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53 Cards in this Set

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Dehydration sign in sclera?
Tachy noire (black line)
Blowfly development (8mm, pupa, fly). Ants wounds?
8mm - 7 days, pupa - day 8-10, fly 12-18 days. Ants, formic acid, reddish mosit wounds
In infanticide - what's the GI float test?
small intestine - gas for 6h, large int - gas for 12h
What is amussat sign?
Carotid intimia ruptures, used in strangulation/garroting examination
Who should be in a CSI? what are the 2 phases?
Investigator, recording investigator, criminal technician and a forenisc pathologist. Static phase, dynamic phase
Name 4 examinations for blood and how they work
Teichmann - microscopic heme crystals.
Guaiac test - blood colrs test blue
Merck - benzidine rxn - blue green
Luminal test - chemoluminascence - seen in dark
OxyHgb - sepctrophotometry
Demonstration of sperms - 3 examinations. 2 scales
Quartz lamp (blue on clothes), AP activity (up to 5 years!), Florance test (choline content).
Davis Wilson scale, AP - sigma units (>138 <24h, 50-138 24h, 20-50 48h)
hairs - 2 differences animal/human, death sign in cortex
differences - animal hair scaly (human parallelr rows), animal hair core is larger. Death sign - original color found in cortex of hair
Give one easy way to know if a wound is ante or postmortem. Give 2 ways to grade wound age and examples
Easy way - if hemorrhage washed easily - PM. Histochemical signs (DNA proliferation 6h), Morphological signs (small thrombosis at 12h, granulation tissue at 5-6d)
Essen-Moller probablities? 4 most important features of peternity
Peternity - ABO/RH, HLA, DNA fingerprint, enzyme systems. Essen - 0.5 excluded, <1% improbable, >99.75% prooven
5 important things in identifying a body. 2 special examinations of skeleton
1. Recognition, 2. fingerprints (inject formalin if water), 3. dental, 4. special markings, 5.skeleton. Special skeleton exams - UV light decreases with years, lamellar system occluded after 30 years
a vital sign and a vital rxn in hanging. 3 causes of death in hanging.
Vital sign - pinpoint hemorrhages on ligature, red abrasions also. Vital rxn - thyroglobulin level markedly increased. 3 causes of death - anoxia, spinal cord injury, reflexogenic vagal cardiac arrest
give 4 signs of garroting
Face- pinpoint hemorrhages, neck - bleeding into neck muscles, larynx. Thyroid - great horn fx. Kidney, liver congested
3 types of suffucation. 3 causes of suffucation. 3 autopsy signs.
types- anoxemic, anemic anoxia (CO), Hisotoxic anoxia (CN). 3 causes - AW obstructio, PTX, tissue damage. Signs - pink hypostasis, subconjunctiva petechia, lung edema
3 types of abrasion, different ante/PM, dating with? ages?
Scrape, impact, patterened. Antemortem - red-brown, post- yellowish (vital rxn). Dating by epithelial regen+granulation tissue. Epi regen at 72h, granulation tissue at 5-8days
6 types of brain contusions. Special about falls and head blows. Two features of contusions
Coup, Contre-coup, fracture, intermediary, gliding, herniation. In falls - countre-coup mostly. In head blows - only coup. In contusion --> Hemorrhage + necrosis
Types of death from electrocution
Exitus Momentarus, exitus retardatus, exitus dilatus (several hours), exitus interruptus
Two elements cauing injury in explosions. What's crow's feet?
Physical objects (explosives, objects around) + Shockwave. Crow's feet - linear streaks of unburned skin around eyes caused by squinting. Indicates victim was alive.
Types of heat injury
Dry, wet, radiant (flash effect)
Vital signs/injuries
Bleeding, Aspiration in drowning (reach terminal bronchiol), Blister formation, Edema. Embolization, Crow's feet, CO inhalation
signs of child abuse
Subdural hematoma from shaking, hands-like bruises, human bite, seperated cranial sutures, retinal hemorrhages, multiple fractures
3 autopsy findings in hypothermia
Wischnevsky's ulcers, purple patches on extremities, bright-pink/red livor mortis
Gross pathological findings in MI
Swelling, green-brown myocardium (24h), pallor w/hyperemic border at 7 days, yellow soft granualtion tissue at 10d, gray scar months later
3 main causes of dilated cardiomyopathy. 4 findings.
Causes- idiopathic, alcohol, pregnancy. findings - fibrosis, pale friable myocardium, fibrosis, mural thrombi
cause of death in myocarditis
fibrosis leading to arrhythmias
2 findings in HOCM, 2 findings in restrictive cCM
HOCM - fibers in disarray, septum enlarged. Restrictive - thickened endocardium. Milky white endocardium
4 abdominal causes of SD
Esophageal varices, ischemic mesenteric event, acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis (Benda rxn), Splenic rupture
4 findings in autopsy fitting SIDS
Petechiae on pleura, thymus. Vomit in trachea. Perioral bloody fludi.
3 pulmonary signs of intra uterine hypoxia and death
pulmonary art open and full w/blood, lung - grossly blackberyy red and splenic like in texture. Lung- histo - meconium in alveoli.
2 pulmonary, 2 cranial signs, 1 kidney sign indicating live birth
pulmonary - color of lungs pinkish red, spongy texture. and float in water. Kidney - urate salts due to RBC destruction. Cranial - caput succedandum, cephalohematoma
1 sign of post-mortally introduced air into infant's lung. air in small/large intestine? 1 cardiac sign of live brith
post-mortally introduced air - broken alveoli with air distrubted evenly. air in small intestine 6h, 12h in colon. Cardiac- closure of foramen ovale
4 ways to determine time since birth
gas in small/large intestine (6/12h), umbilical cord detachment (6d), ductus venosus closure (5-10d), foramen ovale closure (4-8w)
3 signs to determine if women was just pregnant, 2 good ways to determine time since childbirth
determine if pregnant - stretch marks on abd, healed scar in perianal region, scarring of vaginal mucosa. time since childbirth - shrinkage of uterus (10d for fundus to reach pubic bone), histological remains of decidua
Proof of rape - what to estabilsh
Injury to hymen, injury to genitals, sperm, pregnancy
3 major ways of criminal abortions
Abortificient systemic drugs (local - quinine, oxytocin, essential oils), locao abortificient (potassium permanganate), instrumentation (douching, syringing, induction by instrumentation),
Mercury - acute poisoning (vapor, Hg salts)
Vapor - chest pain, n/v, tremor, gingivitis.
Hg salts - tubular necrosis, gray diarrhea, percipitates in mucous membranes
Mercury - chronic poisoning (vapor, salts)
Vapor - CNS + SNS.
Salts - renal injury, acrodynia, anorexia
Autopsy findings in mercury poisoning
Gray-white mucosa, CNS atrophy, GI petechia, fatty degeneration of heart, liver.
Lead poisoning - inorganic/organic absorption, clinical siggns
Inorganic - absorbed all ways except skin. Clinical - CNS, neuropathy (dropwrist), GI, sideroblastic anemia.
Organic in gasoline, abosrbed thru skin/resp tract. Clinical - acute CNS (hallucination, insomina, headaches)
2 etiologies of lead poisoning and 2 diagnostic tests
etiologies - paints, bullets left in body. dx - Lead lines deposits in growing bones, protoporphyirin and ALA enzyems levels increased
CO poisoning - clinical signs, PM signs
clinical - hypoxia, headache, n/v, syncope, coma.
PM - bright pink hypostasis. distended lungs, brain edema, pleura/pericard pinpoint hemorrhages
CN poisoning - found in, PM findings, lethal dose
found in - instectides, chemicals, cleaners, burning plastic.
PM - almonds odor, lactic acidosis, black stomach, red skin. Bright red organs and red livor. Lethal dose - 2mg/kg
Acids (corrosives) - 4 examples with 1 characteristic and cause of death
Sulforic acid - gastric black deposits, COD gastric perforation.
Nitric acid - yellow crusts and lung edema, COD -shock.
HCL - glottis spasm, coagulated surfaces on autopsy.
Acetic acid - typical odor, renal damage and irritating effect
Paraquat - clinical. 2,4d-dichlorophenoxyacetate - clinical
Paraquat - lipid peroxidation, GI irritant, pulm edema.
Dichlorophenoxyacetate - neuromuscular paralysis, coma. 100% fatal in days
Autopsy findings on barbs intoxication
Red bullae on skin, full bladder, hypostatic pneumonia, highly fluid blood
3 ways of hepatic metabolism of ethanol to acetaldyhde. Acetaldyhde dehydrogenase requires what?
ADH in cytosol (constitutive), MEOS in ER (inducible, requires NADPH), Catalase in peroxisomes. Acetaldehyde dehydrogenase requries NAD (meaning causes an increase in NADH)
3 causes of increase in NADH
1. increase in lactate levels leading to fibrosis
2. reduction in gluconeogenesis leading to increase FA synthesis and fatty liver
3. reduction of FA breakdown (again fatty liver)
Autopsy findings in Methyl alcohol, Ethylene glycol
Methyl alcohol - alcoholic odor, degerenation of optic nerve/retina.
Ethylene glycol - subendocardial hemorrhage, brain edema, kidney oxalate crystals deposition
Toxins in amanita phalloides, clinical
Phalotoxin - 8-12h latency with abdominal pain, n/v, diarrhea. Then symptom free for days, then amatoxin --> liver + renal damage with jaundice, enzymes, hepatocellular necrosis and death
Helvella esculenta -toxin, clinical, rx
Helvellic acid - hemolysis.
6-8h latency, diarrhea n/v. 24h - jaundice, hemolysis, hematuria, etc. Rx for Helvella - pyridoxine!
Methods to examine illicit drug use. What samples and how much do you send for toxicology?
Anamnestic data, clinical signs, autposy, toxicology screen. Samples - blood 10-20ml, urine 300ml, vomit-all, gastic lavage 500ml.
Heroin autopsy signs. How can heroin be taken?
Pinpoint pupils, pulma edema, foam, 6-MAM in vitreous?. Urinalysis positive for 72h. Heroin - IV, skin popping, inhalation (heating on spoon)
4 examples of hallucinogenics. mechanism of action. 1 drug that can cause serious physical damage
Mescaline, Psilocybin, LSD, PCP - causes resp depression, coma, seizures. MOA - 5HT antagonists