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45 Cards in this Set

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Wife of John Adams who often shared her ideas, "remember the ladies" telling him "all men would be tyrants if they could." 1744-1818
Abigail Adams
He was willing to take unpopular stands served on committee to draft the Declaration of Indpendence. Signed treaty of Paris and supported a Bill of Rights.
John Adams
Ran for president in 1824, with John Calhoun as VP. No, majority electoral votes led to Henry Clay Speaker of House to win office.
John Quincy Adams
He organized the Sons of Liberty with James Otis and John Hancock. 1772, authored The Rights of the Colonists.
Samuel Adams
In 1872,she decided to test the meaning of the 14th Amendment by casting a vote. Arguing "privileges and immunities of all citizens" should be protected as well as hers.
Susan B. Anthony
A "strict constructionist" who confines the interpretation of law the words and phrases it contains without drawing other inferences. Incorporating all the Bill of Rights via 14th Amendment.
Hugo Black
An English Jurist whose, "Commentaires on the Laws of England" serve as a source for determining the intent of the Founders of the Constitution.
Sir William Blackstone
Democrat who advocated "Free Silver"policy. worked for prohibition and women's suffrage, and argued against the teaching of evolution in the Scopes Monkey Trials against Clarence Darrow.
William Jennings Bryan
He ran for president against Thomas Jefferson and was defeated due to the help of Alexander Hamilton who later was murdered by him.
Aaron Burr
He favored slavery and its expansion defending it as a beneficial institution. He believed that Union was a compact between states and states could declare acts of Congress unconstitutional.
John C. Calhoun
Wife of John Adams who often shared her ideas, "remember the ladies" telling him "all men would be tyrants if they could." 1744-1818
Abigail Adams
He was willing to take unpopular stands served on committee to draft the Declaration of Indpendence. Signed treaty of Paris and supported a Bill of Rights.
John Adams
Ran for president in 1824, with John Calhoun as VP. No, majority electoral votes led to Henry Clay Speaker of House to win office.
John Quincy Adams
He organized the Sons of Liberty with James Otis and John Hancock. 1772, authored The Rights of the Colonists.
Samuel Adams
In 1872,she decided to test the meaning of the 14th Amendment by casting a vote. Arguing "privileges and immunities of all citizens" should be protected as well as hers.
Susan B. Anthony
He was the second president in US history to be impeached by the House. He was found not guilty by the Senate.
Bill Clinton
Civil rights advocate and lawyer he defended John T. Scopes the "Scopes Monkey Trial." Defending Evolution Theory.
Clarence Darrow
Supporter of slavery and advocate of the rights of states against federal interference.President of the Confederate States of America.
Jefferson Davis
Known as the "Penman of the Revolution." He headed the Delaware delegation to the Constitutional Convention
John Dickinson
He favored "Manifest Destiny, and Compromise of 1850. Proposing the Kansas Nebraska Act in 1854.Advocating Popular Sovereignty for states entering as slave or free.
Stephen Douglas
Born a slave he was a staunch abolitionist and supported free speech and press. Working on the North Star.
Frederick Douglas
Publisher,inventor, entrepreneur and statesman. He authored the Albany Plan of the Union to unify colonies.
Benjamin Franklin
He served in the Confederation Congress, where he and James Madison argued for a stronger central government. Wrote Federalist Papers.
Alexander Hamilton
Radical leader of the opposition to British tyranny. "Gentlemen may cry'peace!'but there is no peace.. the war is actually begun!.. I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!"
Patrick Henry
English philosopher founder of modern political theory. Asserting the natural state of humaninty is war and that people must enter a compact.
Thomas Hobbes
General in the War of 1812,proposing the Indian Removal Act many died on the Trail of Tears.
Andrew Jackson
He favored a moderate approach to Britain, he resigned from Congress rather than sign the Declaration of Independence. First Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.
John Jay
Influenced by John Locke and belief in natural rights theory.Drafted the Declaration of Independence. As part of the Constitutional convention he expressed the need for a Bill of Rights.
Thomas Jefferson
He supported the Union and condemened session as a threat to the Constitution. Although, he favored the Fugitive Slave Act.
Andrew Johnson
Urged Congress to adopt the Civil Rights Act 1964. Urged nation to build society through social programs for supporting Voting Rights Act.
Lyndon B. Johnson
He believed segregation to be a 14th Amendment volation. Wrote "Letter from a Birmingham Jail" manifesto for civil rights
Martin Luther King
Introduced the Lee Resolution calling for independence from England, which led to the Declaration of Independence.
Richard Henry Lee
Personally devoted to the Constitution he privately denounced secession. He joined the Confederate States of America to defend Virginia.
Robert E. Lee
Secession is not proper under the Constitution. Citing the Articles of Confederation as creating a "perpetual Union," furthered by the Preamble's goal of a "More perfect Union."
Abraham Lincoln
English philosopher author of Second Treatise of Civil Government. Individuals unite into a society for the better protection of natural rights.
John Locke
Most decorated officer in WW1, he went on to prepare the Phillippines for independence. Defeated by Japanes he returned to victory
General John D. MacArthur
Concerned with the shortcomings of the Articles of Confederation proposed the Virginia Plan suggesting checks and balances.
James Madison
Wrote decision on Marbury v. Madison establishing judicial review. Interpretation of Consitution laid ground work for constitutional theory.
John Marshall
He argued and won the Supreme Court case that ended segregation in public schools, Brown v. Board of Education (1954)
Thurgood Marshall
He opposed the Constitution because he believed the central government was too strong. He argued that the document needed a bill of rights to protect the people from government abuses.
George Mason
French philosopher he advanced the political theories of threee separated powers legislative, executive and judicial.
Baron de Motesquieu
Delagate to the Constitutional
Convention he was responsible for the final language of the Constitution, begining the Preamble with "We the People"
Gouverneur Morris
Known as the "financier of the Revolution because he risked and spent so much of his own money for the Patriot cause. Signed Constitution
Rober Morris
His administration tried to prevent the publication of classified documents pertaining to Vietnam War, but the Supreme Court held in New York Times v. United States (1971) that the prior restraint was unconstitutional.
Richard M. Nixon
On the Court, she was often the swing vote. She developed a test for identifying Establishment Clause violations, called the Endorsement Test
Sandra Day O'Connor