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14 Cards in this Set

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What ways do effervescence and bitterness affect saltiness?
Effervescence lessens the negative effects of high salt

Higher effervescence provides a cleansing effect on moderately high food bitterness

Bitterness combines with other bitter flavors to increase overall bitterness.
What are the main impacts of salt on wine?
High salt content foods are not compatible with most wines:

When tasted with wines of high acidity, a metallic taste can occur.

In red wines, salty foods seem to accentuate bitterness or astringency and magnify the heat of alcohol
A wine with what characteristics is best suited to salty foods?
no tannins
some residual sugar
fruit forward
moderate levels of acidity
What wine elements interact with saltiness?
Residual sugar/sweetness
Fruit-forward character
The heat from the alcohol
Tannins, Astringency
Bitter sensations are thought by many to _____ and _____.
stimulate the appetite

increase the flow of digestive juices
_____ in wine reduces the impact of food bitterness.
The negative impact of bitter food is lessened when combined with sparkling wines of _____.
moderate to high levels of effervescence
Maceration - the steeping of grape skins, stems and pips, where alcohol acts as a solvent to extract ____, _____ and _____ from the skins.
color, tannin and aroma
During the aging process, tannins become ___.
smoother and less harsh
Distinguish between gradational, complimentary and neutral pairings.
Complementary pairings balance each other in Harmony

Gradational pairings echo each others flavors

Neutral pairings are at the very least refreshing and palette cleansing
Wine tannin levels should be equal to _____ in food.
animal based food fattiness
What are three food pairing considerations for tannins? Consider salt, acidity and umami.
Salty foods can elevate the perception of tannin in wine.

Acidity can also be utilized to soften the impression of tannin.

Tannin and Umami can build on each other
What factors are considered when evaluating effervescence in sparkling wines?
The level or amount of bubbles,
The size of bubbles,
Consistency in the bubbles, called mousse
And how long they last, with all areas indicating the wine’s quality.
Name four characteristics in sparkling wine that impact food pairing.