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44 Cards in this Set

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hemimetabolous= incomplete metamorphosis

juvenile instars looks like small version of adult

egg--> larva--> nymph--> adult

holometabolous=complete metamorphosis

juvenile instars are larvae and whole body is restructuredduring pupal stage

egg--> larva--> pupa--> adult

siphonaptera the fleas



obligate blood feeding insects

adult fleas live in

temporary association with their host

survival of fleas is associated with

micro habitat of nest, burrow or dwelling of host animal

flea infestation can cause

fatal iron deficient anemia in young animals

flea bit dermatitis- hypersensitivity to antigen sin flea saliva

vectors of.. plague, tularemia

rate of life cycle of flea is dependent on ..

temperature, high humidity and food source

rate for larva dependent on


rate for adult dependent on

host availability

general characteristics of siphonaptera

female flea is highlg prolific

larvae are active and feed on proteinaceous organic debris- hair, feathers, adult flea feces

larvae are particularly susceptible to


larvae molt twice--> cocoon within until stimualted by temp rise ->

pupates--> emerge from pupal cuticle--> adult

duration of pupal stage highly dependent on

ambient temperature and less so on humidity

Ctenocephalides felis felis

the cat flea

distributed world wide

most common flea encountered in vet practice on cats and dogs

has genal and pronotal ctenidia

what triggers jumping of fleas?

visual and thermal cues

CO2 increases the orientation of fleas to host

light source intermittent= enhance jumping response

Ctenocephalides felis felis life cycle

adult females feed immediately

once on host C. felis felis becomes permanent resident

with in 24-36 hours of blood meal they oviposit

during peak production the adult female will lay about 40-50 eggs per day --> fall to the ground--> hatch 1-2 days

rate of larval development dependent on



within hosts nesting site

larva live in a protected environment: high humidity, buffered from temp extremes

require dried blood as nutrient duration of larval stage= 1 week


silk fibers of cocoon accumulate debris from environment

pupal stage

takes 7-1days

most resistant stage to desiccation and less dependent on relative humidity

pupal stage adn pre-emerged adult can survive up to

6 months

preemerged adults have a decreased..

metabolic activity

mechanical pressure, heat, CO2 ensure

a presence of host and stimulate rapid emergence

after emerging from cocoon

adult will only survive 2-3 weeks without a blood meal

the cat flea

is the most common species of flea found on sdomestic cat and dogs

C. felis felis causes

flea bit dermatitis

intermediate hsot for D. caninum, A. reconditum

bartonella henselae via flea feces

grooming activity of host plays a significant role in...

flea burden = accounts for 50% of mortality in flea pop.

most newly acquired infestations are from an infected environment

rather than from infected host










inhibits nicotinic Ach receptors


absorbed rapidly into bloodstream for quick kill


GABA gated Cl- channels and glutamate gated chloride channels antagonists


gaba gated chloride chanel anatognist

insect growth regulators or insect development inhibitors

juvenile hormone mimics

chitin synthesis inhibitors

juvenile hormone mimics

ovicidal and larvicidal to fleas

chitin synthesis inhibitors

disrupts chitin synthesis and deposition delivered orally via bloodmeal and passed transovarially to egg= affected eggs do not hatch or larvae die at first molt

Ctenocephalides canis

similar to Ctenocephalides felis felis

primarily affects canines

echidnophaga gallinacea

burrowing flea important in domestic poultry

can attack other animals such as dogs, cats, rabbits, humans

head is sharply angled on the front

Echidnophaga gallinacea

stick tight flea

female aggregate in bare areas-- head, comb or wattles

burrow into skin where they attach firmly with their mouth parts

eggs are deposited into ulceration or dropped to ground

larva end up in chicken manure on which they feed

Tunga penetrans

jigger or chigoe

found in tropical america and africa

impregnated tunga female embeds in hosts skin with only last few abdominal segments protruding

t. penetrans eggs

retained in abdomen and flea swells to size of pea

Tunga penetrans parasite of

swine but can also infect humans, dogs, other mammals

xenopsylla cheopis and Oropsylla montana

oriental rat flea

cheif vector of Yersinia pestis

Yersinia pestis

multiply blocking the proventricular spines and flea transmits the bacteria by regurgitating into lesion while feeding