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27 Cards in this Set

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Rotates, flexes and extends the whole neck and pulls head side to side.
O: top of the sternum and clavicle
I: base of temporal bone
Rotator cuff
Made up the SITS muscles
-supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, subscapularis
O: various parts of the scapula
I: humerus
Which of the Rotator Cuff muscles is responsible for the first few degrees of arm abduction?
Which of the Rotator Cuff muscles is responsible for lateral rotation?
infraspinatus & teres minor
Which of the Rotator Cuff muscles is responsible for medially rotates the arm?
Anterior Deltoids
Flexes and medially rotates the humerus
O: at the clavicle, lower edge of the spine of the scapula
I: in the middle of the lateral surface of the humerus
Medial Deltoid
Abduct the shoulder joint
O: at the clavicle, lower edge of the spine of the scapula
I: in the middle of the lateral surface of the humerus
Posterior Deltoid
Extends and laterall rotates the arm.
O: at the clavicle, lower edge of the spine of the scapula
I: in the middle of the lateral surface of the humerus
Pectoralis Minor
Responsible for stabilizing the scapula by drawing it down and forward into the rib cage.
It does downward rotation of the scapula and depression of shoulder.
It also lifts the ribs in aid of respiration
O: in the upper part of 3rd - 5th rib
I: medial border of the scapula
Pectoralis Major
Adduction, medial rotation, forward and horizontal flexion of shoulder
O: clavicles, sternum and first 6 costal cartilage
I: superior end of humerus
Push ups work
Pectoralis Major
Anterior Deltoids
Triceps brachii
Serratus Anterior
Fixes the scapula in place during pushing and punching movements.

Prime action: protraction and upward rotation of shoulder girdle.
O: upper 8 ribs
I: medial border of scapula
Transverse Abdominus
constricts the abdomen, compressing its contents, acting as a girdle.

It involved posture, giving birth, throwing up & breathing

Major role in Spine stability
O: iliac crest, lumbar and last 6 ribs
I: xiphoid process, linea alba and pubis.
Internal Obliques
responsible for lateral flexion of the spine and assist with trunk flexion.
O: iliac crest, thoraco-lumbar area
I; cartilage of lower 3rd and 4th ribs and pubis.
External Obliques
flex and rotate the spine and aid in spine stability
O: anterior lateral edges of lower 8 ribs
I: at the anterior half of ilium and pubic crest
Quadratus Lumborum
pulls the rib cage to hip laterally.
(lateral flexion of spine)
O: iliac crest
I: 12th rib and upper four lumbar vertbrae.
Quadriceps Femoris include:
Rectus femoris
vastus medialis
vastus intermedius
vastus lateralis
Rectus femoris
2 joint muscle that crosses both the knee and hip joint
Hip flexor, but also it can extend the knee.
O: anterior, inferior spine of ilium
I: at the patella to the tibia via patellar ligament.
Vastus medialis and intermedius
Perform knee extension
O: Proximal 2/3 anterior femur
I: tibia
Hip flexor
lateral rotation
flexion of the lumbar vertebrae
O:inner lip of iliac crest and sacrum
Psoas Major??
O: at the transverse process of lumbar vertebrae and T12
I: femur
adduct the hip joint
O: pubis
I: Femur
(Gracilis inserts on the tibia_
What makes up the adductors?
adductor brevis
adductor longus
adductor magnus
Tibialis Anterior
Dorsiflexion of ankle
inversion of foot
O: proximal 2/3 of tivia
I: foot near the first metatarsal
Biceps Brachii
elbow flexion and forearm supination
O: long head glenoid fossa of the scapula, short head originates at the coracoid process
I; radisu and fascia of the forearm.
flexion of the elbow
O: humerus
I: top of ulna
flexes elbow from a semi pronated position
O: humerus
I: distal end of the radius