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52 Cards in this Set

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What is the purpose of a written a news release

To educate the public on fire and life safety

When reading a news release start by summarizing the story in the first sentence and answer what questions

Who, what, when, where, and why

Always use what type of voice

Active voice

Is important to do what with all quoted in paraphrase material


It is acceptable to take credit for other peoples work true or false


Is important to you what with a news release prior to submission

Read aloud

what should you do prior to an interview

Be prepared review information prior to the interview

You should avoid what of other agencies


What type of budget covers major purchases such as items that cost more than a certain specified amount of money

Capital budgets

What type of budget cover recurring expenses of the day-to-day operations of a Department

Operating budgets or expense budgets

What is the largest single item that can be found an operating budget


Personal expenses can account for how much of an operating budget

90 percent

Which type of budget is designed to prevent overspending and is easily reviewed

The line item budget

What are the two individual categories that a line item budget are broken down into

Personnel services and other expenses

A form of line item budget that uses different programs or activities and place of different or individual categories is what type of budget

Program budget

What type of budget is also similar to a program budget and is categorized by function or activity

Performance budget

What type of budget requires all expenditures to be justified at the beginning of the new budget cycle as opposed to simply explaining the amounts requested that exceed the previous year

Zero based budget

What is the primary benefit to zero based budget

To prevent the budget from becoming out of control by automatic increases

What are the five steps in the budget process

Planning, preparation, internal review, external review, implementation

How far in advance should the planning stage start

Three to five months prior to the end of the fiscal year

Is it ever acceptable to combine capital and operating budgets


To what level does an internal review escalate to

Group level

To what level is a budget submitted for an external review


In what two ways are bids done

Bid specifications, request for purchase

Bid specifications are drawn up by the fire department to outline what

Exactly what they desire in the product or service

Government purchase cards are authorized for purchases up to what dollar amount


General Services Administration is a reliable supply system providing what

Supplies for government and military customers everywhere in the world

For GSA purchases exceeding $3000 you must first have what

3 sources

What is a policy

A guide to decision-making within a Department

What is a procedure

A written communication or plan of action used in conjunction with a policy

Procedures detail the what to be followed in carrying out department policies


When policies and procedures are combined they form the foundation used to build what

Standard operating procedures, orders and directives, fire ground orders

The decision making / problem solving process can be used to initiate what

Required policies

The decision making process can begin using these elements

Define the problem, identify alternative solutions, evaluate the alternatives, choose and implement the most promising alternative, monitor the results and adjust if necessary

A preformatted document completed by adding specific information to the applicable areas is what type of report

Form report

What may be the result of a form report or May be part of a project or analysis, are written in essay form and are similar to oral presentations

Narrative reports

What are the types of narrative reports

Justification, recommendation, progress, progress and justification, description

What type of report focuses on why is certain course of action was taken or should be taken

Justification report

What type of report states the problem provides a variety of solutions

Recommendation report

What type of report provides an overview of the current status of a project

Progress report

What provides justification for the project and describes the steps to complete the project

Progress and justification report

What report describes a process, project, order item that gives the audience a detailed image of the subject

Description report

In the case of a volunteer department revenues may come from which of the following? Bake sales, golf tournaments, corporate donations, all of the above

All of the above

There are five steps in the budget process, planning, preparation, internal review, external review, and blank. Implementation, budgetary review, fire chief's approval, activation.


A budget is a plan that identifies what the fire department intends to accomplish during the coming blank. Year, fiscal year, six months, one to three years.

Fiscal year

This provides a reliable supply system providing a vast selection of supplies for government and military customers anywhere in the world? They supply, General Services Administration, power Hawk, National Fire Academy.

General service administration

Fire apparatus and equipment, fire stations, and large quantities of hose are all? Capital budget, major purchases; operating budget, day-to-day purchases; line item, departmental expenditures; other expense budget, miscellaneous purchases.

Capital budget, major purchases

Which of the following budgets will contain personal services and reoccurring day today expenses of the fire department? Capital budget, operating budget, legislative budget, employee benefits budget.

Operating budget

Company officers must receive what instruction on departmental policies to explain policies and procedures to subordinates and two new employees as part of indoctrination. Informal, on the job, casual, formal.


A policy is often referred to as a guide to decision making within an organization. True, false.


Report writing can be challenging, fire officers can increase their writing skills through. Constant practice and report writing, requesting advice from experienced report writers, constant proofreading, all the above.

All the above

When preparing budget requests involving capital budget and operating budget it is ok to combine the funds in whatever way the fire chief approves. True, faults.
