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11 Cards in this Set

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Name one way you can ask questions in a statement in French

- Swap the verb and the subject

- (So that the verb is first)

- (subject: person doing the thing)

- Add a hyphen too between the words

Do you do any sports translate

Fais-tu du sport

Can you help me

Pouvez-vous m'aider

Do you like hip hop

Aimes-tu le hip hop

If a verb ends in a vowel in a question as well as being followed by il, elle or on what do you add

"t" and another hyphen

A-t-il Fini ses devoirs

Has he finished his homework

Qu'est-ce que c'est meaning

What is it


At what time

What time is it

How much is it

What is the date

What day is it

'A quelle heure (accent on top of A)

Quelle heure est-il

C' est combien

C'est quelle date

C'est quel jour

Answer this question

D'ou' viens-tu (accent on top of u left side)

Where are you from

Je viens de leicestershire , dan le moyent orient de l'Angleterre. J'habite dan le ville braunstone . C'est une grande ville et c'est habituellement tre's anime

I am from Leicestershire in the middle East of England. I live in the town braunstone. It is a very big town and is usually very busy

Que veut dire... Translate

What does.... Mean

D'ou' translate

From where

Teacher and student role play say what the student would say in this role play... Aim for grade 9 ask teacher a question

Remember ! Means you need to answer

Teacher: Est-ce que tu fais sport!


Teacher: Ou' est la jouer au badminton/ sport stated


Teacher: C'est loin de ta maison


Teacher: C'est bien


Teacher: Accord

Teacher: Do you do any sport

Student: Oui, Je fais du badminton. Normalment Je vais le lundi mais le semaine dernie're j'ai joue' le mardi

Teacher: where do you play badminton

Student: La badminton se trouve en centre-ville c'est le Centre de loisirs

Teacher: is it far from home

Student: Non au contraire, c'est a' quinze minutes a' pied. A' mon avis c'est tre's pratique

Teacher: It's good

Student: Et vous, Est-ce que tu fais du sport

Teacher replies