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50 Cards in this Set

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Notwithstanding prep

in spite of."notwithstanding the evidence, the consensus is that the jury will not reach a verdict"

Partisan adj

showing too much support for one person, group or idea, especially without considering it carefully➔ SYNONYM ​one-sided newspapers have become increasingly partisan



Noun an unfair and unreasonable opinion or feeling, especially when formed without enough thought or knowledge



having existed or continued for a long time."a long-standing tradition"

Mischief n

: a cause or source of harm, evil, or irritationespecially : a person who causes mischiefHe's a real mischief to his family.

Homicide n

1: a person who kills another2: a killing of one human being by anotherdetectives investigating a homicide


transitive ​verb1: to lose or lose the right to especially by some error, offense, or crime abandon


Lend v

قرض ڏيڻ، اُڌارو ڏيڻ

Savage adj

WILD, UNCULTIVATEDseldom have I seen such savage scenery


intransitive ​verb: to occur or develop as a consequence : have or trace an originher success stems from hard work

Testament n

1a: a tangible proof or tribute

Tangible adj

substantially real : MATERIAL2: capable of being precisely identified or realized by the mindher grief was tangible

Majesty n

sovereign power, authority, or dignity


transitive ​verb1: to show or illustrate by exampleanecdotes exemplifying those virtues

Acquaint v

: to make familiar : to cause to know firsthandacquainting the new employees with their responsibilitiesShe took a few days to acquaint herself with the facts of the case

Mean adj

of poor, shabby, or inferior quality or statusmean city streets

Usurp v

: to seize and hold (office, place, functions, powers, etc.) in possession by force or without rightusurp a throneb: to take or make use of without rightusurped the rights to her life story

Play God id

Definition of play Godusually disapproving: to make decisions that have a very powerful and important effect on other people's liveslawyers who play God with people's lives

Air n

: the look, appearance, or bearing of a person especially as expressive of some personal quality or emotion : DEMEANORan air of dignity

Censure n

the act of blaming or condemning sternlyThe country faces international censure for its alleged involvement in the assassination.

Culpable adj

responsible and deserving blame for having done something wrongThe accident was the result of a culpable failure to consider the risks involved.

Reprehensible adj

morally wrong and deserving criticism➔ SYNONYM deplorableHis conduct was thoroughly reprehensible. : CULPABLE

Vice n

evil or immoral behaviour; an evil or immoral quality in somebodyʼs characterThe film ended most satisfactorily: vice punished and virtue rewarded

Compatriots n

: a person born, residing, or holding citizenship in the same country as anotherWe watched our compatriots compete in the Olympics.2: COMPANION, COLLEAGUEher compatriots in academiatheater compatriots

Liable adj

obligated according to law or equity (see EQUITY sense 3) : RESPONSIBLEliable for the debts incurred by his wife

Gentile n

1often capitalized : a person of a non-Jewish nation or of non-Jewish faithespecially : a Christian as distinguished from a Jew2: HEATHEN, PAGAN

Unlettered adj

lacking facility in reading and writing and ignorant of the knowledge to be gained from booksb: ILLITERATE

Chastity n

the state of not having sex with anyone or only having sex with the person you are married to; being chaste


noun1.the state or quality of being holy, sacred, or saintly."the site of the tomb was a place of sanctity for the ancient Egyptians"

Carnal adj

relating to or given to crude bodily pleasures and appetitesgluttony and other carnal activitiesb: marked by sexualitycarnal love

Appetite n

any of the instinctive desires necessary to keep up organic lifeespecially : the desire to eatHe has a hearty appetite.2a: an inherent cravingan insatiable appetite for work

Folk n

: a group of kindred tribes forming a nation : PEOPLE

Lapse n

: a slight error typically due to forgetfulness or inattentiona lapse in table mannersa lapse in security

Unqualified adj

not modified or restricted by reservations : COMPLETEan unqualified denial

Immutable adj

not capable of or susceptible to change fixed

Altogether adv

WHOLLY, COMPLETELYan altogether different problemstopped raining altogether

Employ v

to make use of (someone or something inactive)employ a pen for sketching

Susceptible adj

susceptible (to somebody/​something) very likely to be influenced, harmed or affected by somebody/​something

Plausible adj

(of an excuse or explanation) reasonable and likely to be trueHer story sounded perfectly plausible.

Thwart v

verb past tense: thwarted; past participle: th warted

prevent (someone) from accomplishing something."he never did anything to thwart his father"


verbgerund or present participle: neutralisingmake (something) ineffective by applying an opposite force or effect."impatience at his frailty began to neutralize her fear"


noun1.a plan made in secret by a group of people to do something illegal or harmful.

Unambiguous adj

expressed in a way that makes it completely clear what is meant:The minister promised a clear and unambiguous statement on the future of the coal industry.

Categorically adv

in a way that is without any doubt or possibility of being changed:He categorically refused to take part in the project.Top executives categorically denied that the bank was in trouble.

Efficacious adj

able to produce the intended resultSynonymeffective (SUCCESSFUL

chargé d'affaires N

a person who represents the leader of his or her government, either temporarily while the ambassador is away, or permanently in a country where there is no ambassador:


Michievously adv

in a way that is slightly bad but is not intended to cause serious harm or damage:to grin mischievouslyStacy winked mischievously at his sister and headed quickly for the door


noun1.a messenger or representative, especially one on a diplomatic mission."the UN special envoy to Yugoslavia"Similar:representativedelegate

False flag n

a political or military action that is made to appear to have been carried out by a group that is not actually responsible:He described the train bombings as "false flags".The burning of the building was believed to be a false flag operation by Nazis.

Malign adj

causing or intending to cause harm or evil:Foreign domination had a malign influence on local politics.She describes pornography as "a malign industry