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15 Cards in this Set

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steps of conception
1) 23 chromosomes from male combine with 23 chromosomes of the female
2) zygote is created
3) zygote divides repeatedly
4) after a few weeks, primitive hearts starts sending blood
5) 5-6 weeks - gonads and external genitalia are present
6) 7th week, XX or XY begins to assert itself
which pair are the sex chromosomes?
the third pair
what does testosterone do for sexual differentiation?
spurs on sex differentiation in the male
what are the female sex organs formed from?
Mullerian Ducts
when do the testes descend into the scrotal sac?
4 months after conception
how do the testes get to the scrotal sac?
inguinal canal
what is cryptorchidism?
when testes do not descend
what is Klinefelter syndrome?
extra x chromosome
what is turner syndrome?
where there is loss of x chromosomal material
what is congenital adrenal hyperplasia?
a form of intersexualism in which a genetic female has internal female sexual structures but masculinized external genitals
what is androgen insensitivity syndrome?
a form of intersexualism where a genetic male is prenatally insensitive to androgens , so his genitals do not become masculinized
what does autogynephilic mean?
sexually stimulated at the thoughts of their bodies being female
why is a life expectancy gap between men and women closing?
because more women smoke
what does socio-cognitive theory think of gender typing?
that it is learned through observation, identification and socialization
what does cognitive developmental theory think of gender typing?
children play an active role, they form schemas about gender and exhibit that behaviour