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52 Cards in this Set

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____ ___ occurs when the brake drums become hot and expand away from the brake shoes, so that the stroke of the slack adjuster becomes less effective.
Brake Fade

pg 194
pump ops
To avoid brake fade, you should use the brakes only in short, ___ to ___ second burst rather than as a continuous applicaiton.
5 to 10 second burst

pg 194
pump ops
When the fire apparatus is operating with only the emergency lights and no audible siren, it is engaging in a ________________.
Code 2 response

pg 194
pump ops
To reduce the risks of responding during the night, follow these guidlines: (7)
1. Keep you eyes constantly scanning the roadway
2. To avoid glare from oncoming lights, glance to the right edge of the road
3. Keepthe fire apparatus's front windshield and headlights clean
4. Keep the interior cab light off
5. Many fire apparatus cabs are equipped with red lights inside the cab. These lights should be used during the night
6. Stay alert at night
7. Slow down and increase your following distance

pg 196
pump ops
While driving in good weather conditions, you should ensure a safe distance from the vehicle ahead of you by following the ____-____ ____.
The Three-Second Rule

pg 197
pump ops
While driving in poor driving conditions, you should follow the ___-____ ___ for added safety.
The Six-Second Rule

pg 197
pump ops
The braking distances are very important for you to consider while responding in the fire apparatus, and they will differ for each fire apparatus depending on several factors: (4)
1. The size and weight of the fire apparatus
2. The fire apparatus's overall condition, including brakes, tires, and suspension
3. The speed at which the fire apparatus is traveling
4. The surface condition of the road

pg 197
pump ops
____ ____ is the movement of liquid inside a container as the container is moved.
Liquid Surge

pg 197
pump ops
If the fire apparatus begins to skid you should: (3)
1. Stay off the brake
2. Steer, turn the steering wheel in the direction you want to go
3. Continue to steer, continue to correct you steering until the vehicle is again moving down the road under your control.

pg 197-198
pump ops
When approaching an intersection where all lanes of traffic are blocked with other vehicles, you should _____ all sirens and horns at least ____ feet before the stopped traffic is reached. You should leave the emeregency lights on and bring the fire apparatus to a stop at least ____ feet from the nearest vehicle in traffic.
turn off all sirens and horns
at least 200 feet
and stop at least 100 feet from the nearest vehicle.

pg 198
pump ops
Some calls may be dispatched to an area and not a specific address. When trying to locate an emergency scene, the entire crew should look for some of the following sign: (7)
1. Civilians attempting to wave them down
2. Smoke in the area
3. Police cars with their emrgency lights on
4. Congested streets that normally are devoid of traffic
5. Residential lights that are flickering on and off during the night
6. Headlights from a car that is off the roadway

pg 199-200
pump ops
While the other members of the crew are completing an investigation on the building's interior, you should further size up the incident for the exterior and prepare for any needed operations. This effort may include the following steps: (5)
1. Determining the best position to spot other incoming fire apparatus
2. Locating the nearest hydrant
3. Locating the sprinkler system or standpipe connection
4. Preparing equipment that may be requested by the officer or IC
5. Observing any potential hazards on the scene

pg 200
pump ops
The placement of fire apparatus on the fire ground should take into account the following considerations: (3)
1. Your fire department's SOP
2. A Direct order from the IC
3. A conscious decision on the part of the company officer based on existing or predictable conditions

pg 201
pump ops
When fire apparatus are on a fire scene, they are classified into one of two categories:
1. Working, These fire apparatus are actually in use
2. Parked, These fire apparatus are not being used on the fire scene. Their only reason for being on scene, is to transport personnel to the scene of the fire.

pg 201
pump ops
Which NFPA Standard identifies the need tp provide a standard system to manage reserves of responders and other resources at or near the scene of the incident.
NFPA 1561, Standard on Emergency Services Incident Management System.

pg 201
pump ops
Some calls may be dispatched to an area and not a specific address. When trying to locate an emergency scene, the entire crew should look for some of the following sign: (7)
1. Civilians attempting to wave them down
2. Smoke in the area
3. Police cars with their emrgency lights on
4. Congested streets that normally are devoid of traffic
5. Residential lights that are flickering on and off during the night
6. Headlights from a car that is off the roadway

pg 199-200
pump ops
While the other members of the crew are completing an investigation on the building's interior, you should further size up the incident for the exterior and prepare for any needed operations. This effort may include the following steps: (5)
1. Determining the best position to spot other incoming fire apparatus
2. Locating the nearest hydrant
3. Locating the sprinkler system or standpipe connection
4. Preparing equipment that may be requested by the officer or IC
5. Observing any potential hazards on the scene

pg 200
pump ops
The placement of fire apparatus on the fire ground should take into account the following considerations: (3)
1. Your fire department's SOP
2. A Direct order from the IC
3. A conscious decision on the part of the company officer based on existing or predictable conditions

pg 201
pump ops
When fire apparatus are on a fire scene, they are classified into one of two categories:
1. Working, These fire apparatus are actually in use
2. Parked, These fire apparatus are not being used on the fire scene. Their only reason for being on scene, is to transport personnel to the scene of the fire.

pg 201
pump ops
Which NFPA Standard identifies the need tp provide a standard system to manage reserves of responders and other resources at or near the scene of the incident.
NFPA 1561, Standard on Emergency Services Incident Management System.

pg 201
pump ops
When used successfully, proper staging of fire apparatus can accomplish the following goals: (3)
1. Reduce unnecessary radio traffic
2. Reduce excessive apparatus congestion at the scene
3. Provide the IC with a resource pool

pg 201-202
pump ops
Generally, _____________ is ineffect for all first alarm assignments, or incidents involving three or more units.
Level 1 Staging

pg 202
pump ops
During Level 1 Staging, the only units that proceed directly to the scene of a working structure fire are the fire-due ______, _____, and _____.
first-due engine, ladder and chief

pg 202
pump ops
___________ is utilized on second or greater alarms or when mutual aid units report to and incident.
Level 2 Staging

pg 202
pump ops
As a driver operator, you must base your decision about placement of the fire apparatus on the following conditions: (2)
1. Rescue potential
2. Exposures

pg 203
pump ops
________ is the first priority for every reponding fire apparatus.

pg 203
pump ops
Usually, the front of the building is left available for the first-arriving ______ _____ regardless of the conditions.
First- Arriving Ladder Apparatus

pg 203
pump ops
Position the vehicle far enough away from the exposure to remain safe, but close enough to deliver fire streams for exposure protection. Usually, a distance of ___' is sufficient to allow the unit to operate, yet remain a safe distance from the fire.
30 feet

pg 203
pump ops
Most fire departments specify a collapse zone as a distance of ____ time the hieght of the building in which fire fighters and fire apparatus must not be located in case of a building collapse.
1 1/2 times

pg 203
pump ops
Most aerial devices are designed to be operated in winds up to ____ without any reduction in tip load.
50 mph

pg 204
pump ops
All aerial devices should remain a minimum of ___ from all overhead wires.

pg 205
pump ops
An _______ _____ is a standpipe and/or sprinkler system.
Auxiliary appliance

pg 205
pump ops
A _____ ___ is described by NFPA 1620, as a document developed by gathering general and detailed data used by responding personnel to determine the resources and actions necessary to mitigate anitcipated emergencies at a specific facility.
Preincident plan

pg 205
pump ops
According to the U.S. Fire Administration, the fifth leading cause of fatal injuries to fire fighters in 2005 was being ______________.
Struck by an object

pg 206
pump ops
Fire fighters should exit the apparatus on the _____ _____ or the nontraffic side whenever possible.
Curb Side or Nontraffic side

pg 206
pump ops
When possible, position the fire apparatus at a ___ degree angle away form the curbside to direct motorist around the scene.
45 degree angle

pg 206
pump ops
While most state laws require only one lighted lamp exhibiting red light visible uner normal atmospheric conditions from a distance of ___ feet, many fire departments exceed this requirement.
500 feet

pg 208
pump ops
The goals of traffic control are fourfold: (4)
1. To improve responder safety while working at the incident
2. To keep the traffic flowing as smoothly as possible around the incident
3. To prevent the occurrence of secondary accident at the scene
4. To prevent unnecessary use of the surrounding road system

pg 209
pump ops
With in ___ minutes of arriving on the scene of a traffic incident, the IC should estimate the magnitude of the incident, the expected length of the queue of backed up motorist on the highway or roadway, and the duration of the incident.
15 minutes

pg 209
pump ops
The US Department of Transportation's Federal Highway Administration publishes the ___ _ ____ ___ ____ ____ ___ ___ __ _____. (MUTCD).
Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways.

pg 208
pump ops
According to the MUTCD, traffic incidents may be classified into one of three general classes of duration, each of which presents its own unique hazards and traffic control needs. They are: (3)
1. Major traffic incident
2. Intermediate traffic incident
3. Minor traffic incident

pg 209
pump ops
____ ____ ___ include fatal crashes involving mutliple vehicles, hazardous materials incidents on the highway and other diasters.
Major Traffic Incidents

pg 209
pump ops
____ ____ ___ are less sever in nature and usually affect the lanes of travel for 30 minutes to 2 hours. Traffic control is required to divert moving traffic around and past the incident.
Intermediate traffic incidents

pg 209
pump ops
____ _____ ______ may involve minor crashes and disabled vehicles. Lane closures are kept to a minimum and are less than 30 minutes in duration.
Minor Traffic Incidents

pg 209
pump ops
MUTCD defines a ____ ____ ____ ____ as an area of highway where temporary traffic controls are imposed by authorized officials in reponse to a traffic incident, natural disaster, hazardous material spill, or other unplanned incident.
Traffic Incident Management Area (TIMA)

pg 209
pump ops
The TIMA area is further subdivided into the following sectiona: (7)
1. Advance Warning Area
2. Transition Area
3. Activity Area
4. Buffer Space
5. Incident Space
6. Traffic Space
7. Termination Area

pg 209
pump ops
_____ ______ should be the first priority once the fire apparatus arrives at the scene.
Traffic Control is the first Priority.

pg 210
pump ops
The ____ of fire fighters should always be the first priorty--- not the contiuous flow of traffic.
The Safety

pg 212
pump ops
If possible use the _____,____ fire apparatus as the first blocker.
Largest and Heaviest

pg 212
pump ops
Always position the the fire apparatus at least ___ feet away from all involved vehicles.
30 feet

pg 212
pump ops
You should position the fire apparatus at a __ degree angle to the burning vehicle to protect the area near the pump panel as well as the scene.
45 degree angle

pg 212
pump ops
Ideally, the driver/operator should position the fire apparatus either ____ feet before or after the address when responding to an EMS call.
100 feet before or after

pg 212
pump ops