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25 Cards in this Set

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Les personnes aiment les chiens. [Lay person em lay shyen]

People love dogs.

People like dogs.

Tu es mon peuple. [Tu ay mon pop-luh]

You are my people.

Ce sont des héros. [Suh son day er-rose]

They are heroes.

J'ai un ennemi.

I have an enemy.

La population française

The French population.

Le lion est parmi la foule. [Lu leon ay parmi la fool]

The lion is among the crowd.

Est-ce la dame de la maison ? [Es la dam du la may-zon]

It's the lady of the house?

Is she the lady of the house?

Is it the lady of the house?

Une personne mange une pomme.

One person eats an apple.

A person eats an apple.

"une personne" is "a person". In French, it happens that it is always used in singular, even if the person is a man.

L'ennemie [len-me]

The enemy.

Elle n'a pas d'ennemis. [El na pa den-me]

She doesn't have enemies.

La foule est devant le château. [La fool ay devant lu chat-toe]

The crowd is in front of the castle.

La dame est parfaite. [La dam ay pair-fet]

The lady is perfect.

La population est vieille. [La population ay vee-yiah]

The population is old.

C'est un homme du peuple et pour le peuple.

He is a man of the people and for the people.

Ce juge est une personne difficile. [Su jew ay un person dee-fee-seal]

This judge is a difficult person.

Tu es mon ennemi.

You are my enemy.

Il y a une foule énorme. [il ya un fool enorm]

There is an enormous crowd.

Ces personnes vont vivre avec nous. [Say person van vivrah avec nwa]

These people will live with us.

These people are going to live with us.

C'est la dame qui veut vous voir. [Say la dam kee ve voo vwa]

It is the lady who wants to see you.

Une table pour une personne, s'il vous plaît.

A table for one person, please.

La population est importante.

The population is important.

Je ne connais pas cette dame. [Zhe nay con-nay pa set dam]

I don't know this lady.

C'est la mère du héros.

She is the mother of the hero.
She is the hero's mother.

Ce sont les mêmes personnes.

These are the same people.

These are the same persons.

Mais la population reste très pauvre.

But the population remains very poor.