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52 Cards in this Set

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il y a
Ten minutes ago
il y a dix minutes
Two Days ago
il y a deux jours
I have some / I have some of it
j'en ai
I don't have any of it
je n'en ai pas
I bought it
je l'ai achete
i bought them
je les ai achete
I didn't buy any today because
i didn't find any
je n'en ai pas achete parce que
je n'en ai pas trouve
How many did you buy of them?
combien en avez vous achete
Where did you buy them?
ou les avez vous achete
I forgot where i bought them?
J'ai oublier ou je les ai achete
Why did you call me?
Pourquoi m'avez vous appele?
Why didn't you call me?
Pourquoi ne m'avez vous pas appele?
I called them
je les ai appele
I called him
je l'ai appele
I called her
je l'ai appele
I sold it
je l'ai vendu
Why did you sell it?
Pourquoi l'avez vous achete
Why didn't you sell them?
Pourquoi ne les avez vous pas achete
He sold them
Il les a vendu
He slept
il a dormi
You didn't wait for me (tu)
tu ne m' a pas attendu
You didn't wait for me
Vous ne m'avez pas attendu
He slept very badly
il a mal dormi
Did you understand it?
est ce que vous l'avez compris?
I understood you
Je vous ai compris
I took them
je les ai pris
I took some of it
je en ai pris
I learned
j ai appris
I learned something today
j ai comris quelque chose aujord hui
j'ai compris - also means what?
I found out
Where did you put it?
ou l'avez vous mis
Where did you put them?
ou les avez vous mis
I forgot where i put them
J ai oublier ou je les ai mis
To admit
admettre - admit
To Omit
omettre - omis
To permit
Permettre - Permis
To Promise
Promise - Promis
I promise you
Je vous ai promis
I promised him
Je lui ai promis
It is promised
c'est promis
The fact
le fait
The object
le objet
The subject
le sujet
He is doing it
il l'e fait
He did it
il l'a fait
I didn't do it
je ne l'ai pas fait
Why didn't you do it?
Pourquoi ne l'avez vous pas fait
He did it?
il l'a fait
Why didn't you tell me
Pourquoi ne m'avez pas dit
I wrote to you
je vous ai ecrit
One told me - i was told
on m'a dit