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20 Cards in this Set

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How does Robert describe Victor Walton?
He says he looks sad and mad, and is quiet and shy.
How does Victor seem to describe his family?
He shows how he loves them and cares for them.
In what literary device is the story Frankenstein told in?
It is told in a framing device.
In the beginning, what does Victor really want?
He wants to be known for doing something big.
What does Victor do after he completes his 'monster'?
He is so disgusted and frightened that he runs away.
Who is (the implied) murderer of William?
The creation of Victor Frankenstein.
Who is suspected of Williams murder?
Justine Moritz is the top suspect and is convicted as the killer and is hung.
What is a recurring theme in the first few chapters?
Dangers of knowledge.
How does Victor feel about his creation before he finishes his experiment?
He feels as though it would be the greatest thing in the world if he succeeds.
How does Victor feel about his creation after he finishes his experiment?
He feels as though he created something awful and his filled with regret.
"While I watched the tempest, so beautiful yet terrific, I wandered on with a hasty step." What is this quote an example of?
How does the language change when the nature around him becomes peaceful?
The words used by Victor becomes mellow and positive.
In chapter 13, what does the monster learn about the history of the world?
He is read Volney's "Ruins of Empires" and learns about Christianity, the Grecians, the Asiatics, the discovery of the American hemisphere and the early Romans.
How does Frankenstein learn a language?
When the teacher of the Arabian girl teaches her, he felt that it was a perfect opportunity to secretly take lessons with her.
How does Frankenstein learn differently than the Arabian girl?
He learns at a faster pace than the girl.
What does he do when he is read to about the discovery of the American hemisphere and how the inhabitants are treated?
He wept along with the Arabian girl for the inhabitants.
What did the monster feel no need for in the world?
He felt no need for a government to exist.
What does the monster realize when he sees his own reflection?
He realizes now how he is different from the other humans and is disgusted with himself.
What can he not understand that the human beings do?
He can't see how people can kill others just like him.
What are a few of the monster's experiences?
He discovers the beauty of nature, learns to distinguish his senses, learns how to walk and talk and learns how to use fire.