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34 Cards in this Set

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super class of jawless vertebrates, no scales or paired fins lack vertebrae
larval form after egg of lamprey. Much different from adult. After 4-7 years, it changes into adult.
feature of chordates. supplies most of the propulsive force in swimming.
caudal fin
attaches caudal fin. provides most of the forward propulsion in sharks and other fishes
caudal peduncle
few large, plate like teeth. have upper jaws fused to skull.
fishes with cartilaginous skeletons. no swim bladder or lung, spiral valve in intestine. Male with pelvic claspers. Teeth not fused to jaw.
behind pelvic fin, transfers sperm from cloaca into oviduct of female.
receives feces and gametes.
have lungs, lobed pectoral fins. spiral valve in intestine.
when the caudal fins taper posterially to a point.
jawless fish in class myxini. use toothed like snail radulas for tongues to burrow into carcass and feed from within.
fins with lobes of different sizes. can change the direction of thrust for diving climbing or turning.
canal lying beneath the lateral line and curving around the head. Made up of several receptors detecting electrical activity of prey.
lateral line organ
subclass dipheusti. have one or two lungs with which they can breath air.
rectangular cases which eggs of rays are released within.
mermaids purse
sperm are transported to cloaca from testis via ----------- which also drain kidneys.
mesonephric ducts
kidney in adult fishes. develop into epididymis, vas deferens, of secondary importance in receiving feces and gametes.
mesonephric kidney
maintainence of an overall density that is nearly the same as that of the water
neutral buoyancy
lampreys use to bore through the skin to feed on blood
oral disc
urea and methylamines-retained in high concentrations in body fluid, where they serve as osmolytes that help maintain an osmotic concentration comparable to that of the surrounding water.
respond to gravity and low-frequency sound
otolith organ
eggs are enclosed w/in a tough capsule in which the embryo develops externally
egg is retained inside oviduct during hatching, w/out any other support from mother
have backward pointing spines that reduce hydrodynamic drag in water.
placoid scale
pelagre sharks use in which water is forced into open mouth and past hte gills and out operculi.
ram ventilation
ions that tend to acumulate in the body fluids from the environment are excreted mainly by the ------------.
rectal glands
sucking mouth, nasal sac not connected to pharynx , seen prs. of gill pouches.
sea lamprey
inside inner ears of sharks, sense acceleration of the body
semicircular canals
cavity which water flows through when mouth is closed
in intestine, slows the passage of food and increases the surface area for digestion and absorption
spiral valve
sharks use to maintain neutral buoyancy, low density fat found in large liver
toxic compound to amocoetes, damages gills
born alive