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15 Cards in this Set

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The power to establish and maintain schools is a power reserved only for the ...

State Government

The ______ _________ created a bicameral legislature, where in one house state population determined the number of representatives and in the other the number of representatives were equal.

Great Compromise

Following Shays' Rebellion, most Americans called for establishing a stronger...

Central Government

"No person could be forced to attend church or pay for a church with taxes" was part of Thomas Jefferson's Virginia Statue for...

Religious Freedom

The Articles of Confederation made it hard for Congress to protect its land or citizens against foreign threats because...

Congress could not force states to provide soldiers for an army. The Continental Army had disbanded, or dissolved, soon after the signing of the Treaty of Paris of 1783.

The Federalist Paper tried to reassure the Americans about the new federal government under the constitution by saying that the ________ would not overpower the ______________.

First blank: government

Second blank: states

The purpose of the ________ __________ __ ____ was to set up a system of surveying and dividing territory.

Land Ordinance of 1785

The banning of slavery in some state Constitutions was significant because it marked the beginnings of the _________ movement.


How did the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 affect education in the North West territory?

It required that pubic education be provided; be a basic right

What does the concept of majority rules protect against?

it protects a small group of people having too much power

Governor Morris of New York strongly supported ____________ views in the writing of the Constitution.

abolitionist (anti-slavery)

Because of _____ _________ the American government responded by holding a convention to revise the Articles of Confederation.

Shays' Rebellion

The Magna Carta was a document that:

was signed by King John in 1215, made the king subject to law or obey the same laws as the English people

The main cause of _____ _________ was the policy that forced farmers to pay taxes on land.

Shays' Rebellion

How did the Articles of Confederation contribute to the economic problems in the United States in the late 1700's?

The Articles had failed to protect the ideas of liberty set forth in the Declaration of Independence. Congress could offer little help because there was too much power given to the State Government and not the Central Government.