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68 Cards in this Set

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3 Aspects// Important Components of French Rev
1. Liberty - Rights to make choices
2. Equality
3. Fraternity/Brotherhood - Standing Together
Type of Government France has today
Social Republic
A state should be based on a contract between "governor" and "governed" (such as in Magna Carta and Constitution)
Social Contract of 1762, "the people have a duty to obey only legitimate powers. The rightful rulers are the people" (men are CORRUPT AT HEART)
abuses by the state can be avoided by divisions of powers
through education and reason, men could separate himself from the "beasts"
Estates (Book Definition)
3 classes French society was divided into before Revolution
1) clergy (1st) - Priviledged religious ppl
2) nobles (2nd)
3) townspeople (3rd)
Annual Direct Tax on land that provided regular income for French monarchy
middle class including merchants, industrialists, and professional people
Louis XVI
French Monarch
Tennis Court Oath
3rd Estate swears to continue meeting until they had a new constitution (on indoor tennis court after they were locked out of the original meeting place by the king)
Declaration of Rights of Man and the Citizen
inspired by English BOR and American Decl or Indep and Constitution; charter of basic liberties
Olympe de Gouges
female writer who refused to accept exclusion of women
"without breeches," identified themselves as ordinary patriots without fine clothes
Georges Danton
Newly apointed minister of justice who rallied sans-culottes to attack the palace
Jean-Paul Marat
New leader who published a radical journal and defended the September masses
radical club near taverns that felt king should be executed
Dissenting Groups
Committee of Public Safety
During a time of uprisings and threats, given broad powers
Maximilien Robespierre
dominated committee after Danton, Radical Jacobin
Reign of Terror
policies adopted by committee after it took control of government to defend France from domestic threats
qualified voters who chose members of houses
Executive committeee of 5 chosen by Council of Elders from a list presented by Council of 500
Sudden overthrow of government
Napoleon Bonaparte
Man with military success, became commander of French armies, won battles and came back as a hero
Government Established in France after overthrow of Directory in 1799, Napoleon as first Consul in control of entire government
Civil Code
One of 7 law codes made to preserve principles Revolutionaries fought for
Anne-Louise-Germaine de Stael
Prominent writer, protester, so Napoleon shut down newspapers and banned books
Sense of unique identitiy of a people based on common language, religion, and natural symbols
Duke of Wellington
lead Prussian army at Waterloo against Napoleon
Estates Descriptions
1st- clergy, privileged religious people, wealthy, no tax, closely knit w/ 2nd class
2nd - nobles, had money and land, had titles (Marquee of DeVil...), pay no taxes, pass down title to family members
3rd - all others, lead by middle class, poor people
Change of Classes in 1780s
Clergy is 2 groups (high - related to nobility, and low - related to middle class)
Nobility is same
Others broken into 3 groups:
1) bourgeoisie - market owners, docs, lawyers
2) City workers - work for community
3) peasants/serfs
Estates General
175 years abolished until1789... 1st, 2nd, 3rd classes each have one vote
Start of Aristocratic Revolution
Crisis of Monarchy, france in debt, backed king and country into a corner
King's Response to Crisis of Monarchy and People's Reaction
King asks nobility to pay taxes, nobility says no and look for a chance to take power of king - call estates general on May 5, 1789
Effects of Calling of Estates General
King is no longer absoute
King locks 3rd estate out of meeting hall, so they meet at another place (tennis court!)
What does 3rd Estate do after tennis court oath during Bourgeois Revolution?
Estates Gen no longer exists, so 3rd estate proclaim themselves as Nat Assemb, King okays it and they become true reps of France
Major Components of Popular Revolution
Mobilization of the Masses, Paris Rev of July 14, Municipal revs in provinces, mobilization of masses uses people as police for Paris
Storming of Bastille
Castle-like fortress in Paris, symbol of iron fist in control; mob tries to free political prisoners... kill captain
What happened with the Municipal Revolutions?
Spread to Bigger Cities, more Stormings
Peasant Revolution
Peasantry - "low life" field workers, agrian revolts and Great Fear, people disregard power of nobility
artist of the revolution, thrown in jail (seen as traitor), court artist for Napoleon... painted Marat (killed by Cordet who was a woman who hated radicals)
First Estate
CLERGY, high= wealthy, low= lower and middle class, own 5-10% of land
Second Estate
NOBILITY, owned 25% of land, highest offices (govt and army), received gifts and pension, no taxes, jealous of king's power
Third Estate
ALL OTHERS, 3 groups: 1) peasants; 2) city workers; 3) Middle class (bourgeoisie)
Decl of Rights of Man
Government belongs to people as a whole, "natural rights" - liberty and equality
1st Revolution
Estates General Convenes at Versailles
2nd Revolution
3rd Estate is the National Assembly
Climax of the Popular Revolution
Storming of Bastille, Great Fear, Abolition of Legal Orders, Decl of rights of Man
Women's March on Versailles
Bread shortage, demand to see King Louis, King and Fam flee to Paris after giving them grain (Lafayette is mediator)
Civil Constitution of the Clergy
Doc by Nat Assembly; "Clergy controlled by state of France" (puts them under the people, now land owned by clergy belongs to people)
Events after war on Austria
1.Intro of Paris Commune (take control of nat assemb and arrest king for treason)
2.Nat Convention declares France a republic
3. September Massacres
1) Cordeliers - radical-type, liberal men
2) Danton - ran cordeliers, want to get rid of king
3) Jacobins - ran by Marat
4) Robespierre - voice and actor of reign of terror
Girondists - not too keen on allowing king to stay in place after he flees
Royalists - okay with regime having power
Beliefs of Jacobins
Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity or DEATH
Kangaroo Courts
judge, jury, and prosecutor, decision made BEFORE trial
Revolutionary Colors
Blue, white, and red
Joseph Ignance Guillotin
beheading is no longer just for nobles, process should be painless as possible
Legislative Assembly's Law about Death
required death by machine, Dr. Antoine Louis and Tobias Schmidt
Icons of the Revolution
1st = storming of Bastille
2nd = guillotine
Reforms of the Revolution
1) feudalism ended
2) church and nobility no longer demand fees and taxes
3) govt admin divided country into 2 departments
4) metric system
5) land given to peasants
6) Clergy under state control
7) Limited power of King
8) Legislative body set up
executive group, oligarchy of 5 men, fought, gave friends political positions, spent money and went bankrupt, unpopular - only property owners vote, wealthy controlled govt and votes
Napoleon Bonaparte's Rise
1) General, upset w/ Directory
2) Takes over, national hero
3) Sets up Consulate, incharge of military, new laws, establishes French Nat Bank, lasts 5 yrs
4) Plebescite of 1800 - new constitution? YES
5) Public education
6) Concordat of 1801 - agreement w/ Pope that govt appts Bishops if French ppl stay catholic
More rise of Bonaparte
1) Louisiana Purchase - sells land
2) Defeats 2nd coalition and gets rid of hostile government
3) Sets up Continental system, peace after union of countries
4) Plebescite of 1804 - France to be an Empire? YES
Bonaparte as Emperor
1) Reinstates Regime/Monarchy
2) Battle of Austerlitz won, wants to establish larger empire
3) Battle of Trafalgar - Crossing of T
4) Defeated at Leipzig and exiled to ELBA, 100 days return, defeated by Quadruple Alliance, exiled to ST. HELENA
Mistakes Bonaparte Made
1) Continental System
2) Peninsular War (w/ Spanish, "guerrilla warfare")
3)Invasion of Russia for Breaking off Cont. Syst & being Allies w/ Brits
2 people from the Quad Alliance
Wellington (Britain)
Blucher (Prussia)