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38 Cards in this Set

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What does a plant need to create photosynthesis?
Carbon dioxide, water and sunlight
What happens if a population gets too big too fast?
There won't be enough food or space and the population will start dying off again.
Why are plants called producers?
They use energy, carbon dioxide and water to PRODUCE food (sugar).
What do scavengers do?
They eat animals that are already dead.
What do decomposers do?
They eat away or decompose any remaining dead material and converts it into nutrients for the soil. Some call them nature's recyclers!
What part of the plant captures sunlight?
chloroplasts (or chlorophyll)
What part of the plants has stomata that opens and closes to let IN carbon dioxide and let OUT oxygen?
Mainly the leaves
What would happen if there were no decomposers?
Nothing would put the nutrients back in the ground and then the plants wouldn't grow as big or as healthy.
What would happen if all the lions suddenly died?
The population of their prey would suddenly get bigger and bigger...
What do plants make in photosynthesis?
Sugar (food) and oxygen
How do plants get their water?
Through roots
What are abiotic factors?
Abiotic factors are nonliving parts of an ecosystem (e.g. light, air, water, land, temperature)
What are biotic factors?
Biotic factors are the living parts of an ecosystem and how they interact with each other. (e.g carnivores eating herbivores, etc)
What is a population?
The number of a type of animal or plant that lives in a certain area.
What is a community?
All the populations of different plants and animals living together in one area.
What is an organism?
A single animal or single plant
What is a food chain?
A line showing what eats what. (eg) grass-->zebra-->lion
What is a food web?
All the different food chains together in one community and how all the different organisms relate to each other. (e.g)
All the different food chains together in one community and how all the different organisms relate to each other. (e.g)
What is an omnivore?
An animal that eats bothe plants and animals.
What is an herbivore?
An animal that eats ONLY plants.
What is a carnivore?
An animal that ONLY eats meat (other animals).
Where does all the energy in the food web originally come from?
The sun
Which biome has four seasons and broadleaf trees that loose their leaves during the fall?
Deciduous forest
Which biome has long harsh winters, very little rainfall, and permafrost (permanently frozen ground - even in the summers!)?
Which biome has the highest biodiversity (lots of different types of plants and animals), plentiful rain, and year-round warm temperatures?
Which biome is filled with pine needles, low nutrient soil, has a long cold winter, and tons of conifers (cone trees)?
Coniferous forest (Taiga)
Which biome has very few trees, strong winds and is mostly dominated by grasses?
What is another word for an organism that uses photosynthesis to make their own food?
Which biome has very little rainfall, little available food, no shelter from the sun, high winds and extreme temperatures (very hot or very cold)?
Which biome typically has two seasons: a growing season and a non-growing season (usually too cold or too dry)?
What is one limiting factor of deserts?
Answers can vary but the obvious one is water!
What is one limiting factor of rainforests?
Answers can vary but the obvious one is sunlight!
What is one limiting factor of grasslands?
Answers can vary but the obvious one is lack of food and water during the dry or nongrowing season.
What is one limiting factor of the tundra?
Answers can vary but the obvious one is cold temperatures.
What is one limiting factor in the coniferous forests?
Answers can vary but the best one is probably the very short summer growing season and the long cold winters.
What is one limiting factor in the Deciduous forests?
Answers can vary but the obvious one is the changing seasons. Plants and animals have to be able to adapt to these different extremes of temperatures.
How many food chains do you see in this food web? </img>
How many food chains do you see in this food web? </img>
How many food chains do you see in this food web? </img>
How many food chains do you see in this food web? </img>