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6 Cards in this Set

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Mr. S., male, 19 years old, a college student. Mr. S. has been suffering from chills and fever, headache, no sweating, no cough since last night after he ran back home soaked in a rain.

T: Slightly flabby w/ thin white coat
P: Floating, Tight
Dx: Wind Cold Ext. Excess
Tx Principle: Release exterior wind cold
Formula: Ma Huang Tang

Ma Huang
Gui Zhi
Xing Ren
Zhi Gan Cao
A 32 y-o female comes in with fever & chills, aversion to wind for 2 days. Sweating after taking ma huang tang last night. But starting this morning she is unable to move her neck, especially while driving.

T: Normal color w/ thin white coat
P: Floating and Rapid
Dx: Wind Cold Exterior Deficiency
Tx Principle: Release exterior wind cold
Formula: Gui Zhi Jia Ge Gan Tang

Gui Zhi
Bai Shao Yao
Sheng Jiang
Da Zao
Zhi Gan Cao
Ge Gan
A 65 y-o male comes in for coughing with clear, copious mucus secondary to a rainy day outdoor work a couple of weeks ago. He has been suffering from a chronic bronchitis (slight wheezing and sob) for 26 years, often worse with cold exposure, lingering for 2 to 6 weeks.
Dx: Wind cold inv. w/ chronic interior congested fluid
Tx Principle: Release exterior, warm LU, transform fluid
Formula: Xiao Qing Long Tang

Ma Huang
Gui Zhi
Gan Jiang
Xi Xin
Wu Wei Zi
Bai Shao
Ban Xia
Zhi Gan Cao
A 48 y-o male looks for Tx for his aches in the limbs. He tells us he fixed a flat tire in rain & caught a cold 4 days ago:feel cold and heavy, muscle aches starting on the neck, spreading to arms and legs; no appetite,nauseated at times. He’s been a heavy smoker (2 packs a day) for 23 years. You noticed he spit out some sticky clear sputum while talking.

T: white and slimy tongue coating
P: slight floating and wiry pulse.
Dx: External WC damp with internal heat
Tx Prinicple: Release ext. wind cold damp, clear internal heat
Formula: Jiu Wei Qiang Huo Tang

C: Qiang Huo
D: Fang Feng
D: Cang Zhu
A: Xi Xin
A: Chuan Xiong
A: Bai Zhi
A: Huang Qin
A: Sheng Di Huang
E: Gan Cao
A 39 y-o gloomy-looking female comes in with complaint of aversion to cold, HA, stiff neck, runny nose. She says she is on day 1 of her cycle and just learned that her mom is in hospital for her attack of very high blood pressure.

T: thin white coat, distended sublingual veins
P: soft
Dx: Ext WC w/ Qi Stgn
Tx Principle: Regulate wi, release ext
Formula: Xiang Su San

Zi Su Ye
Xiang Fu
Chen Pi
Zhi Gan Cao
A 17 y-o female feels heavy and cold with abdominal distension and tight chest after she drank a liter of ice tea and a large cone of ice cream upon her completion of cross country tournament on a hot summer day. She appears red face with cold skin, and coarse breathing

T: thin white coating
P: rapid, floating, and slightly large pulse
Dx: Exterior cold w/ interior damp in summer
Formula: Xiang Ru San