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84 Cards in this Set

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the SCIENCE, ART and PRACTICE of managing the natural resources that occur on and in association with forest land for HUMAN BENEFIT.
a biological community of plants, with trees as the predominant woody vegetation, and animals existing in a complex interaction with the nonliving environment.

*Ecosystem with predominantly woody vegetation.
woody perennial plant, usually with a single main stem (trunk/bole) and height of 20 ft or more at maturity.
a resource manager responsible for all the GOODS, BENEFITS and SERVICES obtainable from forest land.
Americans use of trees per year:

(In terms of actual trees, not cubic feet)
one tree, 100 feet tall and 18" DBH
we consume 675# of paper, and 18 cubic feet lumber & plywood (3x avg world consumption)
how many products are made from trees?
over 5K
wood accounts for _____% of all major materials used.
environmental impact of wood use?
carbon neutral.
less global warming potential with respect too all aspects of harvesting and use when compared to other materials.
O2 and CO2 circulation for 1 tree/year?
removes 26 lbs CO2, Adds 13 lbs O2.
other pollutants trees capture?
10% of carbon emissions
urban trees capture 711,000 metric tons of pollutants annually.
forest stand
group of trees that can be distinguished from another group by the fact that it has a different SPECIES composition and/or AGE class distribution.
best quality timber comes from...
BUTT log
softwoods- 9" and up
hardwoods- 11 and up
softwoods- 5-9 inches DBH
hardwoods- 5-11 inches DBH
1-5" DBH
up to 1" DBH
diameter at breast height...4.5 feet above ground (on high side of tree if on a hill)
tree key
outline with sequence of choices, based on tree features that eventually lead to a particular species
# species of gymno and ang?
500 gymnosperms
200 monocots, and the rest (majority) are dicots
appearance of gymnosperms and angiosperms (time)?
Gym- 400 mill years ago...(ginko later-about 200 mill ago)
Ang-180 mill years ago
Enclosed seeds
flat, broad leaves
generally Deciduous
aka: broadleaf, deciduous, hardwoods
naked seeds
needle or scale like leaves
generally evergreen (ExP tamarack)
aka: evergreen, softwoods, conifers
classification scheme invented by....
common vs. scientific names?
common varies by spoken language, but there is essentially ONE per plant (WW).
# of species of trees in WI...MN?
~ 55 in WI and 52 in MN
# of species of trees in US?
~865 native
(16 times what is in WI...WI- 55)
species of trees in world (#)
30k to 100 K
classification and ID of trees
what kind of tree was mainly harvested during expoitation?
White pine (light...floats)
verification by a 3rd party that sustainability requirements are met.
% of harvested wood which is private?
growth/ harvest in WI?
we grow 1/3 more than we harvest in WI
1990 to present
sust. Forestry and ecosystem management period
Sustainable Forestry
managing dynamic forest ecosystems for ECOLOGICAL, SOCIAL and CULTURAL benefits for present and future generations
Native American Period in Forest history
13.5K+ yrs ago to 1607
Much undisturbed, but Indians did set fires for buffalo habitat.
1607 was 1st successful European colony.
oldest living organism?
"Methuselah" Bristle cone pine
Most massive organisms?
1)Honey Mushroom in Oregon
2) "Pando" Aspen clone
3) "General Sherman" Giant Sequoia
tallest living organism?
Coastal Redwood
plant __ trees a year to be carbon neutral.
Pure stand
at least 80% composed of 1 species
(so it is managed for that 1 species)
mixed stand
composed of 2 or more predominant species
Even aged stand
a stand of trees composed of a single age class
2- aged stand
a stand of trees with 2 distinct age classes
uneven aged stand
a stand with trees of 3 or more distinct age classes
all-aged stand
a stand of trees composed of all, or almost all age classes.
measure of how well trees OCCUPY an area, relative to a pre-established standard.

Expressed at % of area covered by tree crowns.
less that 60% tree cover
Fully stocked
60%-100% tree cover, allowing maximum growth per acre.
over stocked
greater than 100% tree cover
Basal area
cross sectional area at DBH
usually applied in terms of average basal area per acre
% of the world's land that is forested?
# acres?
about 10 billion acres
Forest land
Land at least 10% stocked by forest trees, including land that naturally had such tree cover that will naturally or artificially regenerate.
Change in world forest cover in the last 10 K years?
1/3 less
the conversion of forest land to a non-forest use.

(usually due to agriculture)
world deforestation each year?
% of all forests/yr
# acres/yr
(primarily tropical)

32 million acres/year
(which is less than in 1990's 39.5 mill)
% of world forest publicly owned?
% primary, naturally regenerated, planted.
36% primary
57% naturally regen.
7% planted
value of forest industry and # of people employed world wide.
(Almost a half TRILLION)
$468 Billion
13.7 million employees
(compared to WI pop which is 5.5 million)
world forests...
hardwood vs. coniferous
1/3 coniferous
2/3 hardwood
4 main kinds of forests worldwide:
tropical 52%
boreal 25%
temperate 13%
subtropical 9%
3 main types of wood products and rough %'s.
Wood fuel 48% (used by 40% of world pop, & 10% of energy supply)
Industrial Roundwood (logs) 43%
paper & paperboard 9%
4 Most Forested countries
These account for about HALF!

1. Russia 22%
2. Brazil 16%
3. Canada 7%
4. US 6%
Tropical deforestation
(% of deforestation & # acres)
accounts for 95% of world deforestation.
about 32 million acres/ year

.8% of trop. forests/year, 61 acres/MINUTE.
US Lacey Act
makes it a federal crime to trade in illegally harvested wood products.
Est. in 1900, but enforcement began April 1 2010!
Importers must declare scientific name and country of harvest for ANY plant component of a product.
TROPICAL forest benefits:
(not just rain forests)
- Habitat for 50-75% of the world's wildlife species!
-protects fragile soils
-maintains hydrologic cycle
-wood products
-CO2 sequestration
What have they used to jump-start restoration of tropical habitat?
legume trees :)
US forest....% land area and # acres?
751 mill acres
(So total USA acreage is about 2 billion acres)
US forest compared to 1630?
72% remains

3-5% has never been cut (virgin)
8% of that was planted
% (US forests) lost each year to damage?
Net growth?
23% lost to insects, disease, fire, etc.
58% of net growth is harvested.
We have grown MORE than we harvest since the 50's.
2 main causes of US deforestation?
through human history: Agricultural Expansion

Urban sprawl
Forest Industry numbers in USA....sales, employment?
about 200 Billion in sales
1.3 million- 1.1 million employed
Cubic feet of wood in US:
net growth?
21 billion consumed
15.5 billion removed (remainder imported)
26.7 net growth
% of timberland cut/year?
(and how is it cut?)

39% clearcut and 61% partial cut
percent of land that is urban, and how much of that is covered by trees?
3.5 % urban and 27.1 is covered by trees.
timber land
forest land that is capable of producing more than 20 cubic feet of industrial wood per acre per year that is not withdrawn from timber utilization by statute or administrative regulation
Reserve forest land
Forest land that would otherwise be classified as timberland, except that it is withdrawn from utilization by statute or administrative regulation
other forest land?
forest land that is not timberland or forest reserve land
Which US regions account for the majority of timberland?
The north and south account for 71%
What US regions account for the majority of Reserve forest land and other forest land?
Rocky Mtns and Pacific coast account for 88% of ttl reserve, and 94% of other forest land.
13.5 K before present -1607
Native american period
Colonial Period
Westward expansion ans Resource exploitation
Resource acquisition and scientific management period

(stopped land give aways and Teddy. Roos used sec 24 to create natnl. parks)
-US forest service est in 1905
Multiple use and Environmental protection period