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20 Cards in this Set

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Settlement in a new territory that keeps close ties to the mother country; land taken over by a country to create an empire

Favorable Balance of Trade

When a country has more exports (items they sell to other countries) than imports (items they buy from other countries)


A country gains power by building up its supply of gold and silver; can be accomplished by taking over land where gold and silver are natural resources or by taking over land with natural resources to take to trade; government controls the economy

Natural Resource/Raw Material

Material, such as wood, gold, salt, tobacco and cotton, that occur in nature and can be traded or made into a product that can be traded.


Place where goods are offered for sale


Economic system based upon the private ownership of resources and production in order to make a profit

Market Economy

A system in which individual buyers and sellers interact in the marketplace to exchange/trade goods and services


Being owned or in bondage to another person; the practice or system of one person owning another person or perople

Indentured Servant

Servants who worded for a set period of time to pay off debts or the cost of traveling to the Americas.

Limited Government

Restraints are placed on the power and the authority of the government

Unlimited Government

No restraints are placed upon the actions of the government; the government can become authoritarian or tyrannical


The 18th century philosophical movement stressing reason and applying reason to social institutions, including government, to justify change


Ruler, such as a king or emperor, who rules over a territory, usually for life and has inherited the position


Law, written or unwritten, that establishes the character of a government by defining the basic principles to which a society must conform; describes the organization of the government, limits power, gives rights to citizens


System of government that grants people authority in the functioning of government; government for and by the people

Separation of Powers

Distributing the legislative, executive, and judicial powers to different bodies rather than allowing one person or group to hold all the power; prevents abuse of power

Scientific Revolution

Period from 1500 to 1700 during which a number of important advances in science and math were made; applied reason to establish cause and effect


To think logically; the capacity for logical, rational and analytical thought

State of Nature

A positive condition of human existence that came before social and political organization and was used by the philosophers to explain the process by which political organization occurred

Social Contract Theory

The idea that government was created as an agreement (contract) between social groups as a way of structuring themselves in a way that was food for the people and the government