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123 Cards in this Set

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Employer Hiring Practice
HR manages recruitment process, Hiring manager of the department decides who to hire
Employers most valued skill sets (5)
Communication skills

- teamwork


-strong work ethic

- problem solving skills

80/20 Rule
- 80% of job openings are never advertised to public

- spend 20% of your time on job postings, and 80% of your time networking

Elevator Pitch
if in an elevator with someone, the short conversation to sell yourself and network
Impression Management
Body Language
4 main causes of unemployment
1. Structural Unemployment

2. Cyclical unemployment

3. Seasonal unemployment

4. Frictional unemployment

Structural Unemployment
decline in demand in an industry, changes in patterns of trade
Cyclical unemployment
lack of demand for goods and services (recession)
Seasonal Unemployment
tourism, retail,
Frictional Unemployment
people moving between jobs, or first time in job market (students)
Workers with Job Search Challenges
Youth, New Immigrants, Disability, Older Worker
Formal Job Search
looking at ads, applications
Informal job search methods
asking personal contacts and people in network.

most commonly used and most effective

Fountain research on finding a job in the internet age. (2)
1. unemployed internet searchers different from non internet searchers

---> internet searchers have more human capital

2. does the internet help people find jobs?

----> at first yes, after no.

Social Network

--> Strength of ties

personal set of relationships among people who are linked or tied to eachother

---> family members, emotional tie

---> weaker are acquaintance or friend of friend

Social Capital
positive outcome from a social network. The size, structure, resources of the members.
tendency of individuals to prefer to interact with other like themselves.

--> informal recruiting promotes discrimination, employers hire workers who are like themselves.

Domestic Labor
activities essential to maintaining and reproducing individuals, families, and their residences.
Rlationship of Paid and Unpaid Domestic Labor
If no means to production, must sell labor. both processes are interdependent and indispensable.
Meg Luxton - Labor of Love

- domestic labor has 2 components

- Integral Tasks (3)

- 1. meeting household needs

- 2. producing labor power

---> 1, housework (cooking, cleaning, home maintenance

2. childbearing and childrearing, (having and raising children)

3. Consumption work (making ends meet, money managment)

Work done in the house,

-Easier with industrialization

- Richer households have more housework tasks, and may do more of their own labor

- colored people who dont hav emoney are working so much they dont have time for their own domestic labor

Childrearing is much more intensive today then in the past.
Hays - Childrearing is guided by 3 societal beliefs
1. mothers should be central caregivers

2. Kids come first

3. Child-rearing is more important than paid work

Intensive Mothering
childrearing is child centered, expert guided, emotionaly absorbing, labor intensive, and financially expensive.
Modern Day Slavery
Human trafficking
Project Seclusion
national Human Trafficking Threat Assessment , outlines current state of human Trafficking in Canada
Project Lookout
Crime grant, to the OPP to examine Human trafficking
Human Trafficking
involves the recruitment, harboring, and control of movement of persons for the purpose of exploitation
Human Smuggling
Choice to be snuck into a another country or region
Bill C-36
Prostitution Law Reform
The Game
The business of prostitution

number of "ho's" working for the pimp
The Track
the corner or street of prostitutes
grooming a woman for the sex trade. (physical or emotional abuse, sexual assault
Choozy Suzy
choosing another pimp through eye contact
3 phases of "The Game"
1. Recruitment and Luring

2. Isolation

3. Control and Exploitation

Mack Daddy
zero violence, only mental manipulation
Gorilla Pimp
violent pimp, fear and intimidation for control
Addicted Based Pimp
uses drug addiction to control stable
Standard Employment Relationship
40 hours a week, 1 employer, year round, work on work premise

De Jure Employer
Legal employer
De Facto Employer
employer in practice (contracted, control the work)
Non-Standard Job
Part-Time, On-Call, Temp, self employed
moving aspects of employment outside the organization, to increase organizational flexibility rather than stability

- Nonstandard Work

READING: Kalleberg Nonstandard (precarious, contingent labor)

- measure 3 dimensions


1. Earnings,

2. Access to Healthcare

3. Access to Pensions

- worse than standard jobs, but quality of nonstandard varies

Rise of Nonstandard Work (4)
1. Rise of women in Workforce

2. Reduces Employment Cost

3. Rise of Service Sector

4. Globalization

Why do Employers hire nonstandard workers (4)
maximize efiiciency and reduce cost

numerical flexibility (hire and fire)

Fill labor shortage

Screening strategy

READING: Cranford - Precarious Work is gendered
- quantitative study

- Continuum

--> Full-time permanent (least precarious [men])

--> Full-time temporary (more prevalent for men

---> Part-Time permanent (more likely women

---> Part-Time Temp (most women

4 types of temp work

contract (term)



mostly younger, or women

2 types of self employment
Self Employed employer

--> you are owner and people work below you

Own Account Self Employed

--> work by yourself no people behind you

What is a profession?
High Social Status
What is a profession?

- hall mark traits


-govern,ent recognition

-folk concept

Hallmark Traits/Characteristic Approach
things you need to have a profession,


Power Approach
professionals have significant power over social influence
Government Recognition
government legislation = profession
Folk Concept

--> 3 processes occupations went through to obtain professional status

1. Social Closure

--> establish schools and formal education to limit access

---> seek government legislation

2. Social campaigns/movements

--> tell government they have the solution

3. obtain legislation

--> need to gain some formal legislation

Man's Experience in Female Dominated Profession

Glass Escalator

- in depth interviews

- men have positive experience, only negative from public

Intra Professional Conflict
Within occupation conflict

Chinese Medicine, hard for them to convince public to be a profession

Women's Experience in Male Dominated Profression
Glass Ceiling

--> women and minorities are locked into the bottom of hierarchy. can se top but cant get it.

Inter Profesional Conflict
across occupation conflict

- occurs when professionals overlap in markets

is the process through which an occupational group organize and raise social status, privilege, power
Service Work (2)
produce and consume at same time

- workers selling presentation of themselves as well as labor power

Service Work Common characteristics (4)
1. emotional labor

2. required to please employer and customer

3. often involve dirty work

4. tends to be non-standard work

Emotional Labor

- Surface vs. Deep



--> acting a certain way


--> try to internalize way you are acting


--> use emotional labor to alienate and control worker

--> gendered

Assymetry of Respect
expected to respect employer and customer but nothing in return
READING: Domestic Workers

-International Transfer of Caretaking (3 tier)

- Racial division of reproductive labor

- 1. middle class women

2. migrant fillipinas

3. filipina workers in Phillipines

White Collar Work
- office based work, suits
Trends that lead to white collar work (3)
increase in white collar jobs

- bureaucratization

- Rationalization

Clerical Work

-least amount of education needed for white collar

-female dominated

Emotional Labor

Electronic Panopticon
ways to monitor clerical workers with technology

(how fast you type, sites visited)

Administration Sales and Technical Workers
Computers, analyst,

- education higher than clerical

-male dominated

Managerial Work
- autonomy

-leading people


Occupational Subculture
middle class masculinity

- not set up for women

READING: White Collar Sweatshop

- Paradox

- ball and chain

- optimism compared to high stress and not great pay

Interviewed people regularly

- technology allows 24/7 work, monitor and control workers

A way out of White Collar sweatshops (3)
Individual Change

--> slack off

Organizational change

Collective Change

--> unions

Underground Economy
income through crime
Crime like work
income generating,

white collar crime, robbery,

Sex Work
sex-related work, can be illegal and legal
Push Factors into Sex Trade

Pull Factors in Sex Trade


--> forced sex slavery


--> the need to earn money

4 characteristics of that shape experience of sex work
1. control over work (lack of)

2. emotional labor

3. physical requirement

4. Violence and health concerns

Occupational Crime
illegal acts committed through opportunity in the course of an occupaiton that is legal

-workplace theft (embezzlement)

White Collar Crime
committed in employment or in other commercial situations for economic gain

- done by powerful that also create distrust in society

Corporate Crime
committed by an don behalf of corporation

- unsafe working conditions

Blue Collar Work
manual/physical labor

- Primary Industry

-Craft and Trade

- manufacturing and machinery

Primary industry altered by 4 key trends
mechanization, consolidation, capitalization, immigration
Primary Industry
Mining, Fishing, Logging, Agriculture
Traditional Job
power inequality, control, resistance conflict
participatory, humanizing, cooperative,
Labor Market Segmentation Theory

- Core/Primary



--> large firms, good wage


--> high security, good working condition


--> smaller, highly competitive, non-union


--> low wage, dead end jobs

Labor Market Segmentation Theory

- Emphasis

DEmand Side of Economy

Labor Market Segmentation Theory

-6 assumprion

inter-related, non competing markets

access to primary market resrticted

employers shape how to match workers and jobs

employer demand is influenced by structural shifts

job reward are determined by position of job in economy

labor market characterized by conflict (HC =consensus)

Life course perspective
development and experience over lifecourse with emphjasis on key events
Stalled Revolution
change in society but n change in job

= Work - Family Conflict

Role Strain =
role overload + conflict
Sticky Floor / Cement Ceiling
People of color

- stuck to the bottom, cant see the top

Employment Equity Act
ensure members of 4 groups treated faily in employment

- women, visible minority, disability, aboriginal

Pay Equity Act
equal pay, equal value of work
Traditional Organizational Logic
jobs and hierarchies are based on abstract categories with no gender or sexuality


Horizontal Sex segregation

Vertical Sex Segregation

Horizontal - different jobs by men and women

Vertical - same job different levels,

Queuing Theory
employers have labor queues,

Based in skill, ability, attributes

- most significant in hiring


-3 types

formal mechanism for employer breaking contract or law

1. Individual


3. Policy

Right to Work
overturns the Rand Formula
Rand Formula
payment of union dues is mandatory
explains how work under capitalism is structured to make workers powerless
Marx Sources of Alienation (4)
1. what they produce

2. process of production

3. themselves

4. others

Sources of Job Satisfaction
Intrinsic Factors - most sigificant
Job Satisfaction




Race - visible minority less satisfied

Age - younger

Occupation - primary sector

Fredrick Taylor
Rationalizing the Labor Process

- make labor more efficient

Why Rationalize?
3 principles of Taylorism
1. Dissociate process from skill of worker

2. Separation of conception from execution

3. Use of monopoly over knowledge to control each step of process

Skill Polarization
gap between skilled and unskilled workers
Defining Skill (2)
1. knowledge

2. ability to perform a task well

Iron Law of Oligarchy
majority will always be ruled by the few
Bureaucratic (4)
power inequality




NMP (4)




Merchant Capitalism
system of production, workers paid a piece rate
Industrial Capitalism
accumulation and processing of raw materials

capitalists own and control the process of creating goods

exchange labor for wage

Monopoly Capitalism
internationalization of the DOL

mass production

Family Wage
wage should be high enough to allow a male to support stay at home wife and children
activity a person is paid or unpaid for working,
Neo Weberian: Ritzer

- efficiency, calculability, predictability, control

Human Capital Theory
Supply Side