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20 Cards in this Set

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Navy was founded when?
Continental Navy - October 13, 1775
US Navy - 1798
What was the first true aeroplane?
The Ader Eole, 1890
How was the Ader Eole powered?
By steam
Who developed the Ader Eole
Clement Ader
When did the LZ1 first fly?
July 2, 1900
What was the first aircraft to circumnavigate the globe?
Zeppelin LZ127
How long did it take the LZ127 to navigate the globe?
21 days, 5 hrs, 31 minutes
What was the first succesful powered, PILOTED aircraft?
The Wright Flyer
When did the Wright flyer first take flight?
Dec 17, 1903
How long and far did the Wright flyer fly?
12 seconds, 120 ft
What was the first fully controllable helicopter, and when was it built?
the FW-61, 1936
When was the first non-stop flight across the atlantic ocean? Who flew it? What was the name of it?
June 14, 1919, Alcock & Brown, Vickers Vimy IV
Who flew the first solo non-stop flight across the atlantic ocean? And when?
Charles Lindbergh, Jr., May 20-21, 1927
Name some of Amelia Earhart's distinctions for women
Recieved distinguished flying cross, Flew the Atlantic Alone and Twice, Flew Non-stop across US, Flew an Autogyro, Flew nonstop from hawaii to the US
What was the first Jet to fly in combat missions?
The Messershmitt ME-262 in Late 1944
Who was the first man to break the sound barrier?
Chuck Yeager in 1947 in a Bell X-1 rocketplane
Who was credited with the first shipboard takeoff and landing? What ship did he take off from?
Eugene Ely, 1910, The USS Pennsylvania
When was pearl harbor?
December 7, 1941
When was D-Day
June 6, 1944
When did the us drop the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
aug 6, 1945 Hiroshima, aug 9 1945 nagasaki