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43 Cards in this Set

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I realized my __________ when I told the blonde a dumb blonde joke!
Faux pas
She is so ridiculous about everything! Too much upkeep for me. She is a ___________.
prima dona
I had to recite every thing I learned in English class ____________ for the test. No way I could remember everything word for word.
I want the newest and best of everything, but some people are happy living with the _______________ of just having a phone that does the basics.
status quo
The artist painted in an ______________ fashion. It was so innovating and colorful.
The old coin was so damaged that I could barely read the phrase ________________ on it, yet I knew it was an American coin.
e pluribus unum
The ______________ think that mattress riding is normal.
hoi polloi
I believe that I __________ to that party to let them know that I was attending.
I realized my __________ when I mentioned that he did not look 50, and he told me that was because he was 40.
Faux Pas
His live was filled with ___________; he loved life and was always so happy.
joie de vivre
Hitler had ____________ in Germany, and he wanted complete power in the world.
Carte blanche
12. That salesmen should have reminded me of ___________ when I bought that used car from him.
caveat emptor
The Bible is the ______________ of all books. You really never need another book if you have that one.
Alpha and omega
I want my _______________ to be SHS, but I better make sure that I pass English II, or it will not be!
alma mater
Graduating ______________ would be easy if I had Mustafa’s GPA.
cum laude
_______________ when you are in such a fun English class like Ms. Wester’s. I hardly notice the time pass and class is over!
tempus fugit
Old-timers watched the stock-market crash with a distinct sense of _________________
Deja vu
My brother shouted, “_________________,” as his ship set sail.
Bon voyage
The soup __________ is split pea.
du jour
His girlfriend seemed like a _________________; she may be attractive, but you will lead you into trouble.
femme fatale
The SHS’s Raiders team felt _________________ after bonding at the last competition.
esprit de corps
That Jenkins girl is a good gymnast, but she certainly is a ________________. She is so temperamental!
prima donna
Her mind was blank. She felt like her mind was a ________________when beginning to study French.
tabula rasa
He talks on and on and on. I wish he’d drop the subject; we have heard about budget cuts ________________
ad nauseam
Let's enjoy the day! We skipped school and thought ________________
carpe diem
The day just slipped away. ________________when you are having fun!
Tempus fugit
So we lost a softball game by twenty-two runs. What can you do; ________________!
C'est la vie
That is a ________________sample of Lincoln’s handwriting.
bona fide
Peter is a friendly person, but he lacks the ________________required for a successful career in the Foreign Service.
savoir faire
We had been discussing plumbing, so her remark about history was a real ________________.
non sequitur
Dr. Hill keeps writing articles that criticize his fellow physicians; he is becoming known as the ________________of his profession.
enfant terrible
After our stormy voyage across the Atlantic Ocean, we were relieved to set foot on ________________
terra firma
Dedman’s piece got barely a whisper from the ________________. I guess the regular people do not read scientific journals.
vox populi
After a tornado swept through the school, an ________________group of parents was formed to assist in the repairs.
ad hoc
The question of the draft was a ________________in the 1960s.
cause celebre
Moby Dick was Melville’s ________________.
magnum opus
He has become ________________in our third period class. He never is quiet and drives everyone crazy.
persona non grata
The Chinese may make some concessions on trade, but they will no doubt demand a ________________, so we must be prepared to make concessions too.
quid pro quo
She has a certain ________________that charms everybody.
je ne sais quoi
Her ________________ in buying a new car always included a month of research.
modus operandi
Samuel Clemens ________________is Mark Twain.
non de plume
The new I-Phone is a god-send to techies everywhere – hot technology meets ________________
haute couture
I gave you the wrong directions to my house – ________________.
mea culpa