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62 Cards in this Set

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Pt. at risk for F&E imbalence: Addison's Disease
too little aldosterone which causes loss in sodium and retention of potassium..
Pt. at risk for F&E imbalence:
No peristalisis so water is pushed into 3rd space (where it is not supposed to be)
Pt. at risk for F&E imbalence:
Cushing's Disease
too much aldosterone which causes retention of sodium (pt. becomes poofy and swollen)
Tubules of the Kidneys:
If opened ______
if closed _______
If opened you pee out and if closed you retain and do not pee.
Glomerular Filtration Rate
Increased - Decreased
Incleased you pee more (fluid loss) if decreased you don't pee (fluid retention)
Where is ADH made and where is ADH stored?
ADH is made in the hypothalamus and stored in the posterior pituitary.
When ADH increases___
When ADH decreases ___
increases = water retention
decreases = water loss
Where is aldosterone stored and what is resposible for the secretion of aldosterone?
Stored in the Adrenal gland and secreted by the adrenal cortex
Increased sodium=__ aldosterone
Decreased sodium= ___ aldosterone
Decreased aldosterone
increased aldosterone
Parathyroid is responsible for what?
Monitor calcium levels in our blood vessels
Calcitonin does what?
Pulls calcium from the blood back into the bone
What takes calcium from the bone into the blood?
Extracellular fluid is what % of total body weight and what does it consist of?
20% and consists of the interstital which accounts for 75% of the total extracelluar total (fluid between plasma and cells) and intravascular which accounts for 25% of the total extracellular (plasma)
What accounts for 40% of the total body weight?
Osmosis is what?
movement of water from low to high concentration. dilute to less dilute
Diffusion is what?
particles move from high to low - no energy is required
Facilitated diffusion is what?
particles move from high to low - require a carrier molecule (glucose)
Filtration is what?
Hydrostatic pressure - movement of fluid from high to low pressure. higher pressure on arterial end (moves out) and lower pressure on venous end (moves in - absorption)
Active Transport is what?
movement from low to high- requires energy (sodium potassium pump)
Positivly charged electrolytes
Sodium Na+ , Potassium K+, Calcium Ca++ and magnesium Ma+
Negativly charged electrolytes
Chloride Cl-, Bicarbonate HC03- and Phosphate P04-
Major intracellular
Potassium and phosphate
Major extracellular
Sodium and chloride
same osmolarity as blood. No fluid shifts, stays in the intravascular space. Normal saline and lactated ringers
Lower osmolarity than blood. fluid shifts out of vascular space to hydrate the cells. D5W, 1/2 NS and water we drink. used for dehydrated pts.
osmolarity greater than blood. fluid shifts from cells into the vascualr space (cells strink). D10W, D50W , .3%NaCl
Isotonic Dehydration
Water and electrolytes are lost in the same amount..
What caused Isotonic dehydration?
GI losses, Hemorrhage, Loop diuretics and profuse sweating
S&S of Isotonic dehydration
Decreased BP, Increased Pulse, Flat neck veins, decreased urine output and weight loss
Treatment for Isotonic dehydration
Give fluids and sodium diet (salty broths) if can not tolerate give isotonic solution (NS & LR)
Hypertonic Dehydration
Loses more water than electrolytes. Fluid shifts from ICF to ECF (cells strink)
Causes of hypertonic Dehydration
Renal failure, kidney failure, diabetic isipidus and diarrhea
S&S of hypertonic dehydration
Thirst, Deep tendon reflexes, and furrow coating on tounge
Treatment for hypertonic dehydration
hypotonic orally (water) if need and IV(1/2 NS and D5W) for diabetes give insulin
Hypotonic dehydration
Lose more electrolytes than water. fluid shifts from ECf to ICF (cells swell)
Hypotonic dehydration causes
Renal failure, pt. on low sodium diet that is taking diuretics and malnutrition.
Hypotonic dehydration S&S
decrease urine output, non pitting edema, decreased BP and increased pulse and mental status changes
Hypotonic dehydration treatment
hypertonic solutions (.3%NaCl but slowly because potent to veint)
Isotonic Fluid Volume Excess
No fluid shift fluids and electrolyes are gained in equal amounts
Isotonic Fluid Volume Excess causes
Renal, Heart and liver failure
Isotonic Fluid Volume Excess S&S
Rapid weight gain, increased BP, pitting edema and 3rd spacing.
Isotonic Fluid Volume Excess treatment
Fluid restriction and sodium restriction. administer diuretics (heart OK kidney NOT OK) daily weights and strict I&O
Hypotonic Fluid Volume Excess
Lose more electrolytes than fluids. fluid shifts from ECF to ICF (cells swell)
Hypotonic Fluid Volume Excess Causes
SIADH, repeated tap water enemas and rapid infusions
Hypotonic Fluid Volume Excess S&S
Incease BP, convulsions if servere, mental status changes and warm moist skin.
Hypotonic Fluid Volume Excess Treatment
Water Restriction, weigh daily or use hypertonic solution .3%NaCl
Hypertonic Fluid Volume Excess
VERY RARE. Excessive ingestion of sodium!
Increase ADH = retain water
Diabetes insipidus
Descrease ADH = lose water (pee alot)
Sodium Normal Values
Skin flushed, Aggitated, Low grade fever and Thirst. Causes include water loss(diuretic and diabetes insipidus) and sodium gains (Cushings) Treatment= water replacement, restrict sodium in diet and diuretics to promote sodium excretion
Nausea & vomiting, Abdominal distention, Altered LOC, Achy head, Anorexia and Positive Muscle Twitching. Causes= SIADH, addisons disease. treatment= fluid restriction replace oral with salty broths IV with .3% NaCl, assess mental status and seizure precautions
Potassium Normal Values
SUCTIONING.Skeletal muscle weakness, U wave(EKG changes), Constipation, toxicity of digoxin, irregular weak pulse, orthostatic hypotension and numbness. Causes= cushings, gastric suction, N&V and loop diuretics. Treatment= potassium supplements or foods high in potassium (bananas, avacodaos and cantalopes) and monitor dig level.
MOST DEANGEROUS. Danger of V- fib, Abdominal cramping, Nausea, tingling and numbness, EKG changes, Rate irragular, Cardiac output decreases, unable to move- flaccid paralysis and slow heartrate- bradycardia. causes= excessive K+ intake, use of postassium sparing diuretics, massive cell destruction, acidosis and addisons disease. treatment= give insulin, sodium bicarb, calcium gluconate, kayexalate.
Phosphate Normal Values
Calcium Normal Values
Calcium is decreased and ____ is increased
Phosphorus is eliminated from ___
Bowel movements
Main cause of hyperphosphateemia =
Treat deficiency of phosphate with
oral replacement of phosphates and Vitamin D
Treat excess of phosphate with
albumin hdroxide with meals to bind to phosphrous