly - Syphon, hairy (prevents sand particles penetrating joints)

Meiofauna (<0.5mm)
Example of a freshwater species which processes large woody debris (Xylophilous)
Riffle beetles (Elmidae) - Large claws to hold on

-Rare due to removal of wood from rivers
Characteristic fauna living on plants (Phytophilous)
Moss: caseless caddis

Macrophytes: More complex plant = higher diversity and abundance
Effect of temperature on maximum oxygen concentration in freshwater
Cold water can hold more oxygen

Halves between 0 - 30C

Rivers near saturation (turbulence)
Freshwater organisms with gills
fish, Ephemeroptera, Trichoptera

Diffuses across concentration gradient

Dependent on flow to replenish water
Freshwater organisms with lungs
lungfish, amphibians, pulmonate snails

Dependent on access to surface
Freshwater organisms which use air bubbles
water beetles, water spiders
Physical gills
structure common among some types of aquatic insects, which holds atmospheric oxygen in an area with small openings called spiracles. The structure (often called a plastron) typically consists of dense patches of hydrophobic setae on the body, which prevent water entry into the spiracles.
Adapted to a narrow temperature range
Adapted to a wide temperature range
Term used to indicate the number of generations per year

Univoltine - 1 gen/year
Bivoltine - 2 gen/year
Multivoltine > 2 gen/year
Semivoltine < 1 gen/year
Examples of behavioural adaptations to increase flow of water over respiratory structures
Plecoptera (stoneflies) – do ‘press-ups’ to increase water flow

Ephemerella (mayfly) – beats its gill plates
How temperature generally affects voltinism
Autochthonous energy in freshwater systems
Energy sourced from primary production by photosynthesis by Phytoplankton, biofilm and macrophytes
Allochthonous energy in freshwater systems
Energy imported from elsewhere: Detritus
Coarse Particulate Organic Matter

Fine Particulate Organic Matter

0.5μm - 1mm
Dissolved Organic Matter

A complex mixture of algae, cyanobacteria, heterotrophic microbes, and detritus that is attached to submerged surfaces in most aquatic ecosystems
River continuum concept
Conceptual model which predicts changes in river energy sources and function with increasing stream order
River Continuum Concept predictions concerning low-order streams
Shaded - High detrital inputs

Shredders predominate

Low Productivity/Respiration ratio

Low FPOM/CPOM ratio
River Continuum Concept predictions concerning high-order streams
No shading - detritus unimportant

Macrophytes abundant

Collector-filterers dominate

Low Productivity/Respiration ratio

High FPOM/CPOM ratio
River Continuum Concept predictions concerning mid-order streams
Less shading - lower detritus

Abundant periphyton and FPOM

Grazers dominate

Highest Productivity/Respiration ratio
Ontogenetic diet shift
Changing of feeding strategy throughout development
Example of a species with an ontogenetic diet shift
Stonefly - shift from eating plant material to carnivory
Five functional feeding groups exhibited by freshwater macro-invertebrates




Examples of freshwater scrapers/gathers
Snails (Gastropoda)

Fish (Pisces)

Mayflies (Ephemeroptera)
Examples of freshwater shredders


Caddisflies (Trichoptera)

Stoneflies (Plecoptera)
Examples of engulfing freshwater predators
Dragonflies (Odonata)

Stoneflies (Plecoptera)

Fish (Pisces)
Examples of freshwater collector-gatherers
Mayflies (Ephemeroptera)

Caddisflies (Trichoptera)

True flies (Diptera)
Examples of freshwater collector-filterers
Caddisflies (Trichoptera)

True flies (Diptera)

Zooplankton (Copepoda)
Gape limited predator
Size of prey limited by size of predator's mouth
Example of a piercing freshwater predatory taxa
True bugs (Hemiptera)
Methods of passive filter feeding
simple sieves
• Net-spinning caddis larvae
• Size of particles restricted by size of sieve
• Small organisms – difficult to sieve water due to high viscosity

sticky screens
• Individual fibres of appendage sticky
• Can capture particles smaller than aperture of sieve
• Simulium (Diptera) – blackfly larva with fans on head
Method of active filter feeding
Scan and trap
• Zooplankton – copepods
• Generate current using appendages
• Active detection of particles – chemicals in surrounding water
• Open and close feeding appendages as particle passes
Alternative stable states of shallow lakes
Evidence for 'alternative stable states' in shallow lakes
Buffer mechanism which resists the change of a shallow lake from plant dominated to algal dominated
Plants provide refuges for grazing zooplankton from fish predation
Buffer mechanism which resists the change of a shallow lake from algal dominated to plant dominated
Phytoplankton outcompete plants for nutrients preventing establishment
Events which trigger shallow lakes to switch from plant dominated to algal dominated
Destruction of plants:
- For boating
- Herbicide application or runoff

Alteration of food web structure:
– Loss of zooplankton (insecticides)
– Decrease in piscivorous fish (fishing)
Likely state of a shallow lake with a high phosphorus concentration
Phytoplankton / Algal dominated
Likely state of a shallow lake with a low phosphorus concentration
Plant / Macrophyte dominated
Bottom-up solutions to remediate a eutrophicated lake
Reduce nutrient inputs (cut off source)

Take out sediment (contains lots of P)
Top-down solution to remediate a eutrophicated lake
Biomanipulation – manipulation of the food web to increase grazing of algae via a trophic cascade
– Removal of all fish
– Removal of zooplanktivores
– Increased stocking of piscivores
Phytoplankton seasonality in lake ecosystems / Temperate lake succession
SPRING peak of Diatoms - Mixing
SUMMER decline: Stratification - nutrient limitation, grazing by crustaceans / zooplankton
AUTUMN peak - breakdown of thermocline, change in species: cyanobacteria
WINTER: Mixing, low production despite nutrients
Experimental addition of phosphorus to a lake
Huge growth of phytoplankton