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23 Cards in this Set

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It is an immediate & continuing care given to a person who has been injured or suddenly taken ill. It includes self help & home care when medical assistance is delayed or unavailable
First Aid
What are the objectives of First Aid?
1. Alleviate pain or suffering
2. Prevent further injury
3. Prolong life & save limb
What are the roles and responsibilities of a First Aider?
1. Bridge that fills the gap between the victim and the physician.
2. Ends when the services of the physician begins.
3. Not intended to compete nor take the place of the services of the physician
4. Record all the assessments and care given to the victim
5. Ensure personal safety and that of the victim and bystanders.
What are the characteristics of a good first aider?
G - entle
R - esourceful
O - bservant
T - actful
E - mpathic
R - espectful
What are the guidelines in giving emergency care?
I . Getting Started
A. Planning of Action
B. Gathering of Needed Materials
C. Initial response as follows:
Ask for help
Do no further harm
D. Instruct bystanders /helpers

II. Emergency Action
Principles (EAP)

1. Survey the Scene
2. Do the Primary Survey
3. Activate Medical
Assistance (AMA)/ Arrange
Trasfer Facility (ATF)
4. Do the Secondary Survey
These are the series of
checks for life threatening condition in specific details.
Primary Survey
What are the ABC's of Life?
1. Airway
2. Breathing
3. Circulation
The passage of air from mouth and nose into the lungs
1. Head tilt, chin lift maneuver
2. Jaw thrust
3. Tongue jaw lift
LLF Method ( look, listen, feel)
1. rise and fall of the chest
2. listen to the air coming out from the mouth & nose of the victim
3. Feel the breath using sensation 3-5 seconds
(-)Breathing (+) Pulse
Respiratory Arrest
Rescue Breathing
(-)Breathing (-) Pulse
Cardiac Arrest
The series of checks for the other injuries that may become life threatening if left unattended
Secondary Survey

Secondary Survey if Conscious
V-ictims Information
S-igns and Symptoms
P-ast Medical History
L-ast Meal Intake
E-vent Prior to Accident
Secondary Survey if Unconscious
O-pen Wound
Head to Toe Examination
1. Head - look & feel for cuts, bruises and other signs of injury.
2. Skin Appearance - look at the Victims face and lips & record skin appearance (temp, moisture, color)
3.Pupil -check, compare both eyes
Dilated Pupil - bleeding
and shock
Constricted Pupil
- heatstroke or
drug overdose
Unequal Pupil - head
injury or stroke
4. Ear, Nose and Mouth
- check for cluid and
5. Shoulder and Collar Bone
- check and compare
6. Neck - gently feel the side of the neck for signs of injury , chest and ribcase
7. Abdomen - check the V's abdomen for tenderness by pressing lightly c the part of your fingers.
8. Hip Bone -pressing slowly downwards inward for possible fracture
9. Arm & Leg - check one at a time
10. Spinal Column - place the victim into side lying posiion to press gently from the cervical region down to for possible injury
Vital Signs Monitoring
Body Temp - 36.5 C to 37.5 C
Pulse Rate - 60 to 80 bpm
RR - 12-18 cmp
BP = 120/80 mmHG
Transmission of disease occurs when a person touches an infected persons blood body fluid
Direct Contact
Transmission of disease occurs when a person touches an aobject that have been contaminated by blood or body fluids of an infected person
Indirect Contact
Transmission occurs when a person inhales contaminated and infected droplets that have been become airborne
Transmission occurs when an animal such as dogs or insects transmit disease into the body though a bite
This is the precautions taken to isolate risk of exposure from any other type of bodily substance
BSIP ( Body Substance Isolation Precautions
1. Proper Hygiene
2. Protective Equipment
3. Equipment cleaning and
Golden Rules for a First Aider

1. Do obtain consent if possible.
2. Do think worse
3. Do call for help
4. Remember to identify yourself
5. Do respect victims modesty & physical privacy
6. Do care for most serious injuries first
7. Do keep bystanders away from the victim
8.Do handle the victim to a minimum
9. Loosen tight clothings
10. Provide comfort and emotional support

1. Do not further harm the victim
2. Do not let the victim see his/her own injury
3. Do not leave the victim except to get help
4. Do not assume that the obvious injuries are the only one
5. Do not make unrealistic promises
6. Do not trust the judgment of confused victim
7. Do not require he victim to make a decision
Hindrances in Giving Frist Aid
1. Unfavorable surrounding
2. Pressure from the victim and victims relatives
3.Pressure from rescuers own expectation