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33 Cards in this Set

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Present of Payer
je paye (paie)
tu payes (paies)
il paye (paie)
nous payons
vous payez
ils payent (paient)
Subjunctive of Payer
je paye (paie)
tu payes (paies)
il paye (paie)
nous payions
vous payiez
ils payent (painet)
Future of Payer
je payerai (paierai)
tu payeras (paieras)
il payera (paiera)
nous payerson (paierons)
vous payerez (paierez)
ils payeront (paieront)
Conditional of Payer
je payerais (paierais)
tu payerais (paierais)
il payerait (paierait)
nous payerions (paierions)
vous payeriez (paieriez)
ils payeraient (paieraient)
Present of s'ennuyer
je m'ennuie
tu t'ennuies
il s'ennuie
nous nous ennuyons
vous vous ennuyez
ils s'ennuient
Subjunctive of s'ennuyer
je m'ennuie
tu t'ennuies
il s'ennuie
nous nous ennuyions
vous vous ennuyiez
il s'ennuient
Present Tense
-used to tell about what is happening now
-make generalizations or speak about habitual actions
-indicate what is going to happen in the near future
-indicate waht is going to happen in the near future using aller + infinitive
-indicate what has just happened using venir de + infinitive
-indicate that an action which started in the past is continuing into the present, when used with the preposition depuis
-er verbs
-aimer, assister, discuter, étudier, passer, etc.
tu étudies
il étudie
nous étudions
vous étuidiez
ils étudient
Verbs Whose Stems End in -g
EX: partager=to divide
-add an e before the -ons ending in the nous form: partageons
Verbs Whose Stem Ends in -c
EX: commencer-to begin
-change the c to ç in the nous form: commençons
Verbs with two stems: appeler, jeter, etc.
-double l or the t in the stem for all but the nous and vous forms
tu appelles
il appelle
nous appelons
vous appelez
ils appellent
Verbs with two stems: acheter, modeler, etc.
-change e to è in the stem for all but the nous and vous forms
tu achètes
il achète
nous achetons
vous achetez
ils achètent
Verbs with two stems: préférer, sécher, etc.
-change é to è in the stem for all the nous and vous forms
je préfère
tu préfères
il préfère
nous préférons
vous préférez
ils préfèrent
-ir verbs
-agir, choisir, finir, réussir, etc.
je réussis
tu réussis
il réussit
nous réussissons
vous réussissez
ils réussissent
Dormir, Partir, Sentir, Sortir
-to find the stem for their singular forms, drop the last 3 letters of the infinitive and add the regular ending for -ir verbs.
-for the plural forms, drop only the ending -ir from the infinitive and add -ons, -ez, and -ent
je dors
tu dors
il dort
nous dormons
vous dormez
ils dorment
Couvrir, Offrir, Ouvrir, Souffrir
-conjugated like -er verbs
tu offres
il offre
nous offrons
vous offrez
ils offrent
-re verbs
-entendre, rendre, répondre, etc
-to conjugate, drop -re
je rends
tu rends
il rend
nous rendons
vous rendez
ils rendent
Pronominal Verbs
-pronominal or reflexive verbs are conjugated like nonreflexive verbs, but are accompanied by reflexive pronouns (me, te, se, nous, vous , se) which refer back to the subject
EX: Je m'inscris dans ce cours.
Reciprocal Verbs
-pronominal verbs that express the idea that the subject and the object are doing something to each other
EX: Les étudiants se parlent=The students are talking to each other.
Reflexive Verbs
-pronominal verbs that express the idea that the subject is doing something to himself or herself
EX: Les enfants se calment=The children calm (themselves) down.
-Some verbs are used only reflexively-often untranslatable
EX: Ils se souviennent bien de leur premier professeur de français=They remember well their first French prof.
-Used to avoid passive construction
EX: Comment est-ce que cela se fait?=How is that done?
Infinitive Usage
-When one verb follows another, with no conjunction (like que) between them the first verb is conjugated and the second verb remains an infinitve
-When reflexive verbs are used as infinitives following a conjugated verb, the reflexive pronoun agrees with the subject of the main verb
-A verb appears in its infinitive form following a preposition
-After the preposition après, the past infinitive must be used
-can be subject of a sentence
Past Infinitive Formation
-the past infinitive is formed w/ the infinitive avoir or être + the past participle of the main verb
-past participle agrees w/ subject of the sentence
Present Past
étudier avoir étudie
rendre avoir rendu
rentrer être rentré(e)(s)
s'inscrire s'être inscrit(e)(s)
Negating an Infinitive
-both ne and pas (or other negative form) are placed in front of the infinitive
EX: Je bachote toute la nuit pour ne pas échouer à l'examen=I am cramming all night so I won't fail the exam
-used to give commands, orders, or even extend invitations
EX: Choisis les cours qui t'intéressent.
-Can soften the command w/ s'il te plaît (w/ familiar) or s'il vous plaît (w/ formal or plural)
EX: Explique-moi les devoirs, s'il te plaît.
Imperative Formation
-3 diff. forms you can use depending on whom you're addressing
Imperative Formation: 2nd person singular
-based on the -tu form of the present
-for commands given to someone you know well
EX: Réponds!
-er verbs (and those conjugated like -er verbs) drop the -s of the tu form:
EX: Ne parle pas!
-When -tu form is followed immediately by y or en, the ending -s is retained to make it easy to pronounce
EX: Vas-y!
-Pronominal verbs keep the reflexive pronoun. Te changes to toi when it follows the affirmative imperative
EX: Débrouille-toi! (se débrouiller)
Imperative Formation: 1st person plural
-based on nous form of the present
-for commands in which the speaker is including himself
EX: Assistons à cette conférence!
Imperative Formation: 2nd person plural
-based on vous form of the present
-for commands to more than one person or to someone you do not know well
EX: Ecoutez!
Imperative: avoir
Imperative: être
Imperative: Savoir
Negative Imperative
-the ne precedes the verb and the pas (or other negative form) follows
-if there is a reflexive pronoung, it will appear after the ne, in front of the verb
EX: Ne vous disputez pas!
Faire Causatif
-to indicate that the subject is having something done (and not doing it himself) use the verb faire plus an infinitive
EX: Quand je m'endors en classe, le prof me fait écrire des phrases au tableau=When I fall asleep in class, the prof. makes me write sentences ont eh board
-can take a direct object, indirect object, indirect object pronoun or y
EX: Elle l'y a fait envoyer=She had it sent there.