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30 Cards in this Set

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柴胡 12g,黄芩 9g,半夏 9g,生姜 9g,人参 6g,大枣 4pcs,甘草5g.
chai hu, huang qin, ban xia, sheng jiang, ren shen, da zao, gan cao.
Minor Decoction of Blupleurum
Xiao Chai Hu Tang

treating Shaoyang disease by mediation
Shaoyang disease with pathogenic factors located neither interior or exterior.
Minor Decoction of Blupleurum
Xiao Chai Hu Tang

treating Shaoyang disease by mediation
alternating chills and fever, dry throat, bitter/sour taste, fullness in chest and/or hypochondrium, heartburn, nausea & vomitting, reduced appetite.
T: thin, white coat P: wiry
Minor Decoction of Blupleurum
Xiao Chai Hu Tang

treating Shaoyang disease by mediation
Do Not Use with upper excess, lower deficiency or excess of liver-fire, hyperactivity of liver yang, haematemisis due to deficiency of yin.
Minor Decoction of Blupleurum
Xiao Chai Hu Tang

treating Shaoyang disease by mediation
柴胡 15g,黄芩 9g,白芍 9g,半夏 9g,枳实 9g,大黄 6g,生姜 15g,大枣 5pcs。
cahi hu, huang qn, bai shao, ban xia, zhi shi, da huang, sheng jiang, da zao.
Major Decoction of Blupleurum
Da Chai Hu Tang

Treatment of Shaoyang disorder by mediation
Treating shaoyang disease by mediation and purging internal stasis of heat.
Major Decoction of Blupleurum
Da Chai Hu Tang

Treatment of Shaoyang disorder by mediation
Alternating fever and chills, fullness in the chest and hypochondria (with or w/o pain), bitter taste in the mouth, nausea, continuous vomitting, hard focal distention or fullness and pain in the epigastrium, burning diarrhea or no bowel movement, despondency, sl irritability. T: yellow coat, P: wiry, forceful.
Major Decoction of Blupleurum
Da Chai Hu Tang

Treatment of Shaoyang disorder by mediation
fang feng, jing jie, lian qiao, ma huang, bo he, chuan xiong, dang gui, bai shao, zhi zi, da huang, mang xiao, shi gao, huang qin, jie geng, gan cao, hua shi, bai zhu.
Ladebouriella pill that Sagely Unblocks
Fang feng tong sheng wan
treating Shaoyang disorder by mediation
relieves superficial symptoms by dispelling wind, purging heat to relax bowels
Ladebouriella pill that Sagely Unblocks
Fang feng tong sheng wan
treating Shaoyang disorder by mediation
Excess syndrome of both interior and exterior due to attack by wind and internal accumulation of heat. strong fever and chills, light headedness, dizziness, headache, nasal congestion with thick and sticky nasal discharge, dry throat, constipation, dark yellow urine. Initial stages of carbuncles, furuncles, eczema and pruritis.
Ladebouriella pill that Sagely Unblocks
Fang feng tong sheng wan
treating Shaoyang disorder by mediation
柴胡 6g,白芍 9g,枳实 6g,甘草 6g。
chai hu, bai shao, zhi shi, gan cao
Powder for Treating Cold Limbs
Si Ni San

mediating the Liver & Spleen
dispersing pathogens and alleviating mental depression, soothing the liver and regulating the spleen
Powder for Treating Cold Limbs
Si Ni San

mediating the Liver & Spleen
cold fingers and toes (body is warm), sometimes accompanied by sensation of irritability and fullness in the chest & epigastrium, also abdominal pain and/or severe diarrhea.
Powder for Treating Cold Limbs
Si Ni San

mediating the Liver & Spleen
柴胡 15g,当归 15g,白芍 15g,茯苓15g,白术 15g,煨姜 a little,薄荷 a little,甘草15g。
chai hu, dang gui, bai shao, fu ling, bai zhu, wei jiang, bo he, gan cao.

All herbs are ground except Wei Jiang and Bo He. take 6-7g each time with a decoction of Wei Jiang and Bo He.
Ease Powder, Rambling Powder
Xiao Yao San

Mediating the Spleen and the Liver
Soothing the liver to disperse the depressed qi and invigorating the spleen to nourish the blood.
Ease Powder, Rambling Powder
Xiao Yao San

Mediating the Spleen and the Liver
Stagnation of Liver qi with Deficiency of blood: hypochondriac pain, headache, dizziness, bitter taste, dry throat, mental weariness and poor appetite, alternating fever and chills, irregular menstruation, breast distention. T: light red, P: feeble and taut
Ease Powder, Rambling Powder
Xiao Yao San

Mediating the Spleen and the Liver
柴胡 15g,当归 15g,白芍15g, 茯苓15g, 白术15g,煨姜 a little,薄荷 a little,甘草 6g,丹皮 3g,栀子 3g。

Ease Powder = chai hu, gang gui, bai shao, fu ling, bai zhu, wei jiang, bo he, gan cao

plus = dan pi, zhi zi.
Ease Powder with Moutan Bark and Capejasmine Fruit
Dan Zhi Xiao Yao San
Mediating the Liver and Spleen
Soothing the Liver, strengthening the Spleen and nourishing menstruation by regulating the flow of blood
Ease Powder with Moutan Bark and Capejasmine Fruit
Dan Zhi Xiao Yao San
Mediating the Liver and Spleen
fire-transmission and heat-production due to blood deficiency of the liver and spleen: irritability, spontaneous perspiration or night sweating or headache with dry eyes or irregular menstruation, pain & distension in the lower abdomen, difficult and painful urination.
Ease Powder with Moutan Bark and Capejasmine Fruit
Dan Zhi Xiao Yao San
Mediating the Liver and Spleen
ban xia, gan jiang, huang qin, huang lian, ren shen, gan cao, da zao.
Pinella Decoction for Purging Stomach Fire
Ban Xia Xie Xin Tang
Mediating the Stomach and Intestines
regulates the Stomach and purges the adverse flow of qi and relieves stagnation and flatulence.
Pinella Decoction for Purging Stomach Fire
Ban Xia Xie Xin Tang
Heat and Cold Complex in the middle jiao
Pinella Decoction for Purging Stomach Fire
Ban Xia Xie Xin Tang
Mediating the Stomach and Intestines
Epigastric focal distention, fullness & tightness with little or no pain, dry heaves or frank vomitting, borborygmus with diarrhea, reduced appetite. T: thin, yellow & greasy coat P: wiry and rapid
Pinella Decoction for Purging Stomach Fire
Ban Xia Xie Xin Tang
Mediating the Stomach and Intestines
ge gen, gan cao, huang qin, huang lian.
Pueraria, Scutellaria and Coptis Decoction
Ge Gen, Huang Qin, Huang Lian Tang
Mediating the Intestine and Stomach
Relieving the Exterior and Clearing away Heat
Pueraria, Scutellaria and Coptis Decoction
Ge Gen, Huang Qin, Huang Lian Tang
Mediating the Intestine and Stomach
Non-relief of an exogenous exterior condition with heat-evil entering the interior
Pueraria, Scutellaria and Coptis Decoction
Ge Gen, Huang Qin, Huang Lian Tang
Mediating the Intestine and Stomach
fever with foul diarrhea, burning sensation aroung the anus, irritable feverish sensation of the chest and epigastrium, dry mouth and thirst, asthma with sweating, T: yellow coating P: rapid
Pueraria, Scutellaria and Coptis Decoction
Ge Gen, Huang Qin, Huang Lian Tang
Mediating the Intestine and Stomach
青蒿6g,竹茹9g,半夏5g,赤茯苓9g,黄芩8g,枳壳5g,陈皮5g,碧玉散 (滑石,甘草,清黛) 9g。
qing hao, zhu ru, ban xia, chi fu ling, huang qin, zhi qiao, chen pi, Bi Yu San (Green Jade Powder - hua shi, gan cao, qing dai).
Sweet wormwood & Scutellaria Gallbladder clearing Decoction
Hao Qin Qing Dan Tang
Mediates Stomach and Intestines
Clear the Gallbladder and harmonize the stomach by resolving dampness and phlegm.
Sweet wormwood & Scutellaria Gallbladder clearing Decoction
Hao Qin Qing Dan Tang
Mediates Stomach and Intestines
Heavy chill with light fever, bitter taste in the mouth, distress of the diaphragm, acid regurgitation, vomitting with yellow mucous saliva, dry heaves, hiccough, distending pain in the chest & hypochondrium, T: red with white and greasy coat, P: slippery and rapid on Rt hand, taut and rapid on Lt.
Sweet wormwood & Scutellaria Gallbladder clearing Decoction
Hao Qin Qing Dan Tang
Mediates Stomach and Intestines