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35 Cards in this Set

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What is the range for Hyponatremia
Na+ < 135 mEq/L
What is the normal range for sodium?
135-145 mEq/L
What is the range for Hypernatremia
Na+ >145 mEq/L
What are the clinical manifestions for hyponatremia
nausea vomiting diarrhea postural hypotension tacycardia, sz, coma anorexia, apprehension
What causes hyponatremia?
adrenal insufficiency, loss from kidneys sweat GI low intake diruetics, SIADH
What is the treatment for hyponatremia?
treat underlying cause IV replacement of Na+ increase Na+ intake restrict H2O
What are the clinical manifestations of hypernatremia?
dry sticky tongue seizures irritability fever dry flushed skin
What are the causes of hypernatremia?
increased Na+ intake iagrogenic decreased H20 intake increased aldosterone
What is the treatment for hypernatremia
decrease Na+ intake hypotonic IV solutions or IV of d5w treat underlying cause
What is the normal range for calcium?
4.5-5.5 mg/dL
What is the range for hypocalcemia?
<4.5 mg/dL EKG abnormalities
What are the clinical manifestations for hypocalcemia?
parethesias, hyperactive reflexes tetany, muscle cramps, pathological fractures
What are the causes of hypocalcemia?
pancreatitis, vit D deficiency, rapid admin of blood w/citrate, hypoalbuminemia, hypoparathyroidism
What is the treatment of hypocalcemia?
IV Ca+ gluconate, Ca+ w/Vit D supplements increase dietary intake
What is the range for hypercalcemia?
>5.5 mg/dL
What are the clinical manifestations of hypercalcemia?
anorexia, nausea/vomiting hypoactive reflexes weakness, lethargy low back pain (stones) decreased LOC cardiac arrest
What are the causes of hypercalcemia?
osteometastasis, Paget's disease, osteoporosis, prolonged immobilization, hyperparathyroidism
What is the treatment for hypercalcemia?
Lasix, increase fluids
What is the normal range for potassium?
What is the range for hypokalemia?
<3.5 mEq/L or an abnormal EKG
What are the clinical manifestations for hypokalemia?
weakness, fatigue, decreased muscle tone, weak irregular pulse, parethesias, < bowel sounds
What are the causes for hypokalemia?
diarrhea, vmomiting, gastric sx, increased aldosterone, polyuria, sweting, iatrogenic diurectics that waste K+
What is the treatment for hypokalemia?
increase intake oral K+ supplements IV fluids w/added K+
What is the range for hyperokalmia?
>5.0 mEq/L or an abnormal EKG
What are the clinical manifestations of hyperoklemia?
anxiety, paresthesias, weakness, diarrhea, dysrhythmias
What is the normal range for K+?
3.5-5.0 mEq/L
What is the normal range for magnesium?
1.5-2.5 mEq/L
What is range for hypomagnesemia?
<1.5 mEq/L
What are the clinical manifestations for hypomagnesemia?
tremors, hyperactive deep tendon reflexes, confusion, dysrhythmias
What is the cause of hypomagnesema?
low intake (alcoholism, malnutrition) gastric aspiration, M/V, diuretic use, small bowel fistulas, polyuria
What is the treatment of hypomagnesemia?
IV replacement (IV mag sulfate) oral replacement increase dietary intake
What is the range for hypermagnesemia?
>2.5 mEq/L
What are the clinical manifestations for hypermagnesemia?
hypoactive deep tendon reflexes rate/depth resp decreases, hypotension, flushing
What are the causes for hypermagnesemia?
renal faiure, excessive intake
What is the treatment for hypermagnesemia?
IV calcium gluconate loop diruetics IV fluids, NS or LR dialysis if severe