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17 Cards in this Set

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Formulas that Purge Heat Accumulation

Strongest formula

Hard, Dry, Full, Dist
Da Cheng Qi Tang

(Major Order the Qi Decoction)
* Formulas that Purge Heat Accumulation

Moderately purges heat accumulation and moves the Qi.

Hard, Full, Dist
* Xiao Cheng Qi Tang

(Minor Order the Qi Decoction)
Formulas that Purge Heat Accumulation

Mildly purges formed heat accumulation

Full, Dist
Tiao Wei Cheng Qi Tang

(Regulate the Stomach and Order the Qi Decoction)
Formulas that Purge Heat Accumulation

Tx acute cases only

Heat and fluids accumulating and clumping in the chest

This pattern is referred to as clumping in the chest and arises when Heat and internal accumulation of water and fluids clump in the chest, interrupting the flow of Qi in the trunk.
Da Xian Xiong Tang

(Major Sinking Into the Chest Decoction)
* Formulas that Purge Heat Accumulation

Accumulated Heat in the Middle and Upper Burners
* Liang Ge San

(Cool the Diaphragm Powder)
* Formulas that Moisten the Intestines and Unblock the Bowels

Constipation due to deficient Qi, Blood and Yang of the Kidneys (long term illness)
* Ji Chuan Jian

(Benefit the River/Flow Decoction)

The name of this formula is derived from its function of warming and moistening in order to move the stool. Ji means to aid or relieve and suggests the action of tonifying or increasing. Chuan means river which refers to the fluids flowing through the body. Tonifying the Kidneys facilitates the distribution of fluids, thereby helping to move the stool.
* Formulas that Moisten the Intestines and Unblock the Bowels

Constipation with dry hard stool (def bf), tenesmus, and frequent urination

St heat - dry + sp def

* Ma Zi Ren Wan

(Hemp Seed Pill)
* Formulas that Moisten the Intestines and Unblock the Bowels

Constipation due to desiccated intestines (elderly/debilitated).

also frequently seen after childbirth when the loss of blood injures the Yin and depletes the Fluids
* Run Chang Wan

(Moisten the Intestines Pill)
Formulas that Moisten the Intestines and Unblock the Bowels

Constipation (elderly people)
Postpartum constipation

Fluid def + dry int
Wu Ren Wan

Five-Seed Pill
Formulas that Warm the Yang and Guide Out Accumulation

Disperses Cold
Purges Cold
Warms the Interior

Frozen stools

Shi cold accum.
Da Huang Fu Zi Tang

(2/3 herbs in f)
Formulas that Warm the Yang and Guide Out Accumulation

Sudden onset of severe Cold accumulation, which is attributed to Cold food stagnating in the Stomach and Intestines where it completely obstructs the flow of Qi

This is an extremely harsh formula. Due to the toxicity, it should only be used in true emergencies, and never exceed dosage.
San Wu Bei Ji Wan

(Three Substance Pill for Emergencies)
Formulas that Warm the Yang and Guide Out Accumulation

Accumulation of Cold due to Spleen Yang Deficiency
Wen Pi Tang

(Warm the Spleen Decoction)
Formulas that Drive Out Excess Water

Purges congested fluids

Suspended, congested fluids clogging up the chest and hypochondriac regions
Shi Zao Tang

(Ten Jujube Decoction)

Never combine with Radix Glycyrrhizae (Gan Cao).

This is a very strong formula that should be used only when absolutely necessary.

The name of this formula is a tribute to the importance of the ten jujubes which are taken to moderate the harsh, downward-draining action of the other herbs, and thereby protect the Stomach Qi.
Formulas that Drive Out Excess Water

Harshly purges Heat and congested fluids

Water and Heat accumulation in the Interior obstructing the Qi mechanism.

The constraint caused by the obstruction to the flow of Qi by Water or Dampness produces Heat.

The Water and Heat accumulate and clog the entire abdomen, obstructing the Qi in the Stomach and Intestines.
Zhou Che Wan

(Vessel and Vehicle Pill)

Never combine with Radix Glycyrrhizae (Gan Cao).

The combination of harsh purgatives and strong, Qi-moving ingredients make this an extremely powerful formula which should be prescribed only in cases of emergency for persons of otherwise robust health.
Drain Down - Reinforce and Eliminate

Constip = shi heat > qi & blood def
Huang Long Tang

(yellow dragon decot)

The color yellow corresponds to the earth and refers to this formula's effect on the central digestive processes controlled by the earth organs, the Stomach and Spleen. The dragon is said to stimulate the clouds and produce rain. In this name it refers to the formula's effect in stimulating the Stomach Qi and promoting the distribution of Fluids.
Drain Down - Reinforce and Eliminate

Constip = qi & yin def > shi heat
Xin Jia Huang Long Tang

(Newly-Augmented Yellow Dragon Decoction)
Drain Down - Reinforce and Eliminate

Constip = yin def + heat
Zeng Ye Cheng Qi Tang