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33 Cards in this Set

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What are the 4 types of business?

- Sole proprietorship

- Partnership

- Corporation

- Limited liability company

What is a sole proprietorship and who is liable?

Owned by one, sole business owner who is completely liable for the organisation. Hard to transfer ownership and build capital.

What is a general limited partnership and who is liable?

Owned by two or more individuals who both share decisions and liability.

What is a limited partnership and how is it different from a general partnership?

In a limited partnership partners are limited to the amount they invested in the business, although one partner must ultimately accept "general partnership" and be completely liable. general partnerships spread liability equally.

What is a corporation and who is liable?

A corporation is a separate legal entity.

What is the difference between a corporation , "S" corporation and professional corporations?

"S" corporation receive less tax, but are limited to 75 shareholders. Professional corporations are Doctors, Lawyers, Accountants etc.

What is a limited liability company and who is liable?

Like limited partnership but with no general partner. The cost of forming is the same as corporations.

What are the 4 things you can protect intellectual property through?

1. Patents

2. Trademarks

3. Trade secrets

4. Copyrights

What does a patent protect?

Design, utility, business methods, plants

What do trade secrets protect and how do you ensure this? What makes them hard?

They protect ways of doing business, customer lists. Usually in the form of a non-disclosure form or clause in company contract.

What are the 4 "types" of trademark?

1. Trademark (logos)

2. Service mark (redcross)

3. Certification marks (quality)

4. Collective marks (membership)

What is accrual accounting?

Recording activity as it is recognised rather than when it happens. E.g. Noting sales before the money is handed over.

What is a balance sheet and what is balanced?

A snapshot of an organisations financial position.

Assets vs. Liabilities and owner equity

How are balance sheet assets ordered?

In order of liquidity

What is a current asset?

An asset that can be converted to cash in under a year

What are the 4 types of current assets on a balance sheet?


Marketable securities



What are receivables?

Credit sales made

What are Inventories?

Products hoping to be sold

What are Marketable securities?

Short term, highly liquid assets

What is the time periods of fixed assets and name 4?

Fixed assets are likely to not be sold in the next year and above

They are:

1. Equipment/buildings

2. Depreciation

3. Accumulate depreciation

4. "Other" = rights

Name the 4 types of current liabilities

Payables, Accrued wages, Bank loan, "Other"

Name the 3 types of long term liabilities

1. capital lease = cost of equipment lease

2. Operating lease = provide maintenance in addition to finance

3. Owners equity = money contributed by owner

What are retained earnings?

Profits retained by the business as a result of operations

What does an income statement track?

change to the value of expenses/revenues over a given period

What is the cost of goods sold?

The cost of labour/materials to produce a product

What are gross earnings

net sales - the cost of production

What does the statement of cashflow show?

How money flows in and out of an organisation at a given time. How changes in the balance sheet and income statement impact cash.

What does survival bottom line show?

A ventures liquid resource

What are variable expenses

Those that correlate directly with revenue

What are fixed expenses

Expenses that don't change regardless of revenue

How to work out survival revenue?

VCRR = Variable cost / revenue




What is NOT included when working out cash fixed costs?


