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44 Cards in this Set

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Which French statesman aided the founding of the United States?
Marquis de LAFAYETTE
Which century was known as the Renaissance?
16éme Century

Which century was known as the Age of Classicism?
17éme Century

MOLIÈRE (comedy)
Jean RACINE (comedy)
Pierre LORNEILLE (tragedy)
Which century was known as the Age of Enlightenment?
18éme Century
On what occasion was the Statue of Liberty given to the United States?
US' Centennial

The provinces of Anjou, Bordeaux and Bourgogne are famous for what produce?
Le Vin
What was the fortified line of defense in France during WWI?
La Ligne Maginot
Who wrote the novel "The Little Prince"?
Antoine de St. EXUPÉRY
Who was known as the " Sun King"?
Louis XIV (1638-1715)
Which artist (painter) was particularly noted for his café scenes?
This region is known for its many dairy products.
This region is known for its many prehistoric rock formations.
Belgium is famous for their Gaufres, which are...
The letter <<E>> before a numbered route in France denotes what?
An international route
Belgium has three official languages, which are...
German, French, and Flemish
At 4807 meters high is the highest moutain in western europe.
Mont Blanc
What was the date of the French Revolution?
14- julliet- 1789
Who is the current president of France?
What was the date for the Battle of Hastings?
14- October- 1066

Guillaume le CONQUÉRANT
Who was the first president of the Fifth Republic?
Charles de GAULE- 1958
Who founded the Académie Française?
le Cardinal de RICHELIEU- 1635
Which French ruler sold the Louisiana Territory and when?
Napoléon BONAPARTE- 1803
Which French ruler insisted on religious freedom for all French people?
Henri IV; Édit de Nantes- 1598

<<Paris vout bien une messe>>
What is the longest river in France?
La Loire
Where is the tomb of the French Unknown Soldier?
l'Arc de Triomphe
The French proverb, "Pierre qui roule n'amasse de mousse," means what?
A rolling rock never gathers any moss
Who was on the throne of France when George Washington was president of the US?
Louis XVI et Marie Antoinette
What is the national anthem of France? Who composed it?
La Marseillaise- Rouget de LISLE
What is Le Metro?
The Parisian subway
What are the colors and what is the name of the French Flag?
Bleu, Blanc, et Rouge

Le tricoleur
What is the Sorbonne? Who founded it? When?
The division of Arts & Humanity of the University of Paris

Robert de SORBON- 1257
What is the Louvre?
The museum of Art in Paris- before the Palace of Rois

La Jocondo, The Winged Victory of Samothrace, Veneus de milo
Name the two Frenchmen who founded St. Louis, Missouri?
Pierre l'ACLÈDE et Réne CHOUTEAU
Who wrote "Les Miserables"?
Victor HUGO
Who was the first king of France?

Began the Mörovigien dynastie 486 AD
What was the Roman name for Paris?
There are 50 countries in which French is spoken: name three.
Québec, Madagascar, et Tahiti
Which French artist, born in 1848, gave up his family and a career in banking to go to Tahiti and be a painter?
Which French playwright wrote "Huis Clos" and what is the translation of that title?
<<No Exit>>

An extensional Juan Paul SARTRE
What is the natural boundary between Spain and France?
J' ai Nous avons
Tu as Vous avez
Il a Ils ont
Je suis Nous sommes
Tu es Vous êtes
Il est Ils sont
je vais nous allons
tu vas vous allez
il va ils vont
je fais nous faisons
tu fais vous faites
elle fait elles font