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12 Cards in this Set

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How do foreign words forms their plural?
By adding an s.
Which masculine noun endings require no change (some require umlaut) to form plural?
Those that end in -er, -en or -el.
Which masculine nouns form their plural with - (e)n?
Masculine nouns that end in -e in the singular and foreign words with accent on last syllable use -(e)n to form their plural.
How do some masculine nouns (some require umlaut) form their plural.
With an -e or -er ending.
How do feminine nouns in the plural generally end?
With -n or en
How do a small group of feminine nouns form their plural?
By adding -e AND an umlaut.
How do a few feminine nouns that end in -er in the singular form their plural?
By adding an umlaut or -n.
How do feminine nouns with the suffix -in form their plural?
By adding -nen.
Which neuter nouns require no ending to form their plural?
Nouns with the ending -chen, -lein, -er, -en or -el require no ending to form plural.
What rule do Infinitives that end in -en and are used as nouns follow?
They are always neuter and have no plural.
How do a large group of neuter nouns form their plural?
By adding -er. This plural form requires an umlaut when an umlaut vowel (a,o,u) is present in the noun.
How does another large group of neuter nouns form their plural?
By adding -e to form the plural.