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26 Cards in this Set

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Sx: increasing fever, decreasing chills, HA, stiff extremities, dry nasal passages, orbital and eye pain, irritability insomnia

T: thin yellow coat

P: floating (superficial), slightly flooding

Chai Ge Jie Ji Tang

Sx: high fever, severe chills with shivering, no sweating, pain and stiffness of head & neck, soreness & pain of extremities, focal distention & fullness in chest, nasal congestion with sonorous breathing, productive cough

T: white greasy coat

P: floating soggy or superficial rapid

Ren Shen Bai Du San

Sx: severe constipation & flatulence, focal distention & abdominal fullness, abdominal pain that increases upon pressure, tense & firm abdomen. may have tidal fever, delirious speech & profuse sweating from palms & soles; or foul smelling green watery diarrhea, discharge w/ abdominal distention, fullness & pain

Da Cheng Qi Tang

Sx: tidal fever, constipation, focal distention, abdominal fullness, abdominal pain that does not increase upon pressure

Xiao Cheng Qi Tang

Sx: constipation (without focal distention or abdominal fullness), irritability. also for nosebleeds swollen gums & throat, ptechiae due to heat in ST and intestines

Tiao Wei Cheng Qi Tang

Sx: constipation, lusterless skin & nails, dry mouth with constant desire to drink, dry throat

P: thin

Run Chang Wan

Sx: constipation that has a hard stool that is hard to expel, urination is normal but frequent

T: dry yellow tongue coating

Ma Zi Ren Wan

Sx: alternating chills & fever, fullness in the chest, hypochondriac discomfort, anorexia, dysphoria, retching, bitter taste in mouth, dry throat, dizziness

Xiao Chai Hu Tang

Sx: alternating fever & chills, bitter taste, nausea, continuous vomiting, fullness in the chest & hypochondria, with or without pain, focal distention or pain in the epigastrium, burning diarrhea or no bowel movements, sl. irritability, melancholy

Da Chai Hu Tang

Sx: hypochondriac pain, HA, vertigo, bitter taste, dry mouth & throat, fatigue, poor appetite, (may have alternating chills & fever?), irregular menses, breast distention

Xiao Yao San

Sx: epigastric focal distention, fullness, tightness with very slight or no pain, dry heaves or frank vomiting, borborygmus with diarrhea, reduced appetite

Ban Xia Xie Xin Tang

Sx: high fever, extreme thirst with desire to drink, profuse sweating, red face, aversion to heat, irritability. 4 Bigs: sweat, fever, thirst, pulse

Bai Hu Tang

Sx: high fever, irritability, dry mouth and throat, incoherent speech, insomnia, hematemesis, epistaxis, carbuncles, deep rooted boils or other toxic swellings, dysentery, DH jaundice

Huang Lian Jie Du Tang

Sx: fever, irritable, restless, flushed face, dark urine, red eyes, constipation, severe cases delirious speech

Xie Xin Tang

Sx: toothache (especially pain going to the head) facial swelling, fever, bad breath, dry mouth

Qing Wei San

Sx: hypochondriac pain, HA's, dizziness, red sore eyes, hearing loss, swelling in ears, bitter taste, irritability, short temper. also difficult & painful urination with heat sensation in urethra, swollen external genitalia, foul smelling leukorrhea, shortened menses cycle with reddish purple blood

Long Dan Xie Gan Tang

Sx: abdominal pain, burning sensation around anus, diarrhea with more blood than pus, thirst, tenesmus

Bai Tou Weng Tang

Sx: night fever & morning coolness, with absence of sweating as the fever recedes, emaciation with no loss of appetite

Qing Hao Bie Jia Tang

Sx: irritability, fever, night sweats, red face, dry mouth, parched lips, dry stools, dark and scanty urine

Dang Gui Liu Huang Tang

Sx: diarrhea with watery stool, nausea and vomiting, no particular thirst, loss of appetite, abdominal pain

Li Zhong Wan

Sx: intermittent spasmodic abdominal pain that feels better with pressure & warmth, pale complexion, reduces appetite

Xiao Jian Zhong Tang

Sx: excrutiating epigastric & abdominal pain (cannot tolerate being touched), strong cold sensation in epigastrium, vomiting to the point of being unable to eat, may have borborygmus

Da Jian Zhong Tang

Sx: dizziness, unsteadiness, impaired vision, deafness, tinnitus, SOB, laconic speech, weak voice, shiny pale complexion, reduced appetite, loose stools

Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang

Sx: intermittent fever that worsens on exertion, spontaneous sweating, dislikes cold, thirst warm beverages

Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang

Sx: loose stools or diarrhea, reduced appetite, weak extremities, weight loss, distention & stifling sensation in the chest & epigastrium, pale face.

Sheng Ling Bai Zhu San

Sx: heat sensation in muscles, red face, irritability, thirst for warm beverages, could have fever due to loss of blood

Dang Gui Bu Xue Tang