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52 Cards in this Set

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Letter "A"
a in father

example: art (ahr)
Letter "B"
b in border

example: billet (bee-yay)
Letter "C"
soft sound, before e, i, y: s (soft c) in central
ex: cime (seem); cinéma (see-nay-mah)

hard sound, before a, o, u: k (hard c) in carry
ex: café (kah-fay); climat (klee-mah) -climate
Letter "D"
d in day

ex: dame (dahm)
Letter "E"
uh in alone

ex: le (luh)
Letter "F"
f in farm

ex: ferme (fehrm)
Letter "G"
before e, i, y: zh (soft g) like in pleasure
ex: gymnastique (zhim-nah-steek); nager (nah-zhay)

before a, o, u: g (hard g) in egg or go
ex: garage (gah-rahzh); gai (gay); guide (geed)
Letter "H"
always silent

ex: hameau (ah-moh); habit (ah-bee); hôtel (oh-tehl)
Letter "I"
ee in meet

ex: ici (ee-see)
Letter "J"
zh (soft g) in pleasure

ex: java (zhah-vah); joli (zho-lee)
Letter "K"
k (hard c) in cat

ex: kilo (kee-loh)
Letter "L"
l in light

ex: lune (lun); lire (leer)
Letter "M"
m in Monday

ex: malle (mahl)
Letter "N"
n in natural

ex: natte (naht)
Letter "O"
o in roll

ex: mot (moh)
Letter "P"
p in pearl

ex: piscine (pee-seen)
Letter "Q"
k (hard c) in carry

ex: barque (bahrk)
Letter "R"
pronounced in back of mouth, rolled light light gargling sound

ex: rêve (rehv); rire (reer); vivre (vee-vr)
Letter "S"
s in simple in beginning of word or before or after consonant;
ex: masque (mahsk)

z in zone if between vowels
ex: basilic (bah-zee-leek)
Letter "T"
t in task except when it's followed by ion, then its pronounced like s in sun

ex: tennis (tay-nees); fiction (feek-syoh(n))
Letter "U"
no equivalent in English; pronounce ee and then round your lips

ex: tu (tu)
Letter "V"
v in valley

ex: vivace (vee-vahs)
Letter "W"
v in valley

ex:wagon (vah-goh(n))
Letter "X"
gz in exact
ex: exact (eh-gzahkt)

ks in excellent
ex: exquis (ehks-kee)
Letter "Y"
y in yes

ex: yaourt (yah-oo-rt)
Letter "Z"
z in zone

ex :zest (zehst)
Vowels: a, á and â
Sound like a in father

la (lah) -the (fem.)
facile (fah-cee-l) -easy
pâte (pah-t) -paste
Vowel: e
pronounced uh like a in alone
or u in burn

je (zhuh) -I
le (luh) -the
ce (suh) -this, that

Note: except in short words like these above, an unaccented e at the end of a word is usually not pronounced.
Vowel: é
pronounced like ay in day, but not drawn out (er and ez are pronounced the same way).

thé (tay) -tea
vélo (vay-lo) -bicycle
carré (kah-ray) -square
Vowel: è
pronounced like e in get (ai and aî are pronounced the same way).

mère (mehr) -mother
père (pehr) -father
chère (shehr) -dear or expensive (fem.)
Vowel: i or î
pronounced like ee in beet.

mari (mah-ree) -husband
vie (vee) -life
pari (pah-ree) -bet
Vowel: o (open sound)
sounds like au in caught

bonne (bon) -good
sotte (sot) -silly (fem.)
vote (vot) -vote
Vowel:o (closed sound)
sounds like o in roll

abricot (ah-bree-koh) -apricot
sot (soh) -silly (masc.)
pot (poh) -pot, jar
Vowel: u
no english equivalent, but pronounced it by making the sound ee and then rounding your lips.

tu (tu) -you
vu (vu) -seen
lu (lu) -read
Vowel: u (silent)
after the letters q and g, the u is silent in French

quatre (kahtr) -four
guérir (gay-reer) -to heal
What are Dipthongs?
A combination of two vowels or a vowel and a consonant and are treated as one syllable.
Dipthong: ai or aî
pronounced like e in met.

lait (leh) -milk
chaise (shehz) -chair
chaîne (shehn) -chain
Dipthong: au or eau
pronounced like o in roll

seau (soh) -bucket
veau (voh) -veal
château (shah-toh) -castle
Dipthong: eu
two sounds:
closed sound is like u in put
peu (puh) -few
jeu (zhuh) -game
deux (duh) -two

open sound is like u in fun
bœuf (buhf) -beef
suel (suhl) -alone
Dipthong: er and ez
pronounced like ay in lay

assez (ah-say) -enough
marcher (mahr-shay) -to walk
garer (gah-ray) -to park
Dipthong: oi
pronounced like wa in watch

moi (mwa) -me
toit (twa) -roof
loi (lwa) -law
Dipthong: oy
pronounced like wa in watch + ee

voyage (vwa-yazh) -travel
noyau (nwa-yoh) -pit, fruit stone
loyal (lwa-yahl) -loyal
Dipthong: ou
pronounced like oo in zoo

jour (zhoo-r) -day
sous (soo) -under
vous (voo) -you
Dipthong: ui
pronounced like wee

bruit (brwee) -noise
nuit (nwee) -night
pluie (plwee) -rain
Dipthong: oui
pronounced like oo + wee

oui (oo-wee) -yes
Louis (loo-wee) -Louis
Consonant: ç
before a, o, or u is pronounced like a soft c (s sound).

français (frah(n)-say) -French
déçu (day-su) -disappointed
Consonant: c + h (followed by a vowel)
pronounced like sh in sunshine when followed by a vowel

chat (shah) -cat
chercher (shehr-shay) -to search
chaud (shoh) -hot
Consonant: c + h (followed by a consonant)
pronounced like a k (or the hard c in cut) when followed by a consonant

Christine (krees-teen) -Christine
chrétien (kray-tye(n)) -Christian
Consonant: gn
pronounced like ni in onion

Agnès (ah-nyes) -Agnès
vigneron (wee-nyuh-roh(n)) -wine grower
saigner (say-nyay) -to bleed
Consonant: t + h
the combination of t and h is pronounced like t.

marathon (may-rah-toh(n)) -marathon
Nathalie (nah-tah-lie) -Nathalie
Consonant: ille and final il
pronounced like y in yes

famille (fah-mee-y) -family
travail (trah-vah-y) -work
pareil (pah-ray-y) -similar
Consonant: ph
pronounced like f

phrase (frahz) -sentence
pharmacie (fahr-mah-see) -pharmacy