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23 Cards in this Set

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Give the 6 elements of protein
oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, sulphur and phosphorus
What are amino acids?
organic acids found in protein and they are needed for growth
give 4 egs of food with high biological value
meat, cheese, milk and eggs
Give 4 examples of food with low biological value
vegetables, cereals, pulses and some ntus
Give two functions of protein
proteins is vital for the growth, repair and maintenance of the body and it can also be used to provide the body with energy, once it has ben used for its main functions of growth and repair
Give 4 amino acids
valine, histaline, lysine and arginine
Why do babies and children require a lot of protein
because they are growing rapidly
Why do adolescents require protein
for their rapid spurt growth
Why do pregnant women require protein
to cater for the grwoing baby
Why do nursing mothers require protein?
they require more than normal protein for milk production during breast feeding(lactation)
protein is required at other times for what?
body maintenance, reapir, adn the growth of the hair, nails and skin
What happens when proteins are heated?
their chemical structure is denatured(changed)
What does iron help to prevent?
What are amino acids?
small units joined together like links in a chain
Name two proteins found in milk
lactalbumin and lactoglobulin
Give two proteins found in meat
collagen, elastin
Give two proteins found in eggs
mucin and ovalbumin
give two proteins found in cereals
gluten and zein
Describe the effect of heat on meat
collagen and elastin molecules start to coagulate at 60 degrees celcius, contracting as they do so, and causing the meat to shrink. Under 100 degrees celcius coagulation is slow but over 100 coagulation is rapid and the protein becomes hard and less digestible.In the presence of moisture, collagen is converted into the protein gelatin, which is soluble
Describe the effect of heat on milk
lactalbumin and lactoglobumin coagulate gradually as milk is heated and form a skin on the surface
Describe the effect of heat on egg white
At 60 degrees coagulation starts when ovalbumin denatures into a solid and continues until the whole white is solid and opaque
Describe the effect of heat on egg yolk
proteins start to denature at 70 degreesand continue to do so until the yolk becomes dry and hard
What is denaturation?
this is a permanent alteration and cannot be reversed