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45 Cards in this Set

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What are two important lab values to test for when you suspect a trematode infection?
a. Eosinophils
b. IgE
What is another name for Fasciolopsis buski?
Giant intestinal fluke
What is the reservoir for Fasciolopsis buski? How do you contract it?
i. Pigs or humans
ii. Chewing on water chestnut husks
What disease does Fasciolopsis buski cause?
Malabsorption syndrome
What is another name for Fasciolopsis hepatica?
Sheep liver fluke
Where are you most likely to find Fasciolopsos hepatica?
Sheep raising areas
What does Fasciolopsis hepatica cause?
What is another name for Opisthorchis sinesis?
Chinese liver fluke
Where are you most likely to contract Opisthorchis sinesis?
Undercooked, freshwater fish from fecal-contaminated water
What disease does Opisthorchis sinesis cause?
i. Hepatitis
ii. Biliary obstruction in severe cases (liver rot)
What is Paragonimus westermani called in the US?
Paragonimus kellicotti
What disease does Paragonimus westermani cause?
Where are you most likely to contract paragonimiasis?
i. Undercooked carbs and crayfish
ii. Pork
What are the symptoms of paragonimiasis?
i. Inflammatory disease of lung
ii. Also in liver and CNS
What is the path of infection of paragonimus westermani?
i. Intestine→ diaphragm→ lung
To where do schistosomes migrate once within the body?
i. Portal blood vessels or bladder
What diseases do schistosomes cause? What are the symptoms?
i. Schistosomiasis
ii. Cercarial dermatidis (swimmers itch)
iii. Snail fever
iv. Liver and bladder fibrosis
What are the symptoms of Schistosomes mansoni infection?
1. Severe hepatitis
2. Granuloma
3. Clay-pipestem fibrosis
What is a characteristic physical landmark of Shistosome haematobium?
1. Terminal spine
To where does Shistosome haematobium migrate once within the body? What does it cause once there?
1. Urinary bladder blood vessels
2. Bladder wall fibrosis
What does non-human-targeted cercaria cause?
Swimmer’s itch
What form of tapeworm is worst to have?
Larvae in tissue are much worse than tapeworm in the gut
Where are you going to contract Taenia solium?
What are the symptoms of Taenia solium?
Asymptomatic diarrhea
What causes Taenia solium cysticercosis? What happens after infection?
1. Ingestion of Taenia solium egg or proglottid
2. Cysticeri invade heart, muscle, brain, eye
3. Produce calcified pockets
What causes inflammation in Taenia solium cysticercosis?
Dying cysticeri
What are the telltale sign of Taenia solium cysticerosis?
1. Larval cysts in heart muscle
2. Calcium deposits in muscles
What is another name for Taenia saginata?
Beef tapeworm
How do you contract Taenia saginata?
Undercooked beef
What is/are the host(s) of T. saginata?
Humans only host
What are the symptoms of T. saginata disease?
Asymptomatic diarrhea
How can you ID a Taenia saginata infection?
Proglottids or eggs in feces
Where are you most likely to contract Diphylobothrium latum?
1. Japan, Alaska
2. Pacific salmon
3. Fresh water lakes
What transmits Diphylobothrium latum?
Sparganum larva in undercooked fish
What are the symptoms of Diphylobothrium latum infection?
Mild discomfort
Vitamin B12 deficiency
What disease does Diphylobothrium latum cause? What are the symptoms?
Sparganosis Echogenic mass in brain, eye, breast tissue
What does Echinococcus cause? How is it spread?
1. Hydatid disease
2. Humans ingest eggs associated with dog, cat, or other feces
What are the symptoms of Hydatid disease?
1. Hydatid sand in Echinococcus granulosus cysts
2. Large cysts
3. Calcified hepatic cyst
4. Pressure necrosis
How do you ID Echinococcus Hydatid disease?
1. Casoni skin test for hydatid fluid
2. Abdominal swelling produced by large cyst
What is another name for Hymenolopsis nana?
Dwarf tapeworm
What is the most common tapeworm infection in the US?
Hymenolopsis nana
How do you contract Hymenolopsis nana?
1. Mouse, rat, or human feces with eggs
2. Often associated with grain products
What are the symptoms of Hymenolopsis nana infection?
How do you get Diphylidium caninum?
From dogs that have ingested fleas containing larvae
How do you ID Diphylidium caninum?
Egg packets containing 8-15 eggs