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14 Cards in this Set

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Paraphilias. What are Paraphilias according to the DSM-IV and are there any leading causation views or tx options for them?
repeated intense sexual urgs or fantasies or display sexual bhs that involve nonhuman objects, kids, nonconsenting adults or suffering/humiliation for at least six months. For most these bhs must also cause great distress or impairment, but for some the performance of the sexual bh indicates a disorder even if they experience no distress. no leading explanations, little evidence. txs are usually unsuccessful but psych and sociocultural have been around longest, some use antiandrogens or SSRIs in hopes to lower the bh activity.
Paraphilias. What do we know about Fetishism from the text?
recurrent intense sexual urges, fantasies or bhs involving the use of a nonliving object often to the exclusion of all other stimuli. far more common in men than women, begins in adolescence. no cause pinpointed but perhaps theyre acquired thru classical conditioning. sometimes tx with aversion therapy or masturbatory satiation- masturbate to orgasm while fantasizing app. object then switch to fantasy in detail of fetish while masturbating again and continues it for an hour to supposedly lead to feeling of boredom assoc. with fetish object. another behavioral approach is orgasmic reorientation.
Paraphilias. What does the book say about transvestism or cross-dressing?
almost always a hetero male begins cross-dressing in childhood or adolescence. sometimes seem to follow the bh principals of operant conditioning. usually alone when cross-dress
Paraphilias. What does the book say about Exhibitionism?
recurrent urges to expose his genitals to another person, almost always of opposite sex or has sexually arousing fantasies of doing so. most often wants to provoke shock or surprise. in a study of 2800 men 4.3% said display exhibitionism yet btwn 1/3 and 1/2 of women say theyve seen or had direct contact with an exhibitionist/flasher. generally male and begins before age 18. 30% married, 30% divorced or separated, usually have bad relationships with wives. usually use aversion therapy and mast. satiation combined with cogn-bh therapy.many have doubts or fears about masculinity and have strong bond to a possessive mother.
Paraphilias. What does the book say about Voyeurism?
recurrent and intense urges to secretly observe unsuspecting people as they undress or to spy on couples having intercourse. usually begins before age 15 and tends to persist. vulnerability of being exposed is often part of the turn on, it can sometimes be just a fantasy or part of normal sexual interactions but clinical disorder is marked by the repeated invasion of other people's privacy. doesn't always affect sexual f-n outside of voyeurism, can have an otherwise normal sex life.
Paraphilia. What does the book say about frotteurism?
repeated and intense sexual urges to touch and rub against a nonconsenting person or has sexually arousing fantasies of doing so. may act on the urges, usually in a crowded place. almost always a male, typically he fantasizes during the act that he is having a caring relationship with the victim, begins in teenage yrs or earlier but after reach an age of 25 usually decreases/disappears.
Paraphilia. What does the book say about Pedophilia?
sexual gratification by watching touching or performing sexual acts with children usually 13 or younger. some satisfied by just porno. 2/3 of victims are girls. disorder usually develops in adolescence some were abused themselves as kids. social and sexual skills are sometimes underdeveloped, also display distorted thinking ie blame the child for the sexual contact. most men with pedophilia also display at least one additional psychological disorder. may be related to a biochemical or brain structure abnormality. most are forced into tx by getting caught, therapy involves similar techniques as all pedophilia and one widely applied cogn-bh tx is relapse intervention training
Paraphilia. What does the book say about sexual masochism?
intensely sexually aroused by the act or thought of being humiliated, beaten, bound or otherwise made to suffer. only those who are distressed or impaired by their fantasies are given the disorder. several types like hypoxyphilia-strangle self, autoerotic asphyxia-death from males as young as 10 who suffocate while masturbating, most masochistic fantasies begin in childhood but dont act out on urges until early adulthood. in many cases developed thru classical conditioning.
Paraphilia. What does the book say about sexual sadism?
usually male, intensely aroused by the thought or act of inflicting suffering on others by dominating, restraining, blindfolding, cutting, strangling, mutilating or killing the victim. typically imagine have total control over victim, most do it with a consenting partner. victim suffering is the key to arousal whether its consented or not. fantasy may first appear in childhood, sadistic acts dont occur until until early adulthood but pattern is long-term. may be from classical conditioning or modeling . according to psych and cogn therapists the ppl inflict pain in order to achieve a sense of power or control, necessitated perhaps by underlying feelings of sexual inadequacy. tx has been aversion therapy, or in some cases relapse-prevention training.
Why is the DSM-IV categorization of gender identity disorder controversial?
many believe the transgender experiences are reflect alternative-not pathological- ways of experiencing one's gender identity. They argue that even transgender experiences that bring unhappiness are not a disorder. On the other end of spectrum , some say it is a medical disorder that often produces unhappiness and should not be considered a psych. disorder
Does gender identity disorder occur in children? and does this mean they will be adults with it?
Adults with this disorder may have had a childhood g.i.d. but most children with the disorder do not become adults with the disorder. surveys of mothers say 1.5% of young boys wanna be girls, 3.5% of young girls wish to be boys, yet less than 1% of adults manifest gender identity disorder. this age shift in prevalence is why experts strongly recommend against any form of physical tx until individual is at least 16.
What are some explanations of gender identity disorder?
many suspect a biological/genetic factor, there is evidence it sometimes runs in families, ie dutch stdy found bed nucleus of stria terminalis (BST) was only half as large in ppl with disorder as it was in group of "normal" men. BST is usually smaller in women so makes sense.
In order to make tx the best for each person, theorists came up with three patterns of g.i.d. for which individuals most commonly seek tx, what are they?
female-to-male gender dysphoria: masculine manner from early on often as young as 3 yrs or younger. always play rough sports, etc as kids, as adolescence become disgusted with physical changes in puberty and become sexually attracted to females but do not feel like lesbian relationships are a satisfactory resolution.
m-to-f gender dysphoria androphilic type: born males but stereotypical female manners from birth, viewed as kids as effeminate and gentle. become sexually attracted to males in adolesc. and often come out as gay and develop gay relationships but it later comes clear that gay relationships do not address their gender dysphoric feelings, they wanna be with hetero men who are attracted to them as a woman.
m-to-f gender dysphoria autogynephilic type: not sexually attracted to males within their pattern of gender dysphoria; rather they are attracted to the fantasy of themselves being females. like males within transvestic fetishism they bh stereotyp. as males as kids, start enjoying cross-dressing in adolesc. and attracted to females during and beyond adolesc. however eventually consumed with the fantasy/need to be female. cross-dressing is characteristic of both men with paraphilia transvestic fetishism and this type of m-t-f gender dysphoria. but their reasons are much deeper than just sexual arousal.
what are the most common txs for gender identity disorder?
many receive psychotherapy. a lot go further tho with biological interventions: hormone txs in combo with psychotherapy. many are satisfied with this. others need sexual reassignment surgery, preceded by 1-2 yrs of hormone therapy then a yr living as opp. gender before surgery. 1/30,000 men and 1/100000 women seek surgery but there has been debate as to whether its an appropriate tx. and improvement of sexual f-ning after surgery is often lacking. rate of "poor" sexual reassignment outcomes is 8%, f-t-m consistently show the most favorable psychosocial outcomes/ those with autogynephilic type of gender dysphoria are more likely than those with other types to later regret the surgery and have poor outcomes. pts with serious pretx pschological disturbances more likely to regret surgery and attempt suicide