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45 Cards in this Set

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What arteries supply the posterior tubercle of the talus?
Medial calcaneal artery anastomosis with branch form the peroneal artery.
What arteries supply the body of the talus?
artery of the sinus tarsi anastamosis with the artery of the tarsal canal, and the deltoid branches.
What arteries supply the head and neck of the talus?
the dorsalis pedis artery anastomosis with the deltoid branches and the artery of the sinus tarsi.
What are the 5 ligaments that make up the deltoid?
Superficial: Naviculotibial, calcaneotibial, superficial talotibial.
Deep: deep anterior talotibial ligament, deep posterior talotibial ligament.
What are the three lateral ankle ligaments?
posterior talofibular ligament, calcaneofibular ligament, anterior talofibular ligament.
By what other name is the Spring Ligament also known?
Plantar clacaneonavicular ligament.
What three bones does the Bifurcate ligament link?
calcaneus, navicular and cuboid.
What two bones does the cervical ligament link?
the talus and the calcaneus.
What structures does the mnemonic A HAND P refer to?
the tendons, artery and nerves on the dorsal foot from medial to lateral: Anterior tibial, Halucis longus, Artery, Nerve, Digitorum Longus, Peroneus tertius.
What three structures make up the plantar plate?
glenoid ligament, flexor plate, flexor pad.
What four ligaments attach to the tibial sesamoid?
intersesamoid ligament, medial metatarsosesamoid suspensory ligament, medial sagittal hood ligament, medial sesamophalangeal ligament.
What four ligaments attach to the fibular sesamoid?
intersesamoid ligament, lateral metatarsosesamoid suspensory ligament, lateral sagittal hood ligament, lateral sesamophalangeal ligament.
What two tendons attach to the tibial sesamoid?
abductor hallucis tendon, flexor hallucis brevis tendon medial head.
WHat two tendons attach to the fibular sesamoid?
adductor hallucis conjoined tendon, flexor hallucis brevis tendon lateral head.
What fraction of the talus is covered by cartilage?
What is the action of the tibialis anterior muscle?
dorsiflex the ankle and invert the foot.
What is the action of the extensor hallucis longus muscle?
extension of the ahllux and dorsiflexion of the ankle
What is the action of the extensor digitorum longus muscle?
extend digits 2-5, dorsiflex the ankle.
What is the action of the peroneus tertius muscle?
dorsiflex the ankle and evert the foot.
What is the blood supply to the anterior leg muscles?
anterior tibial artery
What is the innervation to the anterior leg muscles except the peroneus tertius?
Deep Peroneal nerve L4, L5, S1
What is the innervation to the Peroneus Tertius?
Deep peroneal nerve L5, S1
What is the action of the Peroneus Longus muscle?
evert foot, plantarflex ankle, support the longitudinal and transverse arch ofhte foot.
What is the action of the Peroneus Brevis muscle?
evert the foot, plantarflex the ankle
What is the arterial supply to the lateral leg muscles?
Peronial artery
What is the innervation to the lateral leg muscles?
Superficial peroneal nerve:
L5, S1, S2 for the longus, L5, S1 for the brevis
What is the action of the gastrocnemius muscle?
plantarflex ankle and flex the knee
What is the action of the soleus muscle?
plantarflex the ankle
What is the action of the plantaris muscle?
Plantarflex the ankle and flex the knee
What is the arterial supply to the gastrocneumius and plantaris muscles?
sural artery
What is the arterial supply to the soleus muscle?
the posterior tibial artery
What is the innervation to the superficial compartment posterior muscles?
tibial nerve S1, S2.
What is the action of the popliteus muscle?
flexes the knee, medially rotates the knee
What is the arterial supply ot the popliteus muscle?
medial inferior genicular artery and the posterior tibial artery
What is the nerve supply to the popliteus muscle?
Tibial nerve L4, L5, S1
What is the action of the flexor digitorum longus?
flex the DIPJ, PIPJ, MPJ of digits 2-5, and plantarflex the ankle
What is the action of the tibialis posterior muscle?
invert the foot, adduct the foot and plantarflex the ankle
What is the arterial supply to the flexor digitorum longus?
posterior tibial artery
What is the arterial supply tot he tibialis posterior muscle?
sural, peroneal and posterior tibial arteries.
What is the innervation to the flexor digitorum longus?
tibial nerve S2, S3
What is the innervation to the tibialis posterior muscle?
tibial nerve L4, L5
What is the action of the Extensor digitorum brevis?
Extension of the 1st-4th MPJ. the medial slip is called the Extensor hallucis brevis muscle.
What is the action of the abductor hallucis?
Abduction of the hallux
What is the arterial supply to the extensor digitorum brevis?
dorsalis pedis artery
What is the innervation to the extensor digitorum brevis?
lateral terminal branch of the deep peroneal nerve S1, S2