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19 Cards in this Set

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Fall Risk Assessment Tool
p. 728
-assigns points for confusion, depression, altered elimination, dizziness, male gender, anticonvulsant/ benzodiazapine therapies, results of "get up and go" test

-score > 5 = high risk for falling
restraints= protective devices used to limit the physical activity of the client or a part of the body
p. 737
2 reasons restraints are acceptable:

1. to avoid and/or prevent purposeful or accidental harm to the patient

2. to do what is required to administer medication that cannot be administered by any other means
"Get up and Go" assessment tool
1. observe posture while sitting in straight-back chair

2. ask client to stand- can the client stand using only leg muscles? or need to push self up with hands?

3. does the client sway (standing) with both eyes closed?

4. open eyes, walk 10 ft, turn around, return to chair; observe gait, balance, speed, stability; how smoothly does client turn?

5. when client reaches chair, ask to turn and sit down; how smoothly client performs this motion
-an oily substance secreted by the skin

a) softens/ lubricates hair & skin
b) prevents hair from becoming brittle
c) decreases water loss from skin when humidity is low
d) lessens amt of heat lost from skin
e) bacteriacidal action
sudoriferous (sweat) glands
p 750
-most numerous on palms and soles of feet

-apocrine located in axillae/ anogenital areas= of little use in thermoregulation; stinky

-eccrine palms, soles, forehead= important physiologically- cools the body thru evaporation
agents commonly used on the skin
1. soap= lower surface tension---cleanse skin; some antibacterials can change the natural flora

2. detergent= used instead of soap---do not use on older adult clients

3. bath oil= used in bathwater---provides an oil layer to skin for hydration and protection

4. skin cream, lotion= provides film on skin to prevent evaporation and therefore chapping

5. powder= absorb water, prevent friction

6. deoderant= masks/ diminish body odors

7. antiperspirant= reduces amt of perspiration
p 783
hair loss
p 784
infestation w/ lice
severe itching
three reasons to brush hair everyday
in order for healthy hair, brush daily:

1. stimulates circulation in scalp
2. distributes oil along hair shaft
3. helps arrange the hair
p 788
dandruff---functional disease of sebaceous glands marked by increase in the amount and often alteration of the quality of the secretions
normal movement
p 1123
involves four basic elements:

1. body alignment
2. joint mobility
3. balance
4. coordinated movement
extensor muscles aka antigravity muscles
-abdominal and skeletal muscles function almost continuously, allowing a seated or erect position, despite the constant pulling downward of gravity

-extensor muscles carry the major load as they keep the body upright
-functional unit of the musculoskeletal system
-bones of the skeleton articulate at joints
-muscles attach to the 2 bones at the joint

-joints named accdg to movement upon contraction:
flexors, extensors, internal rotators, etc

-flexors are stronger than extensors, therefore w/ inactivity muscles are pulled into flexor position (contraction = shortened)
-involves information input from 1) labyrinth (inner ear), 2) vision, 3) strecth receptors of muscles and tendons
coordinated movement
= balanced, smooth, purposeful movement is the result of proper functioning of the cerebral cortex, cerebellum, and basal ganglia
isotonic (dynamic)
-muscle shortens/ contracts/ active movement

-most physical conditioning exercises, ADLs, ROM (if initiated by client)

-increase muscle tone, mass, strength

-maintain joint flexibility and circulation

-heart rate and cardiac output increase
isometric (static/ setting)
-muscle contraction without moving the joint---muscle length does not change

-involve exerting pressure against standing object

-useful for strengthening ab, glutes, quads used in ambulation

-maintaining strength in muscles immobilized by casts

-for endurance training

-mild increase in heart rate/ cardiac output but no appreciable increase in blood flow
isokinetic (resistive)
-can be isotonic or isometric

=muscle contraction or pressure against resistance

-special machines provides resistance to the pressure

-build up certain muscle groups

-increase blood flow to muscles and increase in BP