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16 Cards in this Set

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This is any sterile cloth material used to cover the wound
Characteristics of a Wound Dressing
1. sterile
2. clean
3. large enough to
completely cover the wound
4. should be highly absorbent
5. compressible
6. non-sticky
Uses of a Wound Dressing
1. prevent infection
2. Control bleeding
3. Absorb liquid from the wound
4. Protect the wound from further injury
1. Prevent contamination as much as you can
2. Use dressing large enough to extend beyong the wound edges.
3. Places the dressing directly over the wound
4. Secure dressing with taoe or bandages
This is any clean cloth materials, sterile holds the dressing in place
USES of Bandage
1. control bleeding
2. immobilize the body part
3. prevent or reduce swelling
4. Tie splints in place
5. Use a sling for arm support
1. Must be proper,neat and correct
2. apply snugly
3. Always check for tightness
4. Tie ends with square knot
Its the procedure used to immobilize an injured body part
Kinds of Splint
1. Soft
2. rigid
Objectives of Splinting
1. To prevent from further movement
2. To prevent from further swelling
3. To prevent a close injury to become open
4. To improve blood circulation
5. To reduce the risk od serious bleeding
Techniques of Splinting
1. Anatomical
2. Mechanical
It is a technique of splinting that uses uninjured body part
Anatomical technique
1. Sandwich type
2. Single type

Note: Always do the capillary refill
It is a technique of splinting that uses a rigid material
Mechanical Technique
The injuries involved in Splinting
1. Fracture
2. Dislocation
3. Sprain
It is the break in the continuity of the bone
It is the misalignment of the joints
it is a kind of injury wherein there is an overstretching of the ligament / pulled muscle
Guideline in Splinting
1. Care for the wound first before applying a splint
2. Splint an injured body part in which you found it
3. Make sure any knots are not pressing against the injury
4. The splint must extend both above & below the injury
5. When tying, it should be towards the heart
6. Supporting bandages remain effectively.
swathe -arm support