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93 Cards in this Set

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- to streak, ridge, groove, striate

"Ces images sont toutes striées."
vendre la meche
- spill the beans
- let the cat out of the bag
- exaggerated, swollen, puffed up, inflate
- pregnant
- loundspeaker
- wall, fence
- well, wellspring
au fait

"Au fait!"
- by the way

- Get to the point!
- beforehand, previously

"Il avait déjà fini le travail une semaine auparavant."
- repeat, again
- 1/2

"Il habite 43 bis, rue verte."
piege (un piege)
- trap, pitfall
taux (le taux)
- rate, leve

"Quel est le taux de change ?"
"Le taux de mortalité baisse."
- site, place
- rest stops on the toll roads
- toll
- cram (for an exam)
- bone up

"Il y a un examen demain ; je dois vraiment potasser"
- to succeed, to manage to; to pass (a test)

"L'entreprise a réussi"
- remind, call back
mis a jour
- update
- to tidy, arrange, order, put away

"Tu dois ranger tes affaires avant de sortir."
panner (une panne)
- breakdown; pork fat, grease

"Ma voiture est en panne."
"Il y a une panne d'électricité."
drap (un drap)
- sheet, large towel

"mettre qqun dans de beaux/sales/vilains draps" ( to land someone in a fine mess)
mefier (se mifier)
- to distrust, be careful about

"Je me méfie toujours de cequ'il dit"
"Tu ne t'es pas méfié et il t'a eu" (You weren't careful and he tricked you.)
"Méfie-toi!" (Look out!)
bloc (un bloc)
- block, unit, group, pad (of paper)

"Les escaliers sont faits de blocs massifs de marbre"
tuc (un truc)
- thingie, whatsit, trick

"J'ai perdu ce truc que tu m'avais donné"
"J'ai pensé à un truc."
- deductions
- tax burdens
- dismissed
- fired
épreuve (une epreuve)
- ordeal
- examination (test)
- thus, so, in this way

"Ainsi soit-il" (So be it.)
The accent ´ as in...étudiant
The accent aigu ´ (acute accent) can only be on an E. At the beginning of a word, it often indicates that an S used to follow that vowel, e.g., étudiant.
The accent ` as in...où
The accent grave ` (grave accent) can be found on an A, E, or U. On the A and U, it usually serves to distinguish between words that would otherwise be homographs; e.g., ou (or) vs où (where
The accent ^ as in... forêt
The accent circonflexe ^ (circumflex) can be on an A, E, I, O, or U. The circonflexe usually indicates that an s used to follow that vowel, e.g., forêt. It also serves to distinguish between homographs; e.g., du (contraction of de + le) vs dû (past participle of devoir).
The accent ¨ as in...naïve
The accent tréma ¨ (dieresis or umlaut) can be on an E, I, or U. It is used when two vowels are next to each other and both must be pronounced, e.g., naïve, Saül
The ¸ as in...garçon
The cédille ¸ (cedilla) is found only on the letter C. It changes a hard C sound (like K) into a soft C sound (like S), e.g., garçon. The cedilla is never placed in front of E or I, because C always sounds like an S in front of these vowels
- however, nevertheless
regie (la regie)
- government control; state-owned company

"Cette entreprise est en régie."
- get (become), make, develop into, become, go
- measurement,length (yardage)
(dimension en pieds), footage
- drowning
Saint Glinglin
- never
un egrosse légume
- a bigwig
l'heure du laitier
- very early in the morning
histoire à dormir debout (une histoire a dormi)
- a tall tale
- from now on
Au temps pour moi
- my mistake
Il n'est plus temps de
- the time for ____ is over
Y a-t-il
- is there/are there?
- relaible
- honest
peine (une piene)
- sadness
bien loti

mieux loti

mal loti
- bien loti: well-off

- mieux loti: better-off

- mal loti: badly-off
- relaxed (less tense)
- start up, open, pull away
- lead (cause to undertake), guide

"être la cause d'une entreprise"
- overtake (pass), project, stick out, run over
ocassion (une ocassion)
- used car
vous avez un faux numero
- you have a wrong number
se tromper
- to make a mistake
quelque part
- somewhere
- except
à: time at which an event occurs
"Nous mangeons à 8h00".

en: the length of time an action takes
the month, season, or year in which something takes place
"Nous avons mangé en une heure. Il va parler en hiver."

dans: the amount of time before an action will begin
"Nous mangerons dans 20 minutes."
depuis: duration of something that is still going on or was still going on when something else happened
"Nous mangeons depuis une heure."

pendant/durant: the entire duration of an action.
"Nous avons mangé pendant/durant une heure.
Il peut parler durant/pendant 15 minutes."

pour: indicate the duration of an event in the future
"Il va parler pour 15 minutes."
cap (le cap)
- the cape
- the course

"maitient le cap"
- haggle
- wrangle, negotiate
- neat (as in cool)
- spiffy
- leg of lamb
inscrire dans
- to fit into
coup de pied
- kick
- sponsorship
- patronage
pouvoir saisr sa chance
- to jump at the opportunity
prendre en compte
- take into consideration

"prendre en compte le fait"
panneau (le panneau)
- sign, notice
- pane (of wall or door)
It's mine (m. s.)
It's mine (f. s.)
It's mine (m. p.)
It's mine (f. p.)
C'est le mien.
C'est la mienne.
C'est les miens.
C'est les miennes.
Pourriez-vous laisser le livre à l'entrée
- Could you leave the book at the entrance?
- the AMOUNT of time before an action will begin

"Nous mangerons dans 20 minutes."
- TIME AT WHICH an event occurs

"Nous mangeons à 8h00".
the LENGTH of time an action takes
the month, season, or year in which something takes place

"Nous avons mangé en une heure. Il va parler en hiver."
- DURATION of something that is still going on or was still going on when something else happened

"Nous mangeons depuis une heure."
- the ENTIRE DURATION of an action

"Nous avons mangé pendant/durant une heure."

"Il peut parler durant/pendant 15 minutes."
- the DURATION IN THE FUTURE of an event

"Il va parler pour 15 minutes."
avoir (present)
- ai.......... - avons
- as.......... - avez
- a........... - ont
etre (present)
- suis.......... - sommes
- es............ - etes
- est........... - sont
aller (present)
- vais.......... - allons
- vas........... - allez
- va............ - vont
faire (present)
- fais.......... - faisons
- fais.......... - faites
- fait.......... - font
prendre (presenst
- prends.......... - prenons
- prends.......... - prenez
- prend........... - prenons
venir (present)
- viens.......... - venons
- viens.......... - venez
- vient.......... - viennent
devoir (present)
- dois.......... - devons
- dois.......... - devez
- doit.......... - doivent
pouvoiir (present)
- peux.......... - pouvons
- peux.......... - pouvez
- peut.......... - peuvent
vouloir (present)
- veux.......... - voulons
- veux.......... - voulez
- veut.......... - veulent
avoir du mal a
- to have difficulty

"Nous avons du mal a parler francais."
avoir lieu
- to take place

"Le concert a lieu a l'église St. Paul."
que veux-tu que je fasse
- what do you want me to do?
petite monnaie (la)
- small change
piece (une)
- a coin
pote (un)
- a pal, a friend
a plute
- later (contraction for 'plus tard')