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52 Cards in this Set

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Pronates and flexes forearm (at elbow)
Pronator teres;
Ulnar head....
Coronoid process;
Middle of convexity of lateral surface of radius;
Humeral head...Medial epicondyle of humerus (common flexor origin);
Middle of convexity of lateral surface of radius;
Median nerve (C6, C7)
Flexes and abducts hand (at wrist)
Flexor carpi radialis (FCR)
Medial epicondyle of humerus (common flexor origin);
Base of 2nd metacarpal;
Median nerve (C6, C7)
Flexes hand (at wrist) and tenses palmar aponeurosis
Palmaris longus;
Medial epicondyle of humerus (common flexor origin);
Distal half of flexor retinaculum and apex of palmar aponeurosis;
Median nerve (C7, C8)
Flexes and adducts hand (at wrist)
Flexor carpi ulnaris (FCU);
Humeral head;
Medial epicondyle of humerus (common flexor origin);
Pisiform, hook of hamate, 5th metacarpal;
Ulnar head;
Olecranon and posterior border (via aponeurosis);
Pisiform, hook of hamate, 5th metacarpal;
Ulnar nerve (C7, C8)
Flexes middle phalanges at proximal interphalangeal joints of middle four digits; acting more strongly, it also flexes proximal phalanges at metacarpophalangeal joints
Flexor digitorum superficialis (FDS);
Humeroulnar head;\
Medial epicondyle (common flexor origin and coronoid process);
Shafts of middle phalanges of medial four digits;
Radial head;
Superior half of anterior border;
Shafts of middle phalanges of medial four digits;
Median nerve (C7, C8, T1)
Flexes distal phalanges 4 and 5 at distal interphalangeal joints
Flexes distal phalanges 2 and 3 at distal interphalangeal joints
Flexor digitorum profundus (FDP);
Medial part;
Proximal three quarters of medial and anterior surfaces of ulna and interosseous membrane;
Bases of distal phalanges of 4th and 5th digits;
Ulnar nerve (C8, T1)
Flexes distal phalanges 2 and 3 at distal interphalangeal joints
Flexes distal phalanges 4 and 5 at distal interphalangeal joints
Flexor digitorum profundus (FDP);
Lateral part;
Proximal three quarters of medial and anterior surfaces of ulna and interosseous membrane;
lateral part, Bases of distal phalanges of 2nd and 3rd digits,
medial part, Bases of distal phalanges of 4th and 5th digits;
Medial part: Ulnar Nerve C8, T1
lateral part: Anterior interosseous nerve, from median nerve (C8, T1);
Flexes phalanges of 1st digit (thumb)
Flexor pollicis longus (FPL);
Anterior surface of radius and adjacent interosseous membrane;
Base of distal phalanx of thumb;
Anterior interosseous nerve, from median nerve (C8, T1);
Pronates forearm; deep fibers bind radius and ulna together
Pronator quadratus;
Distal quarter of anterior surface of ulna;
Distal quarter of anterior surface of radius;
Anterior interosseous nerve, from median nerve (C8, T1)
Relatively weak flexion of forearm; maximal when forearm is in midpronated position
Proximal two thirds of supraepicondylar ridge of humerus;
Lateral surface of distal end of radius proximal to styloid process;
Radial nerve (C5, C6, C7)
Extend and abduct hand at the wrist joint; ECRL active during fist clenching
Extensor carpi radialis longus (ECRL);

Extensor carpi radialis brevis (ECRB);
Lateral supraepicondylar ridge of humerus;
Dorsal aspect of base of 2nd metacarpal;
Radial nerve (C6, C7)

Lateral epicondyle of humerus (common extensor origin);
Dorsal aspect of base of 3rd metacarpal;
Deep branch of radial nerve (C7, C8)
Extends medial four digits primarily at metacarpophalangeal joints, secondarily at interphalangeal joints
Extensor digitorum;
Lateral epicondyle of humerus (common extensor origin);
Extensor expansions of medial four digits;
Deep branch of radial nerve (C7, C8)
Extends 5th digit primarily at metacarpophalangeal joint, secondarily at interphalangeal joint
Extensor digiti minimi
Lateral epicondyle of humerus (common extensor origin);
Extensor expansion of 5th digit;
Deep branch of radial nerve (C7, C8)
Extends and adducts hand at wrist joint (also active during fist clenching)
Extensor carpi ulnaris (ECU);
Lateral epicondyle of humerus; posterior border of ulna via a shared aponeurosis;
Dorsal aspect of base of 5th metacarpal;
Deep branch of radial nerve (C7, C8)
Supinates forearm; rotates radius to turn palm anteriorly or superiorly (if elbow is flexed)
Lateral epicondyle of humerus, radial collateral and anular ligaments, suupinator fossa, crest of ulna;
Lateral, posterior, and anterior surface of proximal third of radius;
Deep branch of radial nerve C 7, 8

= ) A+C Lig, SF CPU,

LAP 1/3 surf of R

DR 78
Extends 2nd digit (enabling its independent extension); helps extend hand at wrist
Extensor indicis;
Posterior surface of distal third of ulna and interosseus membrane;
extensor expansion of 2nd digit;
Posterior interosseous nerve (c7, 8), continuation of deep branch of radial nerve
Abducts thumb and extends it at carpometacarpal joint
Abductor pollicis longus (APL);
Posterior surface of proximal halves of ulna, radius, and interosseus membrane;
base of 1st metacarpal;
Posterior interosseous nerve c7,8, continuation of deep branch of radial nerve.
Extends distal phalanx of thumb at interphalangeal joint; extends metacarpophalangeal and carpometacarpal joints
Extensor pollicis longus (EPL);
Posterior surface of middle third of ulna and interosseus membrane;
dorsal aspect of base of distal phalanx of thumb;
Posterior interosseous nerve c7,8, continuation of deep branch of radial nerve.
Extends proximal phalanx of thumb at metacarpophalangeal joint; extends carpometacarpal joint
Extensor pollicis brevis (EPB);
Posterior surface of distal third of radius and interosseous memebrane; Dorsal aspect of base of proximal phalanx of thumb;
Posterior interosseous nerve c7,8, continuation of deep branch of radial nerve.
To oppose thumb, it draws 1st metacarpal medially to center of palm and rotates it medially
Oppones pollicis;
Flexor retinaculum and tubercles of scaphoid and trapezium;
lateral side of 1st metacarpal;
Recurrent branches of median nerve c8, T1
Abducts thumb; helps oppose it
Abductor pollicis brevis;
Flexor retinaculum and tubercles of scaphoid and trapezium; Lateral side of base of proximal phalanx of thumb;
Recurrent branche of median nerve c8, T1

RM 81
Flexes thumb
Flexor pollicis brevis;
Flexor retinaculum and tubercles of scaphoid and trapezium; Lateral side of base of proximal phalanx of thumb;
Recurrent branches of median nerve c8, T1
Adducts thumb toward lateral border of palm
Flexor pollicis brevis;

Adductor pollicis;
Deep head;
Flexor retinaculum and tubercles of scaphoid and trapezium;
Lateral side of base of proximal phalanx of thumb;
Deep branch of ulnar nerve c8, T1

oblique head;
base of 2nd and 3rd metacarpals, capitate, and adjacent carpals;
medial side of base of proximal phalanx of thumb;
Deep branch of ulnar nerve c8 T1;
Transverse head;
Anterior surface of shaft of 3rd metacarpal;
medial side of base of proximal phalanx of thumb;
Deep branch of ulnar nerve c8, T1
Abducts 5th digit; assists in flexion of its proximal phalanx
Abductor digiti minimi;
medial side of base of proximal phalanx of 5th digit;
deep branch of ulnar nerve c8, T1;
Flexes proximal phalanx of 5th digit
Flexor digiti minimi brevis;
Hook of hamate and flexor retinaculum;
Medial side of base of proximal phalanx of 5th digit;
Deep branch of ulnar nerve c8, T1
Draws 5th metacarpal anterior and rotates it, brining 5th digit into opposition with thumb
Opponens digiti;
Hook of hamate and flexor retinaculum;
Medial border of 5th metacarpal;
deep branch of ulnar nerve c8, T1
Flex metacarpophalangeal jonits; extend interphalangeal joints of 2nd-5th digits
1st and 2nd;
Lateral 2 tendons of flexor digitorum profundus (as unipennate muscles);
Lateral sides of extensor expansion s of 2nd-5th digits;
median nerve c8, T1;
3rd and 4th;
Medial three tendons of flexor digitorum profundus (as bipennate muscles);
Lateral sides of extensor expansion of 2nd-5th digits;
Deep branch of ular nerve c8, T1
Abduct 2nd-4th digits from axial line; act with lumbricals in flexing metacarpophalangeal joints and extending interphalangeal joints
Dorsal interossei, 1st-4th;
Adjacent sides of two metacarpals (as bipennate muscles);
Bases of proximal phalanges, extensor expansions of 2nd-4th digits;
deep branch of ulnar nerve c8, T1
Adduct 2nd, 4th, and 5th digits toward axial line; assist lumbricals in flexing metacarpophalangeal joints and extending interphalangeal joints, extensor expansion of 2nd -4th digits.
Palmar interossei, 1st-3rd;
Palmar surface of 2nd,4th, and 5th metacarpals (as unipennate muscles);
phalanges, extensor expansions of 2nd, 4th, and 5th digits;
Deep branch of ulnar nerve c8, T1
shoulder algorithum
Sulcus + = MDI Superior GHL
Load and Shift A and P+ =
Speed's Test + =
O'Brien's Active Comp + =
Pain Provocation + =
Open/empty Can-modified drop arm + =
ER Lag "Spring back" + =
ER Lag teres + =
Lift off test or internal rotation lag sign + =
Cross- arm adduction + =
Ac shear + =
Hawkins- modified + =
Neer + =
Radial nerve and branches
R 567=B=Prox 2/3 SepicR=>LSDRProx St

R 67=ECRL=LSupepic R========>DBMC2

DR 78
ECRB = LEH===========>DBMC3
ECU=== LEH,PBUviaAPO=======>DBMC5
ED==== LEH================>EEM4D
EDM== LEH================> EE 5
Sup == LEH,RCALSFUC=======> LAP Prox 3rdR

PIN DR 78 =

EPB==PD3 R+I==========> DBPP1
E I==PD3 U+I===========> EE2
APL==PPrx 1/2 R+U+I=====> BMC 1
EPL == PM 3 U+I ========> DBDP1

R 567 = B=[Mx FFamidProPos%rwFF]

R 67 = ECRL=[AbdE@W;ActDFIST]

DR 78
ECU=== [AddE@W%ActDFIST]
ED==== [EMed4MPJ%IPJ]
Sup == [SFa;RRtPA;SifEF]

PIN DR 78 =

E I= E2nd IDE%EH@W

Median nerve and branches
M 67=FCR===MEH======>BMC2nd[FAbdH@W]
==== PT=MEH+CPU==> LSRmidCvxty[PFF@E]
M 78=PL==MEH======> Dis1/2FR,ApxPApo[FHPApT@W]
M 81 = LumL=UP L2T FD=>LSEE25[FMPJ%EIP25]

AIM 81 =
====FPL = AS R+I =======>BDPT[FPT]
======PQ. = DisQASU====> DisQASR[PFa;dfibbind]

RBM 81 =
======APB = FRTTS ==> LSBPPT [ABdT helpsOit]
======FPBs = FRTTS ==> LSBPPT [FT]
======OP = FRTTS ====> LSMC1[OT,d1MCMtoCpmRM]

M 67= 2

M 78 = 1
M 781 = 1
M 81 = 1

AIM 81 = 3

RBM 81 = 3
Ulnar nerve and branches
U 78 = FCU = CFT; PB via apo OLE===> HHPMC 5

U 81 = FDPm = ProxAM 3/4 U+I===> BDP 45

DU 81=
AP====T, 3rd MCASS
======O, 23 MCB+C+C;============>BPPTMs
DI=====BiP AdjS 2 mc;============> BPPEE24
ADM===Pisiform=================> BPP5Ms
FDMB===HHFR==================> BPP5Ms
Lumbm ==BiP M3T FDP============> LSEE25
OD===HHFR====================> MBMC5
PI ==UP ProxS MC 245============> BPPEE 245

U 78 = FCU = AddF@W

U 81 = FDPm = FPPMed4@MPJ%FMidP@PIPJ

DU 81=
ADM= Abd5%aFPP
Lumbm = FMPJ%EIP25
Descends inferomedially and then directly inferiorly, deep to superficial (pronator teres and palmaris longus) and intermediate (flexor digitorum superficialis) layers of flexor muscles to reach medial side of forearm; passes superficial to flexor retinaculum at wrist in ulnar (Guyon) canal to enter hand
As larger terminal branch of brachial artery in cubital fossa
Anterior ulnar recurrent artery
Passes superiorly between brachialis and pronator teres, supplying both; then anastomoses with inferior ulnar collateral artery anterior to medial epicondyle
Ulnar artery just distal to elbow joint
Posterior ulnar recurrent artery
Passes superiorly, posterior to medial epicondyle and deep to tendon of flexor carpi ulnaris; then recurrent artery anastomoses with superior ulnar collateral artery
Ulnar artery distal to anterior ulnar
Common interosseous
Passes laterally and deeply, terminating quickly by dividing into anterior and posterior interosseous arteries
Ulnar artery in cubital fossa, distal to bifurcation of brachial artery
Anterior interosseous
Passes distally on anterior aspect of interosseous membrane to proximal border of pronator quadratus; pierces membrane and continues distally to join dorsal carpal arch on posterior aspect of interosseous membrane
As terminal branches of common interosseous artery, between radius and ulna
Posterior interosseous aa
Passes to posterior aspect of interosseous membrane, giving rise to recurrent interosseous artery; runs distally between superficial and deep extensor muscles, supplying both; replaced distally by anterior interosseous artery
As terminal branches of common interosseous artery, between radius and ulna
Recurrent interosseous aa
Passes superiorly, posterior to proximal radio-ulnar joint and capitulum, to anastomose with middle collateral artery (from deep brachial artery)
Posterior interosseous artery, between radius and ulna
Palmar carpal branch aa
Runs across anterior aspect of wrist, deep to tendons of flexor digitorum profundus, to anastomose with the palmar carpal branch of the radial artery, forming palmar carpal arch
Ulnar artery in distal forearm
Dorsal carpal branch aa
Passes across dorsal surface of wrist, deep to extensor tendons, to anastomose with dorsal carpal branch of radial artery, forming dorsal carpal arch
Ulnar artery, proximal to pisiform
Radial aa
Runs inferolaterally under cover of brachioradialis; lies lateral to flexor carpi radialis tendon in distal forearm; winds around lateral aspect of radius and crosses floor of anatomical snuff box to pierce first dorsal interosseous muscle
As smaller terminal branch of brachial artery in cubital fossa
Radial recurrent aa
Ascends between brachioradialis and brachialis, supplying both (and elbow joint); then anastomoses with radial collateral artery (from deep brachial artery)
Lateral side of radial artery, just distal to brachial artery bifurcation
Palmar carpal branch aa
Runs across anterior wrist deep to flexor tendons to anastomose with the palmar carpal branch of ulnar artery to form palmar carpal arch
Distal radial artery near distal border of pronator quadratus
Dorsal carpal branch aa
Runs medially across wrist deep to pollicis and extensor radialis tendons, anastomoses with ulnar dorsal carpal branch forming dorsal carpal arch
Distal radial artery in proximal part of snuff box
Superficial palmar arch
Curves laterally deep to palmar aponeurosis and superficial to long flexor tendons; curve of arch lies across palm at level of distal border of extended thumb
Direct continuation of ulnar artery; arch is completed on lateral side by superficial branch of radial artery or another of its branches
Deep palmar arch
Curves medially, deep to long flexor tendons; is in contact with bases of metacarpals
Direct continuation of radial artery; arch is completed on medial side by deep branch of ulnar artery
Common palmar digitals
Pass distally on lumbricals to webbing of digits
Superficial palmar arch
Proper palmar digitals
Run along sides of 2nd-5th digits
Common palmar digital arteries
Princeps pollicis
Passes along lateral side of index finger to its distal end
Radial artery as it turns into palm
Dorsal carpal arch
Arches within fascia on dorsum of hand
Radial and ulnar arteries