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26 Cards in this Set

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John Locke
English lawyer
All people born equal & free with 3 natural rights
1. life
2. Liberty
3. Property
Purpose of government is to protect these rights
if gov. fails then peoples' responsibilities to overthrow it
Clemens Von Metternich
Foreign Minister of Austria
Most important at Congress of Vienna
Wanted to restore Balance of Power
(no country treat to other)
Legislative Assembly
After National assembly
Had power to
1. create laws
2.approve or prevent any war the king declared
Louis XIV
Became king at age 5(1643 AD)
“L'etat, C'est moi”
*Weakened nobles(excluded nobles from his councils)
*Created intendents
*Built Versailles
Louis XV
Great grandson of Louis XIV
Louis XVI
Inherited dept from predecessor

Borrowed $ to help Am. Revolutionaries v.s. Great Britain

Married Marie Antoinette

2nd estate forced him to call Estates-General to order
Brother of Louis XVI
in power while Napoleon banished to Elba
March of Women (October 1789)
Bread shortage and the prices were very high.
Rumor that royal are hogging all bread
Working women march on Versailles with weapons.
Marie Antoinette
Wife of Louis XVI
lived Richly
Royal Fam. Of Austria
Spent money of gowns, jewelery, and gifts
gambling problem
Maximillien Robespierre
Leader after Louis XVI guillutined
Tried to wipe out every trace of monarchy and nobility
head of Committee of public safety
decided who would be tried as enemy of state
Enemies of state guillotined afternoon of trial
Cardinal during Louis XIV's rule
*Richelieu's successor(in effect ruled france)
*Made peace treaty that ended 30 years war
*Increased taxes on nobles(nobles hated him)
France became most powerful country in Euro.
*Military genius
*Defended National Convention against royalists
*Directory appointed him to lead army
*won series of battles in against Austrian and *Sardinia in italy
*Seized power in Coup D'Etat( nov, 9, 1799)
National Assembly
1st one
3rd estate reps pass laws and reform in name of french people
After tennis court oath
National Convention
3rd one
Governing body
Alliance with french royalty
after napoleons' defeat became part of Congress of vienna
Reign of Terror
Maximillien Robespierre's rule
Committee of public safety
enemies of state guillotined
*Lous' XIII's minister.
*Ruler of france in effect.
2 things to increase power of Bourbon dynasty
* 1. Forbade protestant cities from having walls( believed that protestants were treat)
* 2. ordered nobles to take down fortified castles( weakened nobles)
Napoleon had failed invasion of russia
russians did scorched earth
french troops struggled to survive russian winter
Battle of Borodino (30,000 french die)
Second Estate
Rich nobles
owned 20% of land
*No taxes
*2% of population
September Massacre
When french troops failed to hold back the prussians
citzens rioted
parisians raided prisons and murdered 1,000 prisoners
Victims included
1. royalists
2. Nobles
3. clergymen
Tennis Court Oath
3rd estate reps were locked out of Estates-General
pledged to stay in tennis court until they drew up new constitution
Third Estate
*98% of population
*half of income paid in taxes
City workers
Thomas Hobbes
“people are naturally selfish and wicked”
[Gov. needed to create order & prevent breakout chaos]
SOCIAL CONTRACT:To escape a bleak life people give up certain rights to strong ruler. In exchange they get law& order
Only battle that Napoleon lost
took place in 1805 off the coast of Spain
Horatio Nelson outmaneuvered Napoleon's fleet
Assured British naval supremacy for next 200 years
Forced Napoleon to give up plans of invading Britain
Working against, or betraying a country
After napoleon takes back control of France
battle against English troops in Belgium
Prussians joined English troops
French troops chased through fields