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59 Cards in this Set

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What do you need to know in order to conduct serology testing
-Protein has to be in the blood or other body fluids
What type of protein needs to be in the blood
What two proteins determine the most common form of blood typing
What two
Antibodies - Indentifies the protein
Electrophaoresis - Inde
What does serological testing depend on
the identification of proteins in the blood or other body fluids
What are thes proteins produced by
Our cells from genetic information
What are antibodies
A protein that destroys or inactivate a specific antigene
What are Antigens
A substance, usually a protein, that stimulates the body to produce antibodies against it.
What are the different blood types
A; B; AB; O
What is the most common blood type
O is the most common because 45% of the population is O blood type
Blood Type Population type
O = 45%
A = 39%
B = 12%
AB = 4%
What is Agglutination
The clumping together of red blood cells by the action of an antibody
What is Antiserum
Blood Serum that contains specific antibodies
The liquid that separates from the blood when a clot is formed
Abbreviation for deoxyribonucleic acid - the molecules carrying the body's genetic information. It is double stranded in the shape of a double helix.
What determines the blood type
Only when agglutination occurrs determines blood A, B, or AB. If no aggultination orrcurs it's blood type O
The average lifespan of blood is
120 days
What is the universal donor blood type
O... give to anyone but can only receive from O
Universal Receiver blood type is
AB... can't give to nobody...but can receive anybody
What is used to determine DNA or Paternaty
Blood type
What is the Precipitan test
A test that tells if it's human or animal blood
What's the purpose of the Luminol Test
The purpose is to indicate if there is blood stain on the material. If there's blood, it lights up. This test has to be done in a dark room or dark area.
What causes the Luminol test to be effective
Iron in hemoglobin (a blood protein) participates in this reaction
What blood enzymes are present?
PGM is one of that is present
What is an Enzyme
Are proteins that have important functions in regulating many of the body's Chemical reactions. This protein acts as a catalyst for certain specific reactions.
What are red blood cell
transport oxygen from the lungs to the body tissues and intern removes carbon dioxide from tissues by transporting it back to the lungs where it is exhale.
What are Platelets
It causes the blood to clot so that you don't bleed to death.
What is a nonporus surface
It's a surface that doesn't absorb
How does the blood spatter appear on hard nonporus surfaces
It's going to sit or run and it's not going to absorb
Has to do with the DNA - Requires fresh blood
What are specific proteins produced by a cell are directly related to
Thermal Cycler use in DNA
An instrument that automate the rapid and precise temperature changes required to copy a DNA strand. Within a matter of hours DNA can be multiplied a million fold.
Thermal Cycler (PCR) Polymerase Chain Reaction use in DNA
A technique for replicating or coping a portion of a DNA strand outside a living cell. This technique leads to millions of copies of the DNA strand.
mt=means mother type as oppose to Father
what is southern blotting
is the transfer process of the dna fragments to an nylon membrane
The process of joining 2 complimentary strands of dna to form a double stranded molecule
Tandem Repeat
region of a chromosone that contains multiply copies of a core dna sequence that are arranged in a repeating fashion.
RFLP = Ristriction fragment length Polymorphisms
diferent fragment lenght of base pairs that result from cutting a dna molecure with restriction enzymes
What is Electrophoresis
It's a technique for seperating molocules through their migration on a support meduim while under the influence of an electrical potential.
A duplication process for DNA
What are the characterstics of DNA
It's a polymer moleclure
Made up of repeating units of smaller moleclures called neuclear tides.
Neuclear tides are then made up of sugar and phosphate
and also a variable part called nytrogen base
What are tbe building blocks of dna
Neuclear tides

Page 383 & 384
Base Pairing in DNA
interms of connections
STR - Short-term Tandem Repeats
They are locations on the chromosones that contains short sequence elements that repeat their self within the DNA molecule. It consist of 3-7 repeating base pair
Amelogenin Gene
A genetic locus usefule for determining gender located on both Y and X chromosome
Ristriction Enzymes
Cut up chromosomes into hundredths of fragments during RFLP typing.
Like sizzors to cut the DNA Enzyems
Who started finger printing
Francis Gallton
Who is Will West
The second imate that came with identical measurements, name, and photos of another imate. Finger printing was used to distingues between the two
AFIS - Automated Fingerprinting Identification Sytems
It uses automatic scanning devices that convert the image of a finger print into digital minutiae or miniture or small that contain data showing ridges at their points of termination (ridge endings) and the branches of ridges into two ridges (bifurcation)
PSA(p30)- Prostate specific antigene
To test if there is semen is present...like luminol is to test if there's blood present
If there's a formation of a visable line midway between the electropheresis weels than you know semen is present
associated with semen
Laten Fingerprint
A fingerprint made by the deposit of oils and/or perspiration. It is invisible to the naked eye.
A class of fingerprints characterized by ridge lines that enter from one side of the pattern and curve around to exit from the same side of the pattern
A class of finger prints that includes ridge patterns that are generally rounded or circular in shape and have two deltas
A class of fingerprints characterized by ridge lines that enter the print from one side and flow aout the other side.
where are pores of sweat glands located on the fingers
located on top of the ridge island which is located on top of the epidemis
Which insect would arrive first on dead body
Calliphora (a type of fly)
Number of deltas in fingerprints
How to permanently damage fingerprints
(need to research)
A physical change from the solid directly into the gaseous state