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17 Cards in this Set

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31. Systemic desensitization?
a. Is the gradual exposure of a pt to the feared object or situation while teaching relaxing and breathing techniques.
b. The opposite, flooding, would be directly confronting the pt w/their full fear
32. Tx of specific phobia?
a. Pharmacological tx has NOT been found effective
b. Behavioural therapy is most effective, and systemic desensitization (such as graded exposure and flooding) is a common technique.
c. If necessary, a short course of BZDs or beta blockers may be used during desensitization to help control autonomic sx.
33. Tx of social phobia?
a. Paroxetine (Paxil), an SSRI, is FDA approved for the tx of social anxiety disorder.
b. Beta blockers are frequently used to control sx of performance anxiety.
c. Cognitive and behavioural therapies are useful adjuncts.
34. Obsession?
a. An obsession is a recurrent and intrusive thought, feeling, or idea that is ego-dystonic.
b. Recurrent and persistent intrusive thoughts or impulses that cause marked anxiety and are not simple excessive worries about real problems.
c. Person attempts to suppress the thoughts
d. Person realized thoughts are produce of his or her own mind.
35. Compulsion?
a. A compulsion is a conscious repetitive behaviour linked to an obsession that, when performed, functions to relieve anxiety caused by the obsession.
b. Repetitive behaviours that the person feels driven to perform in response to an obsession.
c. The behaviours are aimed at reducing distress, but there is no realistic link between the behaviour and the distress.
36. On what axis is OCD?
a. Axis I.
37. OCD?
a. OCD is an Axis I disorder in which patients have recurrent intrusive thoughts (obsessions) that ↑ their anxiety level.
b. They usually relieve this anxiety w/recurrent standardized behaviours (compulsions).
c. Patients are generally aware of their problems and realize their thoughts and behaviours are irrational (they have insight).
d. The sx cause significant distress in their lives, and pts wish they could get rid of them.
38. Prevalence of OCD?
a. 2-3%.
b. Onset is usually in early adulthood, and M:F.
c. OCD is associated w/major depressive disorder, eating disorders, other anxiety disorders, and obsessive-compulsive personality disorder.
d. The rate of OCD is higher in pts w/1st degree relatives who have Tourette syndrome.
39. Neurochemical disturbances in OCD?
a. Abnormal regulation of serotonin.
40. Medical conditions associated w/OCD?
a. Head injury
b. Epilepsy
c. Basal ganglia disorders
d. Postpartum conditions.
41. Psychosocial triggers of OCD?
a. The onset of OCD is triggered by a stressful life event in ~60% of pts.
42. Common pattern of Obsessions and compulsions?
a. Contamination
b. Doubt
c. Checking
d. Symmetry
e. Intrusive thoughts
f. Somatic obsessions
43. Obsessions about contamination?
a. Followed by excessive washing or compulsive avoidance of feared contaminant.
44. Obsessions about doubt?
a. Forgetting to turn off the stove, lock the door, etc.
b. Followed by repeated checking to avoid potential danger.
45. Obsessions about symmetry or order?
a. Compulsively slow performance of a task (such as eating, showering, lining items exactly in place, etc).
46. Obsessions of intrusive thoughts?
a. No compulsion.
b. Thoughts are often sexual or violent.
47. Somatic obsessions?
a. Cause people to view parts of their body, wastes, or secretions as “abnormal”.