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44 Cards in this Set

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si tu as besoin de quoi que ce soit
if there is anything you need
en quoi est-ce?
what's it made of?
ca n'a mene a rien
it lead to nothing
il est difficile d'en sourire
its nothing to smile about
ou cela va-t-il nous mener?
where will that lead us?
ca pourrait creer/occassioner une certain confusion
that would lead to some confusion
cela a provoque un changement
that lead to a change
une chose en amenant une autre, nous
one thing leading to another, we...
ca m'a amene a croire que...
that lead me to believe..
qu'est-ce qui vous a amene a penser ca?
what lead you to think that?
passez devant, je vous suis
you lead, I follow
elle sait marchander
she knows how to haggle
les arcades d'un cloitre/d'un pont
the arches of a cloister/bridge
tu t'amene?
you going to get a move on?
ca fait longtemps que tu t'attends?vous vous attendez?
Have you been waiting long?
Bon, je me sauve. sauve-toi, il est deja 8 heure
right, I'm off. You'd better be off, it's already 8 oclock
vous ne vous souvenez pas de moi?
you don't remember me?
mon parti est pris
my mind is made up
ca tue!/ca ne va pas te tuer. Il est a tuer
c'est genial! That's not going to kill you. I could kill him
ca m'amene a un point important
that leads me to an important point
il nous a mener jusqu'au garage
he lead us to the garage
tu me laisseras ton addresse? Oui, je te la laisserai
will you leave me your address? Yes, I will leave it.
Il va falloir 50 euros
we are going to need 50 euros
c'est plus qu'il n'en faut
it's more than we need
il ne faut pas plus de 10 minutes pour y aller
it won't take more than 10 minutes to get there
a l'instar de..
after the fashion of/like..
ils sont friand de la sport
they are fond of sports
je n'ai jamais pris l'habitute de reflechir sur moi, ce que j'etais, ce que je voulais
I never got into the habit of reflecting about myself, what I was, what I wanted
tu cherches la bagarre?
you looking for a fight?
avaler des coulevres
swallow a lie, an affront
elle aurait du etre la
she should have been there
elle devait etre la
she was supposed to be there
la situation est sans recours
the situation is hopeless
en dernier recours
as a last resort
une construction bancale de l'estime de soi
a shaky, unsound construction of one's self-esteem
en terrain decouvert/decouvert bancaire/je suis a decouvert
bare, uncovered country/bank overdraft/I'm overdrawn
parler/agir a visage decouvert
to speak/act openly
mettre qqch a decouvert
to bring st into the open
j'y ai reflechi
I thought about it
on y est pas encore
we're not there yet
le travers/chacun a ses petits travers/tomber dans le travers qui consiste a faire..
defaut, failings, faults./everyone has their faults/to make the mistake of doing..
je me ravise/j'allais accepter, mais je me suis ravise
I'm changing my mind/ I was going to accept, but I changed my mind
branlant(e)- chair, table; qui bouge - teeth; tremblant(e) - jelly; chancelant(e)- person; flageolant(e) - legs
wobbly, shaky
de ne pas etre qui l'on voudrais etre
to not be who one would like to be